

.....After their dads imprisonment, three sisters embark on a journey of healing as they move to the country side and start afresh creating new bonds of love friendship and life

BerboxKLZ · Urban
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41 Chs


" Here are your scrambled eggs." I said as I out a plate Infront of Hyuna," And here is your fruit salad." I said as I put a plate Infront of Mina," Why are you having fruits for break fast." Hyuna asked," She's on a weight loss plan." I replied," losing weight and starving your self voluntarily are two different things." Hyuna said," You won't understand." Mina replied to her as they both began having breakfast," Hey this has to be the fourth day this week that you making us breakfast, if you still apologising for that night then we already forgave you like a month ago ." Mina said as pulled out a chair at the dining table," Iam doing it because I want too also because iam trying to see where my talent lies so that I can feel my university entry form already." I said," Wait .you still haven't filled that?" Hyuna asked," Why?" she added," Well because I don't know what do at the University, I can't think of anything at all." I replied," Just like you did Teaching and Mina well wanted to do music, also Nana wants to do fashion and design, I also want to do something but I can't think of what." I said as I sipped on my glass of juice," Should I do nutrition, I mean I can cook meals and I can learn more." I suggested," Is it what you want to do or are you doing it because you feel like you have no other choice?" Hyuna asked," What iam trying to say is if you do something in future you wouldn't want to complain about it because it would be something you love but If you do something you didn't want to do in the beginning then you would have alot of complaints every time it goes wrong because it was just an option." she added as I listened carefully," So if you are choosing to do something in future then it must be something you love not something you just chose for the sake." she added," You dont have to rush...iam sure it will come to you soon." she added as I smiled at her," But stop making us breakfast and concentrate on studying for the college entrance exams." she added," Thank you for your advise...I'll get going now." I said as I finished my glass of juice and ran off to school.

" Yuri!, Yuri iii!" called out Nana as i yelped ," What's wrong? you have been staring blankly out side the window for a while now." she said as I scoffed," I've been thinking..." I said as she turned to me even more curiously," About what I want to be like when I grow up." I said," I mean like people at this point know what they want to be you want to be a fashion designer that's why you going to fashion school,Uhhmmm what does Ye Jun want to be again?" I asked," Rich!" Nana replied," Not sure if that's considered a dream but he wants to be rich...and I have no idea what I want to be." I said," Well I'll just tell you something my granny always says....everything happens in its right time..so your dream will come to you when you least expect it too...so untill then just relax and let's enjoy our last days of highschool." she said as I turned to her with shock, like it's Nana who just told me those words," What?" she asked," It's nothing..what should we have for lunch?" I asked as she scrolled through her phone to show me some nice meals.



" Iam only letting dad go with you because you are right, he needs treatment and I can't give that to him... atleast not now that iam still in school but iam going to study hard get a paying job and pay back every single penny." I said to my brother and he and dad got into the taxi," Take care of your self...kiddo." he replied as he smacked my forehead," Bye." he said as the taxi moved...watching my dad go away from me made me feel both sad and relieved, sad because I was parting with him but relieved that I could now do things without worrying about his health, he's being taken care of and I was going to make sure I work hard to do the same.

Going back into the house, I reached out for the crampled University form I had hidden away into the drawer," I don't know if this will be a good idea, but let's try it out." I said as I filled in « JY UNIVERSITY» it was a university in the main city that I could get in considering my grades and considering its in the main city I will be next to dad and I could get a part time job or whatever, what my dream was right now was to get rich, how I was going to get rich was still in question but I have a whole lot of time to think about that.



Me and Hyuna had talked alot after my performance at the festival about me finally being admitted to music school...I was kind of hesitant but I guess I was now courageous enough to pick up my dream once again..." Just press send." Aaman said as I nervously stared at my on line application form," Iam going to in a few..." I said as Aaman pressed send him self," Yah.." I said as I stood up and slap him slightly on his shoulder," You had to do it any way." he said," Don't worry you'll get in." he said as he kissed my forehead," Iam just quite nervous.." I said," You are good so there is absolutely no need for you to be nervous." he said as we hugged.



" The tutoring cafe was doing absolutely amazing, it felt nice to see my dream in making, My phone chimed and it was a message from Min young,« ARE WE STILL ON FOR DINNER » It read,« YES» I replied,« THEN ILL PICK YOU UP AT 6» he replied as I smiled at my phone and went back to my work.

" Here have a seat." Min Young said as he pulled out a chair for me," Uhhmmm fancy." I replied as I sat down," What the occasion." I added," What can't I cook for my girlfriend unless there is an occasion?" he replied," Well you emptied your entire restaurant so I got nervous that I might have forgotten a special day." I said as he stretched out his hand for mine," Well I just have some good news to share with you." he said as I listened curiously,"iam all ears." I said as he pulled out his phone to me It seemed like an invitation,"OMG...is this what it think it is?" I said cheerfully," Yes it's my second call for an interview at the 55 Michelin star restaurant" he said happily I could literally see how excited he was," Iam ready happy for you..." I said as I moved to him and gave him a hug," See you were worried for nothing." I said as he stood up," That I was...iam glad everything is working out alright." he said as I smiled softly, "okay I'll be honest with my self, Min Young becoming a chef at the 55 Michelin star restaurant would be amazing, it's his dream he would be living right there but the 55 was all the way in the city...iam not saying it's far but then it's not near so would that mean that him and I will be in a long distance relationship?" I thought to my self as we hugged.

" Are you sure about this?" he asked we kissed all the way to his room ," Well because if you feel like things are quick then I could wait till you ready." he added as I smiled and pulled him for another kiss," Iam ready." I said as I out down my purse and slowly unzipped my dress," I've been wanting to do this for a long time." I said as he walked towards me and carried me in his arms and gently kissed me again.

I must say I was nervous as he kissed his way down from my lips to my neck and then my breasts but always he looked back at me after every step just to ask if he could go on and I smiled to assure him that I was okay with whatever he was doing,I was now more than willing to give my entire self to him whole heartedly.


