
Man propose, God dispose

"Look at the clouds... so carefree..."

"I wish I was a cloud, flying freely in the sky without a care of the world..."

A little six-year-old boy could be seen lying down under the shade of a tree, he sighed from time to time with his eyes closed. Beside him, a chubby kid of the same age as him could be seen munching a handful of potato chips while doing a horse stance.

"What are you doing, Chouji?"

A kid that had messy brown hair, sharp black eyes with vertical slit-like pupils, pronounced canine teeth, and nails, coupled with the distinctive red fang markings of the certain dog-loving Inuzuka clan on his cheeks was looking curiously at Chouji.


"Easy Akamaru, easy..."

A small puppy with white fur that resembles the Great Pyrenees was resting on the kid's head.

"Can't you see, Kiba? I'm doing a horse stance..." answered Chouji without pause between his munching while regulating his breathing.

"I can see that you moron! I mean why are you doing that?!" The wild-looking kid, Kiba, was snarling. He clearly annoyed by Chouji's nonchalant answer.

Hearing Kiba's question, Chouji shifted his eyes to look at him with a ridiculing gaze as if he was asking 'Are you stupid?' kind of gaze that clearly success in making Kiba feel even more annoyed and became angry enough to pounce at Chouji to teach him a 'lesson'.

With a backward jump, Chouji dodged Kiba's pounce. Then with the tree bark as a footing, Chouji did a somersault and landed softly on Kiba's back.

"Speed and weight!"

Shocked by the unexpected turn of events, Kiba took the brunt of Chouji's heavyweight body.


Kiba felt slightly suffocated by the state he was in, no joke, he's still a six-year-old boy with a normal-sized body for kids' of his age. He still has yet to undergo any heavy physical training set, nor has he trained any of his muscles properly. If we compare the body size of the current Kiba and Chouji, Kiba is like a normal-sized horse, and Chouji is like a healthy stallion, bigger, healthier, heavier.

The amount of regular food that Chouji consumed in a day alone could feed Kiba for more than a week, the snacks were not included. Coupled with chouji regularly did his 'past' training, albeit the milder version because of his tender body.

"I'm doing the horse stance to train my lower body and discipline, while I'm eating to increase my weight and power! Besides, fat is art!"

Even Shikamaru who secretly listened to their conversation was dumbfounded, fat is art? that's new...

"You only say that because you're fat, Chouji. With your big belly, no girl will ever fancy you!"

A fair-skinned little girl with light blue eyes and short platinum blonde hair worn in a twin tail was looking at Chouji contemptuously. She was holding several clover-leaf and riverside flowers while behind her, a girl with featureless white eyes with a tinge of lavender color could be seen shyly following her.

"Zip it Ino, no boy like a bag of skin-covered bone either. You should gain some weight, especially in certain places. The sannin Tsunade-sama is the perfect example of beauty! Am I right, Shikamaru?"

Chouji replied with a hand crossed over his chest, he spoke like he declared a heavenly edict. In response to Chouji's question, Shikamaru opted to dodge the bullet with silence as he pretended to sleep.

Meanwhile, Kiba's eyes sparkled seeing his 'crush' walking behind Ino and Instantly forgetting his current grievance.

"Hinata-chan! Ugh, get off of me Chouji!"

Chouji stepped aside to let Kiba stand on his own feet, besides he thought that it was funny to mock Kiba while he tried his best to present his 'best side' to Hinata. Chouji doesn't know why his physiology and emotions have reverted to zero ever since he was born in this world, yet his pieces of knowledge are easily regained gradually through dreams after his first birthday.

Yes, Bob a.k.a Chouji Akimichi regained his past memories bit by bit and he transformed gradually into a training maniac rivaling a certain person with a bushy eyebrow.

With a quick snatch, Kiba took a stalk of flowers from Ino's hand and presented it to Hinata with his best smile. Not forgetting to kneel following the main lead of the soap opera his mother watched, Kiba felt that he was so cool that even the Tsunade hime-sama of the three legendary sannins would fall head over heels for his charm.

"This is for you, Hinata-chan!"


Like a banshee, Ino let out a shrill cry and hit Kiba with her wrathful fist.

"Serves you right, Kiba. Who told you to provoke the she-devil herself?" Chouji was wearing a mock grin on his face, and Shikamaru could not hold his silence and let a little chuckle out.

"Who are you calling the devil?!" Ino snapped and dashed to Chouji and Shikamaru, Chouji was fine as he opted to run and climbed the tree to escape, but, Shikamaru was less fortunate and became the victim to take the brunt of Ino's wrath.

Different from the original Chouji who lacked self-confidence, the "Bob" Chouji's self-confidence could be felt oozing from his every pore. He loves himself, never ashamed of his fat self. Hell, he even felt immense pride out of it.

After rounds of beating, Shikamaru was saved by Kiba's question which diverted everyone's attention from himself.

"Tomorrow is our first day at the academy, do you think that we'll be in the same class?"

Apparently, Kiba's attempt to garner attention is successful, because Ino stopped her fist and took a thinking posture instead with her index finger on her chin.

Hinata was silent, Ino just shrugged her shoulder, while Chouji just continued to munch his chips. Only Kiba opened his mouth to shamelessly utter his childish flowery words.

"I don't know about all of you, but, I and Hinata-chan are definitely in the same class. We're fated together, aren't we, Hinata-chan?"

In response to Kiba's words, Hinata just meekly hides behind Ino while clutching her hem. Hinata was shyly looking at the ground, tears threatened to flow down her face.

"Look Kiba, you scare her!" Ino glared at Kiba with her fist ready to greet his face if he dared to utter another nonsense.

Seeing Hinata's response, Kiba was baffled, while Chouji and the rest just laughed looking at Kiba's downed face.

'Compared to my previous chaotic world, up until now, this world is sure is peaceful. I hope it will stay the same as it is...' thought chouji while still laughing merrily with everyone without stopping munching his chips.

'Whatever, what I need to do now is do more learning and training... and eating.'


A man can wish for anything however they want, but whether their wish will come true or not is another story.

Contrary to Chouji's wish, later that night, on the far side of the village, a tragedy ready to befalls one of the four noble clans of Konoha. The clan that once thrived with lives, prestige, and fortune, became one of such that only had members that could be counted with one hand.

That night was the bloodiest night in Konoha ever since the night of the Kyuubi attack in the past, and one that changed the lives of many people in the village.

"Onii-sama... Why?"

And that night, was the starting path of one little kid to take the path of an avenger.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Don_Pawcreators' thoughts
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