
QT: Beauty And The Beasts

Latham lived a miserable life on earth. He died and transmigrated in the body of the crown prince of Zoltar. A world of beasts where men are handsome and charming in every possible way. The place of his dreams where he could be someone that he has ever wanted to be. Stuck in the body of the next king of the kingdom. How will he, a modern boy from another world navigate through life in the royal palace? Will he be able to avoid falling for the handsome beasts and keep himself alive long enough to be king?

Xizzem · LGBT+
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11 Chs

Five: The Letter

Latham now prince Adrien slept soundly in the massive bed, back in the twenty-first century he was not privileged to sleep in a bed so big. So he took his time enjoying the nap.

That might be the only plus in his books for waking up in such a strange place. His beautiful sleep was interrupted by the dream he had.

In his dream he was still in the forest running away from the humongous wolves that wanted to eat him. Latham ran as fast as he could to escape from them but no matter how fast he ran they still caught up to her.

He jumped up the trees and they followed right behind him. Latham swam across the lake and they swam after him. He was getting tired and stopped to rest for a while before continuing to run.

He closed his eyes and inhaled the fresh air in the forest, when he opened her eyes once again the wolves were there with him. They had cornered him and he had nowhere to run.

They jumped on him to devour him.

"Aaaahh," he woke up screaming, he was inhaling and exhaling very fast. He hadn't had a nightmare like that since his brother forced him to watch crooked man the horror movie.

He would dream of the crooked man and his crooked cat coming for him. And now in this world, not only him but even the crooked man would not be able to sleep. Latham attempted to go back to sleep but kept seeing those wolves and decided against it.

He needed to get proper sleep to explore this new world tomorrow and find a way to get back to civilization. He wanted nothing more than to do that and the sooner that happens the better.

He thought of good things to wade the misery of not being able to sleep. Latham thought of barbie in the Disney movie but then he saw one of the wolves eating her alive, he went ahead and thought of everything that he could come up with but the nightmare remained. He shut his eyes forcefully and forced himself to sleep.

"Why are you torturing those beautiful eyes," he gave attention to the voice that spoke beside him. When he opened his eyes he was sleeping right before him.

The man from the lake was right there with him, his breath became heavy at the sight of him. He looked so breathtaking in a red night robe lying there looking at him.

" What are you doing here?" he inquired.

"You tell me, after all, I am a figment of your imagination. So tell me, Latham, why am I here?" he asked and he faces palmed himself.

He was imagining that beautiful but cold stranger in his room. May the heavens forgive him for his thoughts but what did anyone expect him to do after meeting such as beauty. No one in the twenty-first century can ever compare to his beauty.

"I can't fall asleep. Can you help me?" he asked the imaginary god.

"Then why don't you try sleeping on my chest I am sure you will fall asleep in no time," the lake man said and he agreed and did as told. He laid in him and fell asleep instantly.

Far away from his home, a young man dressed in a black robe stood on top of the hill laughing. He knew that he was right that boy was different from the others, he was the only one in this land who would dare to think about him and even imagine sharing the same bed with him.

The whole world regarded him in such high regard and would never attempt to say his name so carelessly let alone desire him as Latham did in his room.

He took out a paper from his pocket and wrote on it. " Make sure it arrives at the palace of Zoltar first thing tomorrow morning, we wouldn't want him to be late," he said and held the letter up and a golden bird flew from the trees and took the letter before flying away.

"See you soon my sweet dear prince," the man said and lifted off the ground and flew away towards the sky and disappeared in the clouds.

The rest of the night went well with Latham having a good sleep and dreaming about going on a picnic with Mr. handsome.

The dream was the closest he had ever come to going on a date with any boy. He was always busy working hard to provide for his family that he never had time to have a life.


In the palace, there was panic in everyone's hearts, a golden regal bird had flown into their home and delivered a letter to them.

The King didn't dare to open the letter and read from it. In the dragon empire, it was normal for magical creatures to exist but there were only three golden fire-breathing birds on the whole continent, and all they belonged to the Lord of that continent.

The presence of the golden bird meant that he had personally sent the letter to them. News had gone around that a regal bird was seen flying into the king's palace.

Everyone who was an important member of the kingdom made their way to the palace. The Emporer of the dragon empire and the second prince stood in the throne room staring at the letter.

The Empress demanded the right to open the letter, she was curious to know what was written inside. The Lord could have made a demand from the king. He was the Lord and the king would have no choice but to accept whatever the crazy God demanded of them.

She opened the letter slowly nervous read about what the contents of the letter might be. She read through it and breathed out a sigh of relief, she cleared her throat and read the letter.

" For the great work done by the king to my kingdom, I take this opportunity to reward him. I the Lord permit the Emperor to send his five children to Golden school for their studies. They will be expected there tomorrow morning." She read with a confident smile that soon vanished when she thought that the Lord himself took the trouble to reward the king.

It meant that the king had earned a special place in the Lord's heart. She needed to be careful of the king or the next time he will be gifted a pass to the heavens as a reward. She had to remain in his favor.

The King could not believe what he had heard, he was not that great as a king there were many more achieved kings out there but he got the Lord's favor. He was more than happy until he processed what the letter said.

The letter mentioned five children but his eldest son was in no condition to even open his eyes let alone go to school.

The crowd started murmuring about what they had witnessed, some were happy for them while others were envious of them.

The king did not waste even a single second and ran out of the room, out of curiosity everyone also followed behind him. He ran so fast towards the crown prince's room.

The Lord can not make a mistake and if he said five children then he must have cured his eldest son. He and the officials of the empire budged into the room and startled Latham.

"What is happened?" Latham woke up and took a defensive posture holding his pillow as a weapon to attack the enemy.

He saw even more handsome men in his room and almost fainted. They were in no way close to Mr. handsome's beauty but they weren't so far off. He thought the first thing that the people should do was to ensure that men were not allowed to be more beautiful than women in that world.

"Adrien, my child you are awake," the king spoke bringing everyone out of their stance. Latham looked around the room for this Adrien but couldn't find anyone.

It looked like it was him that the man was talking to. The king was so happy to see his son alive and active that he forgot everything and hugged him so tightly.

He had completely overlooked the people in the room and only saw his son. He hugged him so tightly that he couldn't breathe.

"You are hurting him, Emperor," they all heard a cute voice at the end of the room.

They all turned around to see where the voice came from. A small silver fox with blue stripes appeared floating at the end, everyone was shocked to see a sacred fox in the room. A silver fox was one of the rare sacred beasts on the continent.

"Let my master breath, your highness. Your excitement is harming her and someone very important would not be happy if that happens." said the sleepy fox before it disappeared.

"Where did you get that Adrien?" the king asked his son.

"Some man in a white robe wearing a mask came to see me yesterday and left it for me, he said that it was a gift for being his disciple," Latham carelessly answered and everyone's jaw dropped at his words.

White was a sacred color in that continent, only the Asedai's and the Lord wear white. And with the letter from the Lord only proved that the man who visited the crown prince was the Lord which meant that he was the Lord's disciple.

In line to become an Asedai in the future.