133 Ophidiophobia

I don't get why nobody ever likes to be around me. It's not like I ever did anything bad to anyone. As soon as someone spots me they go screaming and yelling in the opposite direction. Sometimes they even throw things at me. I try to be friendly to everyone and do my best to greet everyone with a smile, but it never seems to be enough.

It's always been like this, all the way back to the time of my ancestors. People look at us and always lump us together as the bad guy. We have done good things too but no one ever talks about our achievements only our faults. We can't go anywhere without being ostracized.

I fear that it will always be this way. Just the other day I was out and about just doing my work and I was a victim of unprovoked violence. Someone dared to shoot at me. I'm sorry if I was disturbing them but they could have just turned me away. I just wanted to know if they would be interested in pest control services coming to inspect their home, but I guess they weren't interested.

Even some of my friends believe the superstitions about us. I went out for dinner one night with some friends and was running late so they ordered for me. They got me an apple pecan salad. I asked them why they would order me this and apparently because my people like apples I'm supposed to. I don't even know where they got the idea that we like apples. There was this one famous guy who used to like them but that doesn't mean the rest of us do.

Like, come on I am carnivorous.

Some people believe that I can be hard to find at times but I think that is preposterous. I might look a bit short to some folk but when necessary I can stretch out to look a little taller. When I look tall I tend to scare people. I don't know how they can believe that I am at all threatening I'm teal for Pete's sake.

Their fear of me is completely irrational, I get being arachnophobic they are so small and have way too many eyes and legs. Im the perfect size not too big and not too small, it's hard to lose me with me being teal and all, and I help keep the world a safer place.

If there were more of us in Eurasia during the plaque maybe not as many people would have died. We keep the streets and your yards clean what else could you ask for. I wish people would get over their Ophidiophobia.

How threatening could one little snake be?

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