
Queen Kohra

The Kingdom of Ataliya has been ruled by the priestesses of Muni for over a million years. Queen Kohra is the chosen one and appointed when she reaches 18. The thing about her though, is that she's unwilling to chose a consort. Lesker is a scholar in the monastry of the god Burmi. He is chosen as the first consort for Kohra, the very stubborn queen. What happens when intelligence clashes and fate draws this unlikely couple together? Find out, in the legend of Queen Kohra. Volume 2: Era of Lesker Lesker has lost his memory and found himself in a mysterious place without anything to go on with. The only thing he remembers are his name and something he must find. How is he going to survive, restore his memory and find what he's looking for? Find out in the Era of Lesker

Greyworrld · Fantasie
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75 Chs

Episode 24

Ilan was found by Quella, exhausted and on the verge of fainting. She bent over and placed her hand on his face. Her hands were cold, bringing him back to reality. He blinked severally, his aggrieved appearance biting her heart.

She carried him off the floor and space wrapped around them. When they appeared again, they were in her bedroom. It was a giant deep blue cave with waves oscillating on the walls. There was a white cloud in the middle of the room, gently levitating a few centimeters above the ground. There was a huge dresser but the desk of the dresser was empty.

The room was filled with bits of furniture here and there but it still gave off an air of desolation. Quella gently placed him on the bed and pressed a cold kiss to his forehead. He slipped into slumber and his condition gradually returned to normal. Space wrapped around her again and she appeared in the throne room.

Kohra was seated on a velvet couch still in her male form. Her eyes were indifferent as she pet the baby dragon on her laps. A dark blue dragon curled around the chair and rested. Aiyla and Bruon were also given seats. Besides the four of them, there was no one else in the throne room before Quella arrived.

"Welcome to the Eastern Ocean Palace" she greeted with civility. Kohra gently placed the baby dragon in her arms on the couch and teleported right in front of Quella.

"This entire region is under your jurisdiction, am I right?" she asked, her hazel eyes boring down on the Siren. Quella shook her head and pushed her back.

"Yes. The Eastern Ocean is my domain"

"I'm looking for a water god. It's a Soujin by the name of Umela. Do you know him?"

Quella's eyes widened by a fraction when she heard the name but calmed down immediately.

"Yes. He is currently in my dungeon. How do you know that name?"

Kohra silently pointed to Anak who was still napping.

"I need to obtain the eternal flame he stole"

"You can't hold the eternal flame. Can you?" Quella asked with heavy doubt.

Kohra didn't reply but brought out a bright red container. She passed it to Quella whose hands burned as she touched it. She utilized her magi into her hands and the fire was immediately neutralized. She realized what it was.

"Eternal flame jar? Where did you get this and why can you even hold this?"

"It's not only the holy water of the sirens that can neutralize the eternal flame of the heavenly humans. Chaos births and destroys all"

"You're simply frightening. I'll take you to him after dealing with them"

Kohra nodded and teleported back to her seat. Quella coughed lightly to get Aiyla and Bruon's attention. The two gave her a vigilant look to which she gave a wry smile. She waved her hand and a large coral appeared in front of them. They looked at it warily and looked at her.

"That's a memory coral. It contains Ilan's history. I'm guessing you two would want to see it. All you have to do is send your magi inside"

They received the coral and sent their magi inside. The memory they saw was much distant than they could imagine.

In the image were two blue-skinned couple with the markings of the underwater kingdom. The female was rocking a baby swathed in white silk. A large white siren slithered up to them and transformed into the Quella they knew.

"Iyori. Anni"

"Your Majesty" they bowed in greeting.

"Have you decided what to name the child?"

"Not really. Naming a god is an important task. We don't dare choose a name carelessly" Anni replied.

"Oh, I know. Why don't you name the child, your majesty?" Iyori suggests.

Quella's eyes widened in surprise by the mother's suggestion.

"Why would you ever think I'd be good at that?"

"Well, you've had children before? Didn't you name them?"

"Still, he's your child"

"You don't think we know, your majesty. Since the day this child was born, we knew. He is destined to be the future ruler of this region. Am I right, your majesty?"

"Sometimes, I wish you were not so smart, Iyori. Yes, you're right. He is to be my successor"

"No your majesty. He is to be your mate"

"Iyori! Don't say that. He is but a child. He would prefer a wife of his own choosing rather than an old siren like me"

"My queen, it pains us that you belittle yourself like this. We would be honored if our child becomes your mate"

"Not you too Anni"

"This is what we wish your majesty. I hope you wouldn't deny us"

They both lowered their head and Quella was hard-pressed to refuse them.

"Fine. I will watch over the child"

"Thank you, your majesty"

The next time Quella saw the child, the Western Ocean Kingdom had attacked. Umela had obtained a sacred flame that would make his powers stronger as he was the great general of the siren who controlled hot and boiling water, his territory usually under magma.

The battle was a long, hard, and fierce one that injured even Quella. In the chaos, Anni and Iyori were severely injured and used the last of their lifelines to protect their kingdom and sent their son away. If he were killed then there would be no hope for their kingdom. Quella could only watch helplessly as she lost three of her most important people in a day.

The memory ended and the coral landed in their hand, its shine a bit dim.

"Is this real? Was that really his parents?"

"That was my memory. You can confirm with the diety of Knowledge if I'm lying"

"Lesker?" Aiyla probed.

"She's not lying. Celestials rarely lie, you know"

The two took a deep breath and fought hard for their mind not to collapse.

"Are you done now? Lead me to that Soujin"


I took a while but happy new year

Greyworrldcreators' thoughts