
Queen Luna

Fantasy Romance
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What is Queen Luna

Lesen Sie den Roman Queen Luna des Autors Addicted_Luna, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel."Once I asked from the moon 'why it was always me, why everything happened to me.'And the moon said ' Wasn't it always you who said it's your fate and chose to accept it ? 'And from that day I decide ...


"Once I asked from the moon 'why it was always me, why everything happened to me.' And the moon said ' Wasn't it always you who said it's your fate and chose to accept it ? ' And from that day I decide to make my own fate. This life is mine. Mine to live, mine to enjoy, mine to control. So why do I let something that I don't know even it's exist to influence on my life. " So are you ready? Take my hand and come with me. I will tell you a story. The story about ME. ••••••••••••••••••••• Ellie Ora Hales The world known her as Ellie Hales, a renowned artist. The werewolf world known her as Alpha Hales. Is she really just an alpha or an artist ? Others thought she was easy to pick because she was a girl, but what they don't know was one word from her is enough to wipe their entire existence from the world. She is the QUEEN. No one put her there where she is now. She had suffered a lot to become who she is now. With her mate that make sure she will get no harm and her new pack, new family that's by her side no matter whatever decision she takes, what will happen when her past come and knock at her door? " Oh! That's where you went wrong. I never ran away from my past, I am just moving on with my present" This is the story about HER. She will pay good with good, but with bad she will pay ten fold more.

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