

At the cafe, two waitresses were chatting as they washed the dishes. One of them said, "I heard about a new invention that could kill even the demons!"

"Really? What's that?"

"They've invented a super-massive gun. It fires a shell with the explosive force of several thousand cannons. If a single shot destroyed a whole company of demons, I think that would be useful."

"That's great. But the demons are tough, right?"

"Yeah. They don't die easy, and they keep coming back from being killed."

"Do you think we'll ever be able to kill them with one shot?"

"It seems unlikely. They're tough, but they're not invincible."

"They do seem to have a lot of weaknesses. They're always weak at the knees and crying out. That must mean they're scared."

"What are they so afraid of? The humans, that is."

"I don't think it's humans, necessarily, but maybe it's some other race of demons? Anyway, the demons' morale is terrible. I mean, they've been fighting a three-hundred-year war with us, right? I can't imagine they'd keep up the fight like that if they didn't have some reason."

"You're right. They have to have some kind of plan. There's got to be a reason they're fighting, or they wouldn't be doing it."

As the two waitresses finished cleaning up the cafe and closed the door,

"Sir, our shop is closed. You need to leave."

"No way," the man replied. "I'll have my meal first."

"We're sorry. Our cafe is closed for the day."

"I don't care! I'm hungry"

The man looked like a vagrant. He was holding a rusted spear. One of the waitresses took hold of his wrist and tried to pull his arm away from the weapon, but he held on tight.

"Don't try to be tough with me. You're a waitress, aren't you? It's fine to let a customer in after the shop's closed, isn't it? It's only polite."

"Ok! Would you like something to eat?"

The man thought about it, then nodded. He was starving. He looked around and found a place to sit at the counter. He put his spear on the ground at his feet.

"What would you like? How about some oden?"

"Oden? I don't care, anything's fine."

"I'm sorry for asking," the second waitress said softly, "I didn't mean to bring up painful memories."

The man sighed, his tough exterior softening slightly. "It's okay. I appreciate that you're curious. Not many people care about the soldiers on the frontlines. We're just seen as expendable pawns in this war."

"I'm sure it's not like that for everyone," the first waitress said, trying to offer some comfort.

The man smiled faintly, appreciating the gesture. "Maybe. But sometimes, it feels like the world has forgotten about us. We're out there fighting day in and day out, risking our lives, and for what? To push back the demons? But we never seem to make any real progress."

"Is there no hope for ending the war?" the second waitress asked, genuinely concerned.

"I don't know," the man admitted. "It's hard to see an end to it all. The demons are relentless, and as you said, they keep coming back even after being defeated. It's like they have an endless supply of soldiers."

As they continued talking, the man shared stories of his experiences in the war, describing the hardships, the camaraderie, and the moments of hope that kept him going. The waitresses listened attentively, gaining a newfound appreciation for the sacrifices made by those on the frontlines.

they heard a roar from afar. One of the waitresses said, "It's here again."

The man turned his head toward the sound and said, "It's the Beast of Calamity, isn't it?"

"Yes. I think it's a demon that comes through a portal somewhere. It's a terrible monster that wreaks havoc across the countryside. They say it can kill an entire company of demons with one blow."

"They say it's been slaughtering a town called Asura in the north," the second waitress added, "but nobody knows what it is. We call it the Beast of Calamity because it kills people and demons indiscriminately."

"I think I've heard of that," the man said. "It's an ancient demon. It's supposed to be as old as time itself. Its powers are unrivaled."

"But it can't be as strong as all that," the first waitress said, "because the demons can't stop it. They say the Beast of Calamity can kill even gods."

"Looks like it came here." the man replied.

"What can we do?" the second waitress asked.

"You go find a place to hide. Leave it to us, I'm Seven Slayer. I'll take care of this."

The man picked up his spear. It was an ordinary spear, made from iron and steel. However, there was a special quality to it: it had been infused with the power of the gods, making it the strongest weapon in all the land.

The waitresses looked at the man with awe and admiration. They had heard tales of Seven Slayer, a legendary warrior known for his prowess on the battlefield. He had earned his name by single-handedly defeating seven powerful demons in a single battle, a feat that was thought to be impossible.

"Be careful," one of the waitresses said, her voice filled with concern.

Seven Slayer nodded with a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, I've faced demons far stronger than this Beast of Calamity. I'll protect this town and everyone in it."

He rushed out of the cafe, his spear in hand, and followed the sound of the roar. As he reached the outskirts of the town, he saw the massive creature wreaking havoc, destroying buildings and causing chaos everywhere it went.

Seven Slayer approached the Beast of Calamity with a calm demeanor. "You've caused enough suffering," he called out, his voice unwavering. "It's time for you to return to the abyss!"

The Beast turned its attention towards Seven Slayer and let out another bone-chilling roar. It lunged at him with incredible speed, but Seven Slayer was ready. With lightning-fast reflexes, he evaded the attack and struck the creature's hide with his enchanted spear. The impact caused a shockwave that sent ripples through the ground.

