

Autor: Ryukuzen
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What is Qing

Lesen Sie den Roman Qing des Autors Ryukuzen, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel....


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Kebangkitan Mythical God

"Sejak zaman dahulu, bangsa Manusia bertarung dengan bangsa Devils". Namun, perkembangan bangsa devils begitu cepat! Sekarang bangsa Manusia bukan lagi lawan bagi bangsa Devils! Karena kasihan terhadap bangsa manusia para dewa (God) membantu manusia dengan meleburkan dirinya menjadi serpihan Energi Spiritual! yang turun temurun diwariskan kepada keturunan manusia! Ada 7 tingkatan Kekuatan, Masing masing memiliki 5 bintang! yaitu: Ellite, Master, Grand Master, Black Gold, Diamond, Legends, Emperor! tetapi masih ada 1 tingkatan yang diluar akal sehat, saat semua keluatan Dewa dimiliki dalam satu tubuh! Ini kisah tentang seorang anak laki-laki, dia dipanggil, " Xiao luu"! ia memiliki bakat luar biasa, ia adalah anak dari kepala keluarga Heavenly God, " Xiao Ming". ia belajar di "Institut Heavenly Orchid"! Ada 5 tingkatan Spiritual Realm yaitu: merah, kuning, biru muda, perak, Gold! anak ini memiliki Spiritual Realm Gold, yang membuat para ahli menjadi kagum. Xiao luu menjalani kehidupannya dengan menyendiri, samapai bertemu dengan Shen ning dan mendapatkan teman teman yang setia! yang tumbuh bersama menuju tingkat kultivasi tertinggi! Dengan ini sebagai bekal untuk menghadapi Devils Lord! dan 7 pasukan Devils peringkat Emperor bintang 5! kekuatan mereka sangat dahsyat, dan mereka melindungi Devils Lord dari setiap serangan! Akankah Xiao luu dapat mengalahkan Devils Lord dan menyelamatkan kota Nagari dari para Devils! inilah kisahnya! bacalah dan berikan like dan masukkan dalam daftar pusaka!

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Mr. X [Kim Tan]

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Presidir Cupu

Yuanara Yustika yang dipanggil Nara bekerja selain sebagai CEO di perusahaan yang di kelola bersama kakanya bernama Bening Anjani yang di panggil Bening yaitu perusahaan Garden yang terkenal di manca negara . Nara yang selalu di aggap sebelah mata oleh seluruh orang tak kecuali Candra . Candra yang merupakan orang terdekat Nara saat dirinya pernah di rampok saat bersama Bening dari situ Nara kemana mana selalu bawa Candra untuk di jadikan bodyguardnya. Meskipun sebagai CEO ternama Nara kadang menyamar sebagai pelayan di cafe karena merasa nyaman saja jika Nara berada di cafe serasa beban di fikirannya hilang setelah menjadi pelayan di cafe. karena penampilannya dengan kacamata tebal, berambut kepang dua dan wajah jauh dari kata wanita sempurna. Sering bertemu dengan Candra membuat Candra menaruh rasa pada Nara dengan kesederhanaannya. Restu Candra Buana yang merupakan pemilik hotel dan rumah sakit Fujiyama di kota Monata di balik itu Candra yang lebih suka berkeliling di alam luas membuatnya menyembunyikan pekerjaan aslinya. yang di tunjukan hanya cleaning service seperti dengan Nara, kedua perusahaan itu di kerjakan oleh kaki tangannya yang juga merupakan orang tang sudah bekerja puluhan tahun sejak Candra bersekolah. Cinta Candra dengan Nara bisa dikatakan usianya yang terpaut sangat jauh 10 tahun Nara yang berusia 20 tahun dan Candra 30 tahaun dengan kesibukan membuatnya menjomblo bertahun tahun. Apakah kisah Nara dan Candra akan bersatu dengan keserdahanannya atau bahkan hanya bertepuk sebelah tangan ? Ayo ikuti cerita saya?

Wisi_Alfasari_3205 · Urban
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1 Chs

