
Rai x Frankenstein (New Adventures)

Frankestein is trying to provide peaceful and joyful life to Raizel after the Apocalypse. And he was successful for time being. But the adventures returns as an unwanted guest enters to their peaceful life on a very unlucky day. The mysteries unfold and new monsters rise, to haunt the mankind once again. Frankestein is doing his best to keep Raizel out of this fight. But will Raizel have to fight them again? Will Raizel sacrifice his remaining lifetime to save the world which he needs to live into it?

Nik_The_Wordsmith · Anime und Comics
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18 Chs

Deep into the nest

Frankenstein had accepted the fact that his master had to involve in this fight. And now he had entered enemy's territory. He knew what master was trying to do. But he didn't know what will exactly happen. His master is certainly powerful but the enemy is unknown, untrustworthy and dangerous. In order to fight and win with such an enemy, master had to use immense amount of power. Which means he could lose his lifetime to win this war. He felt anxious and useless.

Suddenly he heard his master's words,

"Frankenstein, you're thinking too much."

Frankenstein's eyes got wide open after hearing master's words.

He replied hesitantly, "Master, what's in your mind. It can be dangerous for you alone".

"I am on my way to their castle. I will observe the enemy's strength and weaknesses closely. Will get back in touch with you soon."

"Yes, master" Frankenstein replied humbly.

He thought for a moment to decide what to do next. He started walking towards the main hallway. He was looking for Shinni.

"Boss, any news?" Tao asked him curiously. His wounds were healed remarkably after his treatment.

"We'll talk about this, but I have some important task to do first. Have you seen lady Shinni today?"

"Yes. I know where she is. She hasn't left his sight, he hasn't woken up yet, you know." Tao said with emotional eyes.

"And where are Takio and M-21?"

"Takio was with me. But we haven't seen M-21 since morning."

"Where can he be?" Frankenstein expressed his curiosity, but he wasn't really worried about M-21's where about. He had bigger things to care for!

"I have a hunch. I think we'll find him where we're heading." Tao gave him hints.

They reached the room where Shei was kept. He was being treated by Shinni's father and Shinni, Neil, both of them, hadn't left the room since. They also got to see unusual worried and helpless face of M-21 standing there. Looking at Shei and Shinni, and making that deeply worried face.

Shini noticed Frankenstein's arrival first. She greeted him and told them about Shei's situation. M-21 also noticed their presence by now and greeted them with smile.

Frankenstein asked Shinni with little hesitation, "We have to talk to your father. Will it be possible today, Miss Shinni?"

"I will talk to him. He is in shock after seeing Shei in this condition. He used all his power and medicines. But after all the efforts, we are only able to do is to keep his vital organs from failing. He is looking for any way to bring him back. He is in the library, looking for answers."

"Can we visit him in there. We really need to discuss about this war situation." Frankenstein was worried about his master. He had to find a way to stop this all, so his master wouldn't lose any of his lifetime this time around.

She thought for a moment, and asked Neil & the medical helpers to look after her brother.

"Please come with me." She said & She walked towards the library.


Deep into the nest of the enemy, Raizel and the assasin who was sent to kill Raizel & who was now loyal servant of Raizel, were walking towards the castle.

"Master, I'm afraid for your safety. You shouldn't have come. I can do whatever you want to achieve. I will bring it to you." He was worried.

"Joshua, it's ok. You don't need to worry. I only wish to know about your former master." Raizel asked him yo calm down.

"As you wish, master."

They kept walking until they reached the secret entrance of the enemy's territory. Joshua opened the hidden door and they entered.

"Master, do you really want to go to meet high boss. I haven't met him in person ever. Only the captain has that authority"

"Then you are getting your first chance to meet him." Raizel smiled at Joshua after finishing the sentence. There wasn't a hint of fear in Raizel's eyes.

'Master is fearless. Master is not lesser than god' , Joshua thought to himself.

"Joshua, Stop comparing me with the god." He looked at him through those ruby eyes. Chills sparkled through Joshua's body.

'Master is really something else', He thought.

They reached the castle while discussing. It was big, dark & spectacular structure. It should have been beautiful once. But now it was filled with fear and dominance.

Josua and Raizel entered through the door. Four guards addressed them before falling into cheer and surprise seeing Raizel as a hostage.

"I demand to meet High boss. I want to deliver the prisoner by myself." Joshua asked the guards.

"The captain has to be informed first. He will decide further. You wait here, we'll take the prisoner to the cell." Guard suggested.

"No." Joshua almost screamed.

"No. The prisoner belongs to me. His life is far much valuable in this war. He is royal blood. Don't you see? I will keep an eye on him by myself." Joshua demanded the guards to be with Raizel. He didn't want him get mistreated by these measly creatures.

The guards left to bring the Captain. The captain was going to decide whether if high boss would meet Raizel or not.


Shinni and Frankenstein along with others reached the library. Shinni opened the door. The room was dead silent. There were books, a lot of books. And Shinni's father was sitting there on the chair, looking towards the book in front of him, kept on the table. He wasn't exactly reading, he was thinking, deeply. His face looked sad. Frankenstein would understand his sadness, after all his son was on a death bed.

"Father, are you ok?" Shinni asked with great concern.

Her father looked at her slowly and asked, "I'm all right, daughter. Don't worry too much. Our only worry is Shei right now." He started staring at the wall. He looked lost and hopeless.

"Father, this war is eating us alive. I can't stand this. I can't stand looking you collapsing this way. We will get through this. We have to." Shinni screamed with sadness. Words couldn't come out of her mouth. She ran towards her father and held his old-aged hand. It was shivering, feeling powerless. Tears flew down her cheek and dropped on her father's hand. He looked towards his daughter and took her hand and said,

"Daughter, let's not lose our hope this way, when you have brought the hope with you yourself." And he looked towards Frankenstein.

Frankenstein felt the tension in the room. He looked at Shinni and her father.

"Lady Shinni, Sir Shinnei, we want to help you. But we need information. We need understand the enemy. We need to understand everything that's going on."

"Why the rogue moon clan is more powerful than original moon clan. Mr. Shinnei, you are supposed to be the most powerful in your clan. Then how come someone else achieved the greater power. There are too many things which are unclear. We want to know everything, in order to help you." Frankenstein asked with eyes filled with determination.

"Mr. Frankenstein, we are greatly thankful to you that you came all the here to help you. We'll provide you every bit of information. But there are some things you need to know first. You want to know why the rogue moon clan can gain so much power, right. The answer lies in your question yourself." He looked at Frankenstein with the look filled with disappointment towards himself and said, "The one who started the war, the head of the rogue moon clan is our own blood. Our own family betrayed us. And our blood is the most powerful in all and he took it on another level by crossing the line between light and darkness." The dry words came out of his mouth.

"He betrayed his own family. He was one of us, yet he betrayed us. He took our mother from us. And now he is taking Shei away. I will not let it happen. Father, we will get everything back. We will..... We will..." Shinni kept mumbling until she stopped and collapsed on her father's lap.

M-21 tried to run towards her, but Tao stopped him. Her father embraced her. And helped her to sit on a chair beside.

Then he looked at Frankenstein and said, "you guys take a seat. The bitter story of our family I'm gonna tell you, is long. Whenever I try to catch what exactly went wrong, my heart aches to the extent that I feel it either might explode or stop."

" I will try to narrate it briefly for you. Hope it will help us to end all of this."

Frankenstein, Tao and Takio sat on the sofa beside and got ready to jump into the betrayal story of moon clan family.

And Frankenstein received message from master,

"I'm on my way to meet the high Boss."