The Beast of Calamity retaliated, swinging its massive claws at Seven Slayer, but he deftly dodged each strike, finding the creature's weak spots and exploiting them. He delivered precise blows with his spear, each one chipping away at the Beast's formidable defenses.

The battle raged on for what seemed like an eternity. The town's residents watched from afar, witnessing the epic clash between the legendary warrior and the ancient demon. They had never seen such a display of power and skill.

As the fight reached its climax, Seven Slayer summoned all his strength and gathered the energy of the gods into his spear. With a mighty thrust, he drove the weapon deep into the heart of the Beast of Calamity. A blinding light enveloped the area, and a shockwave of energy rippled outward, shaking the very foundation of the town.

When the light subsided, the Beast of Calamity lay motionless on the ground, defeated. The townspeople cheered, celebrating the victory of their protector, Seven Slayer. He had once again proven himself as the savior of their home.

With the battle won, Seven Slayer returned to the cafe, where the two waitresses were anxiously waiting for his return. They greeted him with relieved smiles.

"You did it! You defeated the Beast of Calamity!" one of the waitresses exclaimed.

Seven Slayer nodded humbly. "I couldn't have done it without your belief in me. Thank you for trusting in my abilities."

"We're grateful for your courage and strength," the second waitress said, her voice filled with gratitude.

Seven Slayer then looked at the golden ticket in his hand. "This ticket you gave me, what does it entitle me to?"

The first waitress replied, "The owner of the nearby bookstore is offering a special reward for those who receive the golden ticket. It's our way of showing appreciation for those who protect our town."

"I see," Seven Slayer said with a smile. "Then I shall make use of this reward to prepare for the next battle. The war with the demons is far from over, and I must remain vigilant."

As he left the cafe once more, the waitresses watched him with newfound respect. They knew that Seven Slayer's journey was far from over, and they silently hoped that his bravery and strength would bring peace to their war-torn world. Little did they know that their act of kindness, giving a simple golden ticket, would play a significant role in the fate of their land and the war against the demons.


"I think you're leaving out some important details," Kojou said with an exasperated look.

"I love your Oden!"

"I apologize for that oversight. Thank you for pointing it out. I'm glad you enjoyed the Oden. It's one of our specialties here at the cafe," the first waitress, Kojou, said with a warm smile.

As they shared a moment of lightheartedness, the second waitress, whose name was Sakura, added, "You know, it's not every day we get to meet a legendary warrior like Seven Slayer. We're honored to have you dine with us."

Seven Slayer, still recovering from the intense battle, chuckled softly. "You don't have to treat me like a legend. I'm just a soldier doing my duty to protect people from the demons."

Kojou shook her head. "Oh, but you are a legend. Your bravery and skill have saved countless lives, and that's worth celebrating."

"Indeed," Sakura agreed, "you give people hope, and that's something we need in these trying times."

As they chatted, the town's residents began to gather around, word spreading about Seven Slayer's presence in the cafe. They expressed their gratitude, shook his hand, and shared stories of how his past victories had inspired them.

Feeling touched by the warm reception, Seven Slayer thanked everyone, "I'm honored by your words, and I'm grateful for the support of this town. Your faith in me gives me the strength to keep fighting."

"Sir, we have a small gift for you," Kojou said, handing him a wrapped package. "It's not much, but we hope you find it useful on your journey."

Seven Slayer unwrapped the package to find a beautifully crafted amulet. "This is exquisite," he said, holding it up to the light. "What is it?"

"It's an ancient talisman, passed down through generations in this town," Sakura explained. "It's said to bring protection and luck to its bearer. We thought it might aid you in your battles."

"Thank you," Seven Slayer said, genuinely moved. "I will cherish this gift and carry it with me always."

As the night wore on, the atmosphere in the cafe became one of celebration and camaraderie. Seven Slayer shared more of his adventures, and the townspeople listened in awe. They forgot, for a moment, the looming war and the hardships they faced.

With the new day approaching, Seven Slayer knew he had to rest and continue his journey. "I must be on my way," he said, standing up from his seat. "The demons won't wait for me."

Kojou and Sakura walked him to the door, along with many of the cafe's patrons. "Thank you for everything," Kojou said, a hint of sadness in her voice. "Please take care, and may the talisman protect you."

"I'll be back someday," Seven Slayer assured them. "I have a feeling there will be more battles to fight."

As he stepped outside, the first rays of sunlight painted the horizon. Seven Slayer took a moment to look back at the cafe and the townspeople who had welcomed him with open hearts.

"I'm glad I came here," he thought to himself. "The world may be plagued by war and chaos, but there's still hope and kindness in the hearts of people."

With renewed determination, Seven Slayer set off on his journey, carrying the memories of the cafe and its inhabitants with him. Little did he know that the small act of kindness from Kojou and Sakura, and the golden ticket they had given him, would play a pivotal role in the war against the demons, and in shaping the destiny of their world.

Thank you Seven Slayