
Volume 1. Chapter 16

It remains only to wash the blood and tomorrow will be the last day of your stay in this city.

Speaking of dirt and blood. I noticed a strange feature of my skeleton, because for some reason it is always called clean! It is very strange, but convenient and saves you from wasting time.

As far as I remember, the skeleton is still in the room, of course I can cancel the call right now, but I don't see a problem. The room is already locked.

Walking down the corridor to the hotels and thinking over the last phrase again, my hand moved almost by reflex to the nearest locked door and opened the lock with a key…

Recoiling from the door, my eyes twitched with dislike, or rather as if from an insult.

The only good thing is that we will soon disappear from this place. But it will serve as a lesson to me, I will take care of my things more carefully.

But despite my indignation, when I returned to the room, I fell asleep almost instantly.

When I woke up, I mentally outlined a business plan:

• Lunch.

• Visit the blacksmith.

• Go to the carpenter

Why would I go to the carpenter?

Well, out of the corner of my ear, I overheard that you can buy pocket-sized chess from him, which is amazing for a fantasy theme. In any case, it doesn't hurt to look around.

By the way, I've often seen the so-called "shogi" and I'm starting to guess who had a hand in it... or not…

Were there many reincarnation monsters here, or am I the only one?


Going to the blacksmith, I took away a heavy iron mask, with straps and fasteners, on the sides and back. This device makes it easy to attach the mask to the head itself, but also to attach a ready-made hood to it, making it a kind of "helmet".

- As I see it, in appearance you started from mine.

Blacksmith: - That's right, I thought that if the mask looks like yours, then you will appreciate it better.

Well, it was straightforward, but why not?

The mask really looked like a heavier version of mine.…

After paying, I decided to go straight to my room and put it on the skeleton, otherwise I might forget.

I summoned my faithful assistant and put on a mask for him.

But it looked like something was missing.…

Okay, that'll do. Let him wear a mask for now.

- "Cancellation of the draft"

I went to that carpenter.

And as expected, he had a rich assortment of goods. There were statuettes, carved wooden cups on the shelves, and of course I found checkers there. Or is it more like chess…

It looked like a folding chess board, on the outside of which there were round bulges, exactly the same as the hollows on the inside of the "checkers" itself. The checkers themselves looked like standard ones, but at the top of each was carved a figure corresponding to that in chess.

Of course, I bought this universal set for myself, if I get to play with fellow travelers. I hope there will be someone who will make me tense up.

I have everything ready, I just need to take a break before the trip…

When I got into the cart, I found out that there was another person riding with us. He was a merchant.

He seemed to be quite sociable, and I decided to ask him about the city we were going to.

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