128 Time travel!

That's the end of the day aren't we all time travelers?

We Travel from one moment to day to another, from one month to another, then years at a time.

The time that we seem to be traveling is linear going in a natural progression of one event to another.

But what if it isn't always that way?

We have moments of déjà vu when we can never tell what they come from. Have you ever thought why that is?

Random trivia you shouldn't know

How for some reason you have a certain feeling about something and it happens to be true.

This does not help my argument but think of The Simpsons!

Look at the show from the beginning of it's running up until now and you can see how many things they got right about what does go on in the future.

I'm not saying that the time travelers but that show has a lot of foreshadowing to reality's issues

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