
Ranking and Reward in Naruto World

A man died and reincarnated into the world of Naruto, as Naruto's twin brother. He also got the system and the knowledge of a certain Ranking and Reward system. With this system and knowledge, will he become one of the best Shinobi in this world, or will he stay as an ordinary person? Follow the journey of Zokuto in his endevour in the world of Naruto.

Thundertroy · Fantasie
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56 Chs

Chapter 36: Hei Beauty, We Meet Again.

While Zokuto was on his way toward Amegakure, he was thinking of awakening his own Rinnegan. At the last ranking and rewards for [New Chuunin Fighter], Zokuto exchenged some dojutsu and bloodline. Those dojutsu eyes are byakugan and sharingan, and those bloodline are the Senju bloodline, Sage of Six Path bloodline, and Kaguya bloodline. Adding his Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, and Uzumaki bloodline, he thought that that should be enough to activate his Rinnegan.

'System, what is the probability of me being able to awaken the Rinnegan eyes?'

[Analysing posssibility...]

[Analysing complete. Listing the highest possible combination to awaken Rinnegan:

1. Senju bloodline + EMS = 80%

2. Senju + Uzumaki + EMS = 80%

4. Uzumaki + EMS = 80%

The Uzumaki and Senju are essentially the same. Thus the result.

6. Sage of Six Path + EMS = 75%

7. Senju + SSP + EMS = 97%

8. Senju + SSP + Kaguya + EMS = 99%

9. Senju + SSP + Byakugan + EMS = 105% with extra possibility.]

'There is extra possibility? What is that?'

[There is a chance you will awaken another type of eyes, such as Rinne-sharingan, and Tenseigan. However, the chances are pretty small.]

'Oh, I see. Well, let just use the highest combination to awaken my Rinnegan.'

[Request received. Awakening in progress. Awakening time: 12 hours.]

Seeing the awakening time, Zokuto felt relieved. He should be able to use the Rinnegan ability the moment he reaches Amegakure. He then continued his journey.


At this moment, the new Jyuubi's Jinchuuriki already killed some members of Akatsuki. These members are Hidan, Sasori, and Kakuzu. Their power is just too small to contend against this new Sage of Six Path. They did not even get the chance to escape from the tentacle-like arms stretched out of Obito.

The only Akatsuki members that still putting a fight is Kisame, Jin and Shin. Jin already transformed into a hybrid form of a blue dragon, Shin as a Red dragon, and Kisame already fuses with Samehada. These three has the power level that is comparable to the eight tailed beast. However, in front of the third Sage of Six Path, they were forced to fight in desperation.

"You guys will still die even if you fight desperately." said Obito. He then stretched out his tentacle-like ams to attack the three. However, suddenly he flinched, and his attack missed.

"Did he just missed his attack?"

"He seems so. Or is he making a distraction attack?"

"I don't think so. Look, something is happening to him." Kisame.

Jin and Shin looked at Obito. Jyuubi's face is overlapping with Obito's face. Sometimes, it enlarged and turned into a one eyed Jyuubi, sometimes it returned into Obito's face. Inside of Obito's body, his soul is struggling to take control over his body, while the will of the Jyuubi is trying to corrode him.

"It seems like he is struggling to control the power of Jyuubi." Shin.

"This is our opportunity. Let's get out of here." said Jin. He then turned around and escaped that place. Shin followed his brother, while Kisame looked for a moment at the struggling Obito, before following the dragon brothers.

Not long after the three escaped, the coalition army arrived at that location.

"That chakra blast should have come from here."

"Look, there is a big hole over there."

"Check if there are anyone around."

"Hei, over here."

Some of the ninja called out. He just found several jinchuuriki's dead body on the ground.


Raikage rushed toward one of the dead body. He checked it and it was really the body of his dead brother, Killer Bee.


His scream reverberated in the big hole at the Akatsuki's hide out.

"Hei guys, there is something over there."

All the shinobi looked at the direction the nin pointed out. Outside the hole, Obito is still struggling to gain control over his body.

"What is that ugly monster?"

"It look like a person...or not. It's a monster now? Is it struggling?"

"Is that the thing that the Akatsuki is trying to create from all those bijuu?"

The shinobi can feel the bijuu energy leaking out of that monster. It was an energy that was more dreadful then any other bijuu they have ever encountered.

"You! You are the reason my brother is dead. Give me back my brother!" shouted Raikage in a rage. He then aktivated his lightning jutsu and attacked the struggling Obito. His attack caused a big burst upon contact with Obito's body. The attack created a wound on Obito's back.


