
Her Name - 3

Since it was just 9 PM at night, it was still early but I really finished doing all of the quests I took.

Is this love?

I get motivated by just thinking of what I can do for her to make her happy.

"I hope she likes what I brought this time."

Thinking of her character's equipment, it wasn't hard to gather equipments for an archer. Besides the cheap ammo, they have high attack speeds and high damage which only scales by upgrading a single stat, which is a bit OP. But all classes have weaknesses, and they have a somewhat low HP pool which makes them very vulnerable to PVP yet very efficient in farming and in group PVP.

From that idea, I took a quest which gave a reward that could increase mobility and a bit of HP, just in case she gets ambushed or what. Along with that, a random auto-teleport function when her life gets below 30% to give her a chance to warp back to town after her HP gets low.

Why am I thinking of this, I'm not sure, but for her archer it would be a good gift.

Besides the functions and effects, I also checked the appearance. The item looked like a small chick that always followed you, and it's different from a pet which only makes your overall look more cute.

I couldn't get any cosmetics that could change appearance like face and hairstyles because you need to 'donate' to the server to get those things.....

With that I just waited for a while as I browsed the net until I finally heard a ping from the game.

StarQuincy09 [this is me]

StarQuincy09 [LittleHunter]

StarQuincy09 [sorry I'm late...]

Me [ah]

Me [won't you login your character?]

StarQuincy09 [I'm a bit tired from the travel...]

StarQuincy09 [but I miss you so much]

StarQuincy09 [and forgot to switch accounts]

Me [no worries]

Me [we can talk tomorrow]

StarQuincy09 [I...]

Me [there's always a day and time]

StarQuincy09 [love...]

Me [I'll wait for you always]

StarQuincy09 [you...]

Me [I]

Message failed to send.

To commemorate this event, I took a log of our chat log. After I saw the log only did I realize that I should've done that sooner instead before she became my girlfriend.

"Tch. Why didn't I think of that sooner?"

Not sure if I was getting pissed because we only had that single minute of rushed time, or if I lost the mood to play because she wouldn't be online anymore.

As I was already sluggish the moment I woke earlier, I felt all the tiredness my body had all day, and laid down at the bed as greeted darkness within a minute.


"Oof. What a sleep."

After a hard stretch accompanied by a long yawn, my body felt refreshed as I slept earlier yesterday.

Just in case, I stood and sat on my thone as I opened the game.

"Eh? Didn't I turn this off last night?"

Oh well. I checked my ingame mail just to see if there were any messages from her or from her brother, but it doesn't seem like it so I closed everything and turned off the PC.

After doing my usual routine of taking a bath and wearing my uniform, I immediately went to school.

Breakfast? Nope.

"Ah. So it's highly likely." The reason why I felt so tired yesterday, was because I didn't even ate breakfast and skipped my lunch. Not even eating dinner. Three whole meals, skipping a day of eating, no wonder I was so sluggish and tired.

"Damn. Does love really bypass everything?"

It was only then that I heard and got stunned by my belly rumbling, so I went to a nearby convenience store instead to buy a whole meal before going to school.

The guard was almost done with his morning radio song as I entered the gates.

"Sup, Ezzie?"

"Morning, sir."

I smiled and quickly made my way upstairs. I skirted through the blue railings as I quickly rose up the staircases before a voice stopped me just before I could reach the last step that connected to the next floor.

"Oh. You're early."

It was a girl a head shorter than me. My classmate whom I've taken a liken to since seventh grade. Her name is Moriana. Besides her cute face that always seems to be smiling, I also like her because her grades are high.

I'm not a perfectionist or anything, but I really like smart girls.

There was a time this year when I asked her out but got rejected, so I didn't bother her anymore. But I'm not so bitter to not talk to her as we're classmates. Meeting is inevitable, and one has to just steel one's heart meeting someone that rejected you.

"I'm always early. You uhh, why early?" I was still on the stairway and my legs just didn't felt like advancing while she's still there.

"I just felt like going early. Does it matter to you?"

"Nah. It's just unusual."

With that, I finally unfroze myself and walked to my seat and placed my bag. I brought out the food I bought earlier and hastily ate it.

I can see her on my peripheral view that she's looking at me, but I didn't mind. What bothers me is why her eyes and face looked like she was about to scrunch her face as if looking at a monkey gobbling up food.

These are fingerfoods, that's why I'm using my hands to eat.

After finishing, I crumpled the trash and put it in my bag's pocket to dispose later.

The sun was about to rise from the horizon and my sleepiness was fading away a bit, and as Moriana stood by the window, her silhouette became golden and casted shadows on me.

"Why does this meeting have to be so dramatic?" I murmured to myself, before I drooped on my desk to take a short nap.


Half of the day finally passed, and I tugged on Aiden's sleeve. This time he took out a large bottle of juice on the desk and told me to have some if I wanted.

"So uh, where did I stop last time?"

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