
Ragnarok battle of god's and men

For years the god's forsaked their creations and revel in bout in parties from the palace of one good to the other leaving the humans on their own , slowly humans came to discover that they could live without the god's and slowly their fear for the god's diminished to nothing as they became independent. As the prophecy foretold the day I the twilight became the beginning of a new Dawn to the humans but to the god's NO, they came to realize their folly and knew they were about to pay for it sooner or later. One by one they lost their grips on the humans as Temple's, altars and everything related to the god's we're destroyed thus igniting the anger of the god's. The god's held an emergency meeting on mount olympus where they declared war on the humans knowing fully well that have all it takes to destroy human for they are their creations but by their determination the god's knew humans were united and ready to fight them to the last. Humans on their part knew they can't fight alone and they needed all help if they truly want to be free for ever, so they sought help from the the children of the god's themselves, born from unlawful cohabitation between the god's and humans long ago. A team of four young men were sent out o a mission to find the demigod and persuade them to help them fight, will they succeed no one knows. Will they survive in unknown lands, no one knows either but everyone trusted to hope to turn the tide towards them. The war has begun raging god's against their creations man, it is now no longer a battle of swords and weapons it since now a battle of being wise and smart for to defeat the god's they have to be as cunning as a serpent and as wise as a dove. Who will emerge the winners is the question to ask,

Scott_Everyoung · Krieg
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3 Chs

RAGNAROK (Battle Of God's and men)

Subtitle:The Beginning.

Olympus stood apart as a great White cloud covered the entire top of the mountain as the lightening kept striking and restriking around the mountain, reassuring the fact that Zeus still rules as overlord and king's of the great gods and goddesses of Greece.

It didn't take long for Zeus to strike his dangerous blue thunderbolt used to summon the gods to any crucial meeting whenever he is pissed off by any issue at hand.

The next few minutes the gods and goddesses slowly arrived at the chambers, first Poseidon walked in carrying his beloved trident as Hades followed behind with his bident. Then Aphrodite entered with her usual flirting manner, with Eros and Cupid following behind in their usual flying way. It didn't take long for Ares to appear in his war armor with his twin axe neatly placed behind him as his hands radiates fire, showing he was furious with something in his mind. Athena enter carrying her shield and spear with her sword strapped on her waist, walking to her usual spot she dropped into her seat with an obvious sadness written over her face. Apollo walked in with a half burnt scroll with sadness also written over his face. Glancing around, he didn't fail to notice the tension in the air as he walked and sat down on his seat. Hera walked in from Zeus right-hand side and sat beside him.

Igniting his thunderbolt once again to release it when the door crashed open as Dionysus fell with angry face as Demeter walked in with sadness also displayed all over her face. Artemis was the last to walk in with a golden broken bow and an angry look.

When everyone has taken their seats, Zeus release his thunderbolt, kick-starting the meeting.

"It has come to my notice that men no longer have respect for the us gods, they now take us as fools and claim they don't need us again. Now our temples are being destroyed, and our statue's broken down" Zeus spoke with anger laid in his voice.

"Well brother I think they have something or someone backing them up that they seem to forget that we made them who they are today. Now we are at this moment puppets to them" Poseidon spoke answering what Zeus said.

"What I can't understand is what gave them the courage to challenge me even at my temple. A man called Heracles told me to my face that I can't do anything else to them as they are now in their own presently, that I couldn't do anything to him was my greatest anger" Ares spoke in anger as Artemis leaped to her feet with her broken bow.

"These mortals have the audacity to break my darling golden bow and even turn my temple into a house of orgy and feasting, Zeus we have to do something about this else we will soon be forgotten by these men and cease to exist to them" Artemis spoke in anger.

"I think it's time we show these mortals that we made them, and we can curtail them if they feel they have grown wings, where is Hermes" Zeus asked no one in particular.

"He went to deliver a message to Hephaestus the blacksmith" Hera answered.

"Each one of you, prepare yourself for we are going to war against the mortals even if it means wiping them out from existence them all shall it be" Zeus ended as the other gods nodded in agreement.



Earth Realm.


"Today we have shown disregard for the gods, and now we are immediately on our own, no gods, no more sacrifices and offerings. Today marks the twilight" Heracles spoke to the crowd before him.

"What shall we do now Heracles, you know there might be a war coming cos the clouds on mount Olympus has turned black showing that the gods are angry? What is the next step" one man spoke to Heracles hearing.

"To all man or woman who is capable of wielding a sword or any weapon of any kind, move to the village green. Secondly we need four delegates who would embark on the journey to find the demigods and bring them back for the fight ahead matters to both mortals and demigods" Heracles answered.

"I Marcus volunteers to go find the demigods" the Man Marcus said raising his hands.

"I Eramis I will join him"

"Me Damil I join them too"

"And me Gabe I join them also" a young boy named Gabe added completing the four delegates needed to go searching for the legendary demigods which includes Hercules, the son's of Zeus Arcas, Amphion, Aeacus and Perseus. The son's of Poseidon Agenor and Belus, Asclepius son of Apollo, Aeneas son of Aphrodite and Achilleus son of Thetis.

"As you all have seen, the volunteers are ready to go and to prevent any delays they are all leaving now to get a head start on the mission. And to give a piece of advice to you all, beware of the Krakens creatures that lives in the dept beneath the stone bridge of Khazar" Heracles spoke to the four volunteers.

"We appreciate your advice Heracles, we will be cautious on our journey and come back successful" Marcus replied for the team.

"You all have twenty minutes each to prepare and pick any weapons of your choice and come back here" Heracles said as the four went off each with their families to bid the last goodbyes before the journey.

The next fifteen minutes saw the four dressed in their war armors with their various weapons in their hands.

"Today you all are going into the outward as we call them, be careful like I told you many creatures dwells in the shadows waiting for whom to devour. Be careful and open your eyes wide like the eagle" Heracles reminded once again.

"We understand you Heracles" bidding the final goodbyes to the crowd before them and their weeping parents, they walked off following the road to the mountains with nothing but to find the legendary demigods and fight for freedom.