
Sight see

2 weeks later

"Oh my god I never thought they would be swimming lizards in the new world." A man had said while looking at the swamp with three girls and one other man .

"Stop calling it that. They named this place omen. Sense apparently the monsters in this specific place are here to help" the taller man said to the other.

"It still looks p-pretty scary." One of the girls said while hiding behind one of the men.

"Don't worry if any of them tried anything we would stop them.also there said to only attack if someone was in danger!" The other girl said to the shy and scared one.

"Isn't there supposed to be a big one?" The tall man said.

After he had finished that sentence aku rose out of the water he had grew another 3 feet in hight making him 10 feet tall he was able to stand in the water sense he was closer to the dock where the people where.

Aku had found out that he can make his nails longer or shorter . He can apparently minipulate the hard skin and kariten on his hands he can even wrap his whole hand in it and make his hand into a blade.

He had made his nails shar sense these people where just visiting.

The girls tried to hide behind the two men. But was put at ease when aku turned towards them and waved before walking through the water to another dock. The swamp looked a lot more clearer and was way more pretty then when he had first appeared. He thinks the atmosphere changes based on his mood.

The girls sighed in relief and watched in amazement as they where able to see how tall aku was when he was Finnaly on shore.

"Oh my god they said it was big but not that big!" The smaller man said.

One of the girls ran over to aku. She had short black hair and some gear that looked like someone that was greatly good at using sword would wear.

She ran over to him and stopped Atleast 5 feet away from him.

"Amy! What are you doing! " the shy girl said while hiding behind the tall guy. The whole whole the tall man was blushing.

"They said he was nice. So I wanna pet him!" She said as she slowly walked closer to aku.

"What the hell is wrong with this girl. Is she stupid or something." Aku looked as his eyes cocked towards her and he grunted.

As soon as she got close to him she petted him for a while before whipping out a top hat and placing it on his head.

"What is this bull shit I'm no doll!" Aku let out a small hiss as she started walking away.

"Ok ok I'm sorry mr lizard I won't bother you anymore." The girl said as she walked away and everyone started leaving.

"Eh I might as well keep it. Also what women keeps a top hat on them!"

-/—///// some where else

A lizard that's on all fours comes up to a bigger one that's on two legs like aku but is a little shorter than him.

"My Lord we have found the other aquatic lizards wen do you want us to attack!"

The bigger lizard looked at the smaller one with pride on his face and he had other lizards laying on him. And they seem to be female.

"I will be accompanying you so plan it as soon as possible." The big lizard said as the smaller one started to leave the room with haste.

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