138 Just an idea

What if we lived in a world that was exactly like ours, or that's what it seems on the surface. What if there were things, people, beings who were unlike the rest going unnoticed by society. It's not that everyone was ignorant of their existence or that they are excellent at hiding, but we just simply can't see them. Humans have three color receptor cones in their eyes, the things in the eye which allow us to see color, give us a limited view of the world. As an example mantis shrimp have sixteen color receptor cones in their eyes. Our three compared to their sixteen is a massive difference just imagine how different the world we see is compared to theirs.

But with that being said what if there are individuals out there who somehow able to see them. The people we call paranoid for seeing something the rest of us cant isn't crazy, that weird feeling that you get where you feel that you are being watched isn't your imagination, but you being perceptive of another being that is around you. They are the reason for your dog to be barking at nothing in the middle of the night and why your cat seems to be staring at nothing.

Maybe we were all able to see them at one point but our sense changed and we are no longer able to tell if they are there. Our eyes grow as we age and something during the growing process has made it so we can no longer see them. Our hearing range is large when we are young and narrows as we grow older and that's why we don't hear them.

Maybe that's where the imaginary friends of our childhoods came from. We never simply grew out of them but we grew out of being able to interact with them.

The things among us matter where we are in the world.

Japan would have the yokai, the beings from their folklore. In their waters would be the kappa, a type of water demon whose actions range from being a trickster to drowning people. Old foxes turn into the mythical kitsune who strive to live long enough to gain nine tails.

Throughout Europe, they would have the fae, among countless other creatures occupying the land. The people there might encounter having things done about the house not knowing how the task was done. The only sign that someone or something was there would be a bit of milk being missing. The task was done by a fae called a brownie, a creature not too different from the house-elves in Harry Potter.

America would be a little different from other places as we are a melting pot of people and cultures. Out in the wilderness, we would still have our thunderbirds and windigo from various Native American tribes, but in the more diverse cities, you would be able to see any creature under the sun.

They are the reason for the unexplainable occurrences, the feelings we get when we are alone, and they have been there the whole time.

In plain sight just waiting to be noticed.

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