

Valdis clings to her small hope, healing from her wounds, growing her powers, and exacting her brutal revenge. Torn between the idea of love and the feeling of despair. Join her on this journey, and find out the hidden secrets the gods have left. And what darkness is hidden in the most obvious of places.

LuRai · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Chapter One

**Trigger Warning: Intense Content**

This story contains themes and depictions of graphic violence, abuse, trauma, self-harm, suicide, and psychological distress. It may include unsettling and disturbing scenes that could be distressing or triggering to some readers. Reader discretion is advised. If you are sensitive to any of the mentioned topics or find such content disturbing, we recommend refraining from reading this story. Take care of your well-being and seek support if needed.

Valdis opened her eyes, quite some time had passed since the red river had lulled her into slumber. She pushed herself up, propping herself with her hands coated in the red. She turned her head, her lilac eyes observing how her hair had grown, now coated in a thick red, she had lost the same snowy color that had caused her demise. Valdis supposed she liked this much better, slowly moving her gaze from her locks she turned her gaze to the being, the same being that once caused her such sorrows. Such being now lay lifeless, she thought it funny how the same one to cause her pain created such a peaceful river.

She sat for a while, observing the lifeless body before her, staring at the glimmer of hope lodged in their neck. It took quite some time before she mustered the energy to rise. Hesitant the being might rise again despite her effort. She couldn't bear the thought that they might ruin the peace she had created for herself. She crawled towards the body, still weary and nervous. After seeing the lack of breath in the being she sighed lightly, as though all her worries had been for naught. Valdis didn't hesitate to rip her hope from its neck, all too happy that it caused more red to spill. She flipped the object over in her hands, it was rugged and sharp. She wondered, where did this thing come from. All she knew was the darkness, this small beacon of hope had brought her this redd peace, which only piqued her curiosity. If she could find more of this hope she may be able to live in this red river forever. She thought she might locate its source before others arrived. She knew all too well what fate might have in store if she decided to stay.

Valdis lifted herself, gripping her hope tightly, her red-coated locks like a coat against her shoulders. She felt heavy, but light all the same. She moved her feet, the small shuffles causing the red river beneath her feet to slosh lightly. She shuffled past the lifeless being and further into the darkness. Valdis had never known where the beings came from, appearing in the darkness to torture her endlessly. All she had ever known was the darkness. She clutched her small hope to her chest tightly as she walked, as though loosening her grip might make this all a dream. What fervent desire she felt in this moment, to walk through the darkness. Not knowing what might become of herself. The times she had spent hoping those clammy hands would wrap around her neck, squeezing ever so tight, just enough to release her from her suffering. A hope that had never come, seemed a distant thought. Now with what little will she had gained, she felt the need to live. For what else was she going to do?

She shuffled through the dullness for quite some time, the red river having been left behind. Her feet, having once caused a trail of red behind her, now had the red hardened against her skin. Her milky hair felt stiff and weighed down on her. But, she did not stop. Valdis felt the further into the darkness she went, the wearier she became. It wasn't long before her fatigue caught up with her. She collapsed against the cold ground beneath her. Now missing her red river, she could only curl up into herself as her eyes shut. Hoping it would bring her back to peace.