52 I’m here

Do you ever get the urge to scream from the rooftops

"I'm here"

That your presence actually matters

That you contribute to something

To be remembered for something

No matter what it is




To show that your existence has a meeting

That you're here for a purpose

That being here alive at this moment in time is a good thing

Do you ever want to just say

" notice me"

I have something to give

A reason to live

Look at all these things I can do

Look at my ideas

Look at the things that I have accomplished

"Look at me"


"Be proud of me... I did it"

Do you ever want someone to notice what you have to give

I can do these things

I know how to fix this

I have experience with this

"I can help"

Please don't look the other way

Just listen to me

"I'm here"

it feel like as more time that goes on the less I am seen

It feels like I have just faded into the background

A piece that has been overlooked by a newer model

The person I am is no longer a piece of art

But the small sliver of shear plastic that was encasing it that was through away

The piece that seemingly has no value

Why does it feel like I am no longer seen

Why is it that when I speak I am no longer heard

I may be seen but not noticed

Why does it feel like

" I am not here anymore "

That my existence has been thrown in the trash

I am no longer good enough for you to recycle

I am no longer wanted

I am just taking up space

Why does no one notice that

"I'm here"


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