Unconsciously Yours

"You should believe me for once, Leo," Alison muttered pleadingly, believing that he would give some respect to their two years of marriage, it the least he could do after they got divorced two weeks ago. "Why should I believe you, Alison? Will my mother lie to me? Will Natalia lie to me?" Leo asked in a calm yet cold tone. "But...she" Alison tried to explain but Leo interrupted her in between, as he came towards her and gripped her arm tightly as he roared at her face, " Enough!! You slapped Natalia in public even when you knew that she is pregnant with my child? Two days after you pushed my mother from the staircase just because she confronted you. Now when all the evidence here is against you, you still asking me to believe you. Are these not enough to prove you are guilty?" Alison looked up at him in the eyes and witnessed that there is no affection and no warmth on his face, he is so cold to her. He has always been cold to her. 'Is two years of marriage is nothing to him? Are two years of living together didn't change his heart to even believe me for once? Whom am I kidding how can I replace his three years old relationship with our two years of arranged marriage.' Alison thought as her whole demeanor changed in a second. "We are already divorced after two years of marriage, so tell me why will I push her?" Alison asked Leo coldly while concealing her disappointment. Leo on the other hand was taken aback by her sudden question and tone but for some reason, he can't answer her. After not getting the answer for more than five minutes, 'He didn't answer, he can't answer me,' Alison thought to herself and turned around but as she was ready to leave, Leo tightened his grip on her arms. "Where the hell do you think you are going? Do you think Natalia didn't tell me how you despise her and my mother " Leo roared while turning her around to face him? "Let go of me!" Alison said coldly but deep inside she was helpless, realizing it again came to Sofia, a woman in front of whom she is nothing in his eyes. "Do you think after doing these things, I will let you go that easily." Leo hissed while tightening his grip on her arms. Hearing this Alison chuckled and said, "Call the police then, I don't want to waste my time on you anymore." She had a sliver of the belief that he won't do that. "Don't worry, the police are here already. All they have to do is to put you behind the cell. I will make your life living hell, Miss Jones." Leo hissed in his raspy voice while pinching her chin up to make her look into his eyes. But when he saw her cold gaze and indifferent aura, he slapped her on the face which made her staggered backward and instinctively touched her lower abdomen but in a flash, she removed her hand. She stopped breathing for a moment but soon she came back to her senses. Seeing Natalia was grinning like an idiot there, she chuckled loudly and struggled away from Leo's grip and whispered," You will regret it one day, Leo. I will make it sure that you do." Not wanting to let him see how he can affect her she turned around, an officer came forward from beside her while stretching an arm out and said, "Miss don't create a scene. Please corporate with us!" "Who is making a scene here? Take me away from this disgusting place now." Alison controls her tears and emotions and commanded the officer coldly and glanced at Leo and Sofia for the last time and left with the officers. And surely she was pushed behind the cells and her worst nightmare started which will surely haunt her for the rest of her life. ---- WARNING: THERE ARE NO RAPE OR FORCEFUL ACTIVITIES MENTIONED. Hope this book won't kill your excitement to go through it. ----- The book cover isn't mine, it's taken from Pinterest. All the credit goes to the owner who intensified such feelings. Thanks a lot.

_crush · Urban
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Gods Game, and being caught in-between.

After a lifetime (12.94 billion years, give or take a millennium or six,) of tireless service to maintaining order within the cosmos it’s about damn time for a well-earned retirement. Because being No. 387 has officially had enough. Its last gig just went arse up, its bosses’ fault of course, but it’s still up to No.387 to foot the bill. For all the 48 billion souls and their solar system that just went down the toilet. So now it’s got a Goddess to repay, a third wave one at that. And hadn’t it been hearing some rumours lately that another Game might starting soon? No. 387 used to believe in coincidence up here in the Astral realm. Now? Now It’s just counting the century’s until it gets its beach house on the edge of infinity. Were Veshrya’s not a bad girl. She’s smart, kind, strong and so adorably cute kittens cry in envy when they see her. She’s just no hero, even if Fate is trying its hardest to get her to be. It’s just too bad she doesn’t realise it. -------------------------------------------------- Hello and thank you for reading. This is the first time I've actually tried to put any type of creativity out into the wider world and I sure as hell don’t know what I’m doing. Add into the mix a helping of dyslexia and the real world (which of the two this one is worse), and I just hope it reads slightly better than what a heard of wild donkeys being attacked by the cast of Stomp would sound like. Still, please have a read. Tell me what you thought for however long you do, where are there mistakes? What do you believe could make it better? I probably won’t actually change anything but its good learning if the criticism is constructive. The mistakes will be fixed though. Mabey. It should be a one or two a week release unless I come down with a bad case of work or worse yet, children. Now disclaimers. This is designed to be a slow burn of a story, if no action takes place in the first five chapters I won’t be surprised. 18 or younger? DO NOT READ. There WILL be sex, drugs, violence and rock and roll. There will also be a Harem (actually Polyamory rather than Harem), so don’t read if you’re not a fan. Tags will be added when or if I get around to it. And so, GL, HF. Oh, P.S. you may notice that some of my work may seem somewhat familiar to some people. That's because I'm not shy about letting better minds than mine do some of the heavy lifting. Thank you, D & D, for all you've given me. TAGS - Sci-fi, Fantasy, Female Protagonist, Romance, Harem, Violence, Sex,

Kislevite · Fantasie
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5 Chs
Latest Update
Volumen 1


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