
Quiz Game system: starting from Marvel Universe

[Please answer the question. Who is Ironman?.] A: Tony Stark B: James Roddy C: Ivan Vanko D: Pepper Pott Tony Stark:"It's me, I am Ironman." Bruce Wayne:"How can a Playboy like you be a superhero?" Live stream+multiverse madness+good plot (hello guys I am just translating this novel. all the credit goes to the real author) author name:The left ear has a cat

translator_sama72 · Filme
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Captain America and hydra

"What does this question mean? What Avengers will I join, a funny organization that sounds like a third-rate club?" Tony asked the first question.

Natasha glared and said: "You know, I don't think you are qualified to join the Avengers!"

Of course, she knows that director Nick Fury intends to form the Avengers, and it should be in the early stages of preparation.

According to this question, it is assumed that Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, and Hulk will eventually become members of the Avengers, which surprised Natasha.

After all, only Tony Stark appeared on the Avengers' shortlist.

Captain America had no news for decades.

and she never heard of Hulk and thor.

After Natasha startled Iron Man, she turned her head to look at Thor, who was confused, "Are you, Thor?"

"Of course, I am Thor. Isn't that obvious?" Thor raised his head and wanted to wave his Mjölnir twice to gain momentum.

Unfortunately, his hammer is not by his side.

Tony shook his head, thinking that this guy is not like a thunder god in mythology at all, but now that he has the identification of this game, it is enough to prove the identity of the other party.

Bruce is more concerned with the answer to the question, "Tony, Thor, who of you has heard of Hydra?"

Thor naturally shook his head, saying that he had never heard of it.

Tony thought for a while and said, "If I remember correctly, this should be an evil organization that was destroyed a long time ago. Has it reappeared?"

"If the questions in this game point to the future, then Hydra may still exist! And it is lurking around us!"

Natasha frowned and said, "The Avengers is a team of superheroes "

Just then, a prompt sound came:[ "The answer starts, the countdown is 30, 29, 28..."]

According to the rules revealed by the game, only the person who succeeded in the answer can get the highest points. At the moment, all four of them are racking their brains to analyze the answers to the questions.

Tony thinks this question is one of three choices for him. The first thing to be sure of is that he will never have anything to do with the Hydra.

Secondly, he eliminated Captain America. He had heard the legend about Captain America. He was a hero who inspired many young people back in the war years.

Such a dead war hero can't get close to the Hydra anyway.

The only ones left are the Hulk and Thor. Both seem to be suspects. he never heard of Hulk and Thor looks like a foolish man. we don't know the specific character, is he good or bad?

But according to common sense, this kind of reckless man is not very good at conspiracy and tricks. If Hydra wants to plant a spy in the Avengers, it is unlikely to choose a foolish man.

Then only the Hulk is left!

Tony was about to report his options, and suddenly thought: "Although my choice is very likely, if I guess wrong, doesn't it mean that someone else has ruled out a wrong option?

he should let others answer first! It's better to be the silly big guy next to me, he will guess wrong! "

Sure enough, when the countdown continued to elapse, neither Bruce nor Natasha answered immediately. In the first game, they both chose a safe way.

Only Thor didn't take it seriously. He scratched his head and gave an option: "I choose A! I don't like playing this kind of children's house game. Hurry up and finish it. Let me get my Mjôlnir."

[ "Congratulations to player Thor Odinson for

the correct answer and getting two points!"]

Tony and Natasha were stunned when they heard this, what a joke, this stupid guy got the right answer!

Captain America is resurrected from the dead. It's already weird to be a member of the Avengers. but He is still the spy of the Hydra?!

It's not just them, everyone who watched the live broadcast was stunned.

"Fake! This is false! Captain America is dead!"

"Can't the dead be resurrected? Open your eyes and see, this kind of weird game can appear, what else can't happen?"

"But Captain America is the hero who helped us win the war! How could he be the spy of Hydra?"

"I have never heard of Captain America, nor have I heard of any Hydra, but I have to say, let them all eat shit!"

"Hey! Little kid, are you insulting Captain America?!"


An old fan of Captain America shouted and punched a young man in the eye socket.

The young man was unwilling to show weakness and scuffled into a ball on the spot.

Similar scenes are being staged in various places in big cities and small towns. The once tragic war is a memory of the last century, but for some elderly people, Captain America is not only a hero, It is their nostalgia and memories of the past.

They grew up listening to the legend of Captain America.

"Motherfu#ker!" Director Nick cried out at the light curtain: "Captain America turned out to be the spy of Hydra?! Is there anything more ridiculous than this?!"

At this time, Tony and others choose option A: Captain America Steve Rogers before the countdown ends.

Even if this answer seems extraordinarily ridiculous.

Because they failed to answer the question successfully, they only scored a few points, and Thor temporarily led the players.

"According to the method of the last game, it should give a video showing the correct options." Bruce analyzed.

"I have to take a good look. Frankly speaking, I guess many people can't accept this fact." Tony stared at the light curtain in mid-air.

   At the same time, more and more people gathered under the light curtain.

The video started playing in the light curtain!

The picture is of an elevator, and the iconic five-pointed star shield comes into view. There is no doubt that this tall, handsome man is Captain America!

"fûçk! Captain America is alive, and still so young!"

"Gosh! I saw the uniform and shield he was wearing, and it felt like I was back in the last century..."

"Is it possible that he is a clone or something? Even if Captain America is still alive, he should be an old man with bare teeth now?"

Everyone fell silent and watched the video in the light curtain for an instant.

The identity of Captain America is undoubtedly confirmed. After he walked into the elevator, the elevator was full of people.

Nick Fury also saw many familiar faces.

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