The sudden attack made the jinchuuriki cry in pain. This pain however helped Obito to regain his emotion and gave him a window of opportunity to take control over his body.

"That was very painful, but thank you." said Obito, standing up again. The wound on his back quickly healed. Seeing this, Raikage was shocked and jumped back, away from Obito.

"As a reward for your help, I will give you this."

Instantly, Obito appeared in front of Raikage. One of his Truth-seeking Ball appeared behind his palm and shoot like a javelin toward Fourth Raikage through the just appeared hole on his palm. The instantenous action stunned Raikage. He quickly evaded to the side, but it was a bit too late. That black javelin formed from Obito's Truth-seeking Ball cut a big wound at his waist. That wound gushed with blood continuously. Raikage used his lightning jutsu to numb and fry the outer wound to stop the bleeding. However, this did not really help him to alleviate the pain from the wound.



The Kumo nin screamed in anxiousness when they saw their leader are down on his knees. Hiruzen also shouted in shocl seeing the situation.

"Shuriken Kagebunshin!"

Hiruzen tried to distract Obito's attention by throwing several big shurikens towards him. Obito just glanced at this attack and waved his hand toward the incoming shurikens. The Truth-seeking Ball in his hand turned into a sharp blade and cut through those shurikens.

After that, Obito jumped and instantly reached Hiruzen. Hiruzen did not even get to react when Obito caught his head and slammed him on the ground.


Hiruzen spurted some blood as the slamming impact wounded some of his internal organ. Obito then pointed his palm toward Hiruzen's head.


In an instant, the Truth-seeking Ball in Obito's hand shoot a hammer like attack, and blasted Hiruzen's head. His body then limped and fall to the ground lifelessly. Seeing this, the shinobis are frightened beyond fear.

"Ah...ahhh! He killed Sandaime!"


The Konoha nin screamed in despair. They almost lost the will to fight, when they saw their leader got slaughtered in a matter of a minute.

"You should feel the despair right? Next, let me finish you Raikage." said Obito, looking back at Raikage.

At this moment, A are being treated by Mabui, while Samui is taking the task to guard them. Hearing Obito's words their face changed.

"Mabui-san, you go and escape with Raikage-sama. I will hold this monster first."

"Samui, you are not his opponent..."

"You don't have the choice to fight or escape. I will send you all together to die."

Obito instantly appeared infront of them. In that instant, he created two blades out of his Truth-seeking Ball and slashed toward the stunned Mabui and Samui.



Suddenly, Obito was kicked from the side, blasting him away, and instantly smashing onto a large boulder.

"Sorry man, these two are my future wives. You are not allowed to do harm on them." said Zokuto, smiling calmly at Obito, who stood up after crashing on the boulder.

"Uzumaki Zokuto!"


Obito instantly recognised his attacker. Samui and Mabui on the other hand a bit confused when they saw Zokuto in his new form.

"Hei Beauty, we meet again." Zokuto turned his head toward them and smiled.

"Your head, you have a horn? And your chakra is similar to that guy?"

"Watch o..."

Obito suddenly appeared infront of Zokuto and slashed the black blade in his hand. However, Zokuto instantly appeared on his side, and once again kicked him away, causing him to smash onto the ground.

"You mean this horn? Well, I become a Sage of Six Path not long ago, and this thing grew out of my head. Not sure why so?" replied Zokuto in wonder.

That was fast!

That is the reaction of all the onlookers when they saw Zokuto kicked Obito away like a rag-doll.

"That's mean you also have a ten-tailed beast in your body right?" asked Mabui, feeling wary of Zokuto.

"You are correct. However, you don't have to worry about me. I co-exist peacefully with my ten-tailed bijuu." replied Zokuto.

On the distance, Obito once again stood up. Now, he looked at Zokuto seriously.

"So, you also become a Sage of Six Path. How did you manage to achieve that?"

"Oh, you are still fine after being thrashed twice." said Zokuto. "You are right. I achieved the Sage of Six Path form. How did I do it, that is a sexret though.

"Even if you become a Sage of Six Path like me, you are not as powerful as me." said Obito.

"You are wrong in saying that. I don't ever want to be a Sage of Six Path like you. Firstly, I can see that you are still struggling to fight for control over your body. Secondly, the power you control will corrode your soul for every single minutes. On the other hand, although I don't have as much power as you, I have a better sync with my bijuu." replied Zokuto. "That aside. I think you should stop this struggle of yours before it is too late." advised Zokuto.

"What do you mean by that?"


Suddenly, a black hand comes out of Obito's chest.