
Random Jump`

We all know the drill if you are reading a Fan-Fic. Dies. Go to another World. Get some OP protagonist cheats. And blah blah blah...Read the first chapter and you will know. *** Disclaimer: The cover is not mine. I own nothing but the OC character in this book. Everything used in this Fan-fic belongs to their original owners.

meatball_san · Anime und Comics
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22 Chs


Tanya and Noah, following the teachers, reached the staff room. They sat on the sofa as Tanya puts her gun beside her.

Teachers curiously looked at it and the duo. They thought it was probably a plastic toy. But if they had picked it, then they would have found out that it was an authentic gun with ammo in it.

They were asked a different question like who they were? What are their names? Why are they doing here, or how they lost their parents?

Tanya answered every question with such precision that Noah was wondering if she really was the same Tanya he knew.

As they were sitting and talking with each other, they heard an announcement that made Tanya mood drop to zero.

"Attention, all students! Violence has broken out on the campus! Students should evacuate the campus according to their teacher's instructions. I repeat. Violence has broken out on the campus! Students should evacuate—Help! Save me! No! Help! Ahh!"

Silence envelopes the whole academy when suddenly chaos erupts as student rushes towards the exit of the academy.

No one cared about others, whether friends or lovers; all they wanted was to leave the campus as fast as they can.

Noah was trying hard not to laugh when he looked at the gloomy expression of Tanya.

"We should leave the campus too! Come here, Tanya-chan, I will protect you." The teacher said as he tries to hold Tanya's hand. But before he could, Tanya took hold of it and wrung it. "Shut the fuck up! You Pedophile!"

The teacher kept shouting, but Tanya ignored it and ripped his handoff. Others who saw that shouted as they ran out of the staff room.

"Your luck sucks, Tanya-chan. Hahaha!" Noah could not control himself and burst into laughter. Tanya had her brows frowned as she took her gun and shot at him that he dodged. "Shut up!"

Noah stopped laughing as he holds his hand up, "Calm down! Let's go out and see the situation outside. I can feel an unidentified life signature from outside for some time now."

Tanya nodded and walked outside, completely ignoring the wailing of the teacher, drenched in his own blood.

Outside was in chaos as everyone was running, trying to save their lives.

"It's like as if an apocalypse has happened," Tanya said as she looked towards now dead people, trying to bite other people.

Noah looked at them and raised a brow, "Zombies? It seems that my initial guess is wrong. This world is definitely not an Advance level."

"What do you mean?"

"An Advance level is a limit that a human body can reach without the help of any form of energy, like mana. But these zombies shouldn't exist in a world where mana doesn't exist. They usually result from the fail necromancy; when a necromancer tries to revive death. Another example would be when there is a sudden increase in mana over the cemetery or the place where death is buried."

"Meaning?" Tanya asked as she shot a zombie's head off.

"It means that this world didn't have mana before, but it seems that the world is trying to advance on a higher level, which resulted in a sudden entrance of mana in it. With the sudden emergence of mana that the world created when it ascended to a higher level, the death absorbed it, resulting in the production of zombies. In short, dead or zombies are the first user of the mana in this world. But since they were dead and had no soul, they lost their reasoning when they were revived and, now, when they kill a human, they inject mana in them and make them zombies. That's why it looks like this." Noah explained.

He looked at the zombie that was approaching him. He points his hand in the shape of a gun with his index finger pointed at it. A small magic circle form at the tip. <Bang> he said as the head of the zombie was blown.

"Then what is the current level of this world." Tanya asked as she walked the corridors of the campus that was now filled with corpses of dead and alive alike.

"I do not know," Noah shook his head, "It seems like The World still has not ascended completely. I cannot tell until it is ascended completely." Noah said with his hands in his pajamas as he walks beside her.

As they were walking down the corridor with screams of despair and agony coming from time to time. Both of them didn't have the personality to go their way to help others, so they ignored it. Though they were walking in the same direction from where the scream came from.

Soon they reached the place from where the scream came from. They say a pink-haired lady drilling the head of a zombie while shouting and crying. There were other presents, three girls—a brown-haired, a purple-haired, and a blond-haired—and two boys—a lean yet reasonable build and a bespectacled fat one.

"Whistle* that some style of killing someone only if she was not crying like a child and instead was laughing. It would have been beautiful to watch." Noah said as he looked at the lady.

He voices gained everyone's attention as they looked in his direction wide-eyed.

"Kids? What are kids doing here?" The lean but reasonable build boy said.

Others also looked at the kids when the blond girl said, "Are they not the kids that did the prank this morning?"

"They are the ones who pranked this morning?" The fat boy said. He was also present in the class when the loud blast was heard. He was surprised by the fact that the kids could survive in this madness.

Noah looked towards Tanya as he said, "They are looking down on us, Tanya-chan. Are you not going to kill them like you were about to do to that teacher when he called you kid?"

Tanya looked towards him like he was an idiot, "Do you take me for a psychopath who would kill anyone who calls me kid? If that was the reason, then I have killed you a long time ago."

'Though I would have still killed this bastard if not that he was stronger than me.'

Other hearing them were showing confuse expressions, 'These kids are talking about killing someone as if they are used to it' is the thought process of every person present.

Noah looked at the pink haired lady who finally calmed down from the shock of killing someone.

He then looked at the purple-haired lady who had a wooden sword in her hand and raised a brow,

"You there, little Purple. You can use swords?" he said, pointing towards the purple lady.

The purple lady raised a brow as she walks towards his direction and hits his head, "Kids should not talk so rudely with adults."

Noah looked at her dumbfounded. Puff* he came back to his senses when he heard Tanya's laughter.

He looked towards the purple lady and narrowed his eyes. He straightens his palm that turns into a sharp knife and slashes it towards the purple lady.

The purple lady feeling the incoming threat jumps back swiftly, dodging his slash. She wide-eyed looked at him as blood drips from the slight cut on her cheek.

Noah said in a voice that would send a chill to one spine, "I am an adult." He points towards Tanya, "If you want to treat me like a kid then first treat this pipsqueak like a kid. Only then, you are allowed to call me kid."

Tanya, hearing him had a vein mark on her forehead. She points her gun in his direction as she said, "Call me that again, and I swear that I will use everything in my arsenal to kill you!"

Noah looked at her seriously as silence enveloped the whole place. No one said a word as they silently watched them. Especially Purple-haired lady who had a serious expression as if she has met her mortal enemy when she looks at Noah.

Noah looked towards Tanya, "…Pipsqueak"


Tanya fires at him, but the bullet passes him. Tanya narrowed her eyes since she could see that he dodged it at a paper-thin margin.

"Che! Still can't kill you."

"Of course you can't," Noah said as he smirked and looked towards their group. "So what is going on? Are you guys here chilling or something?"

Every lip was twitching. Chilling? They were fucking trapped in this school with zombies all over, and he is thinking that they are chilling?! They were also surprised knowing that the gun Tanya was holding is real.

"Are you a swordsman?" the purple-haired lady asked.

Noah nodded as he said, "Indeed I am. That's why I asked you so we could have a duel. I wanted to see this world's swordsman."

The pink-haired lady raised her brows, "This world?"

"Forget it," Noah said. Though he didn't mind telling them that he was not from this world. But explaining everything was a hassle, so he ignored her.

"As I was asking, what are you guys going to do now? With whole-school—no, with the whole city filled with undead." Noah asked. Since there was nothing worth doing, he thought about hanging with these guys. "Also I am Noah, and this is Tanya."

Other hearing him also introduced themselves. Saeko Busujima—The Purple Lady, Rei Miyamoto—The Brown Lady, Shizuka Marikawa—The Blond Lady, Saya Takagi—The Pink Lady. Takashi Komuro—The lean yet reasonable build guy, and Kohta Hirano—The fat, bespectacled guy.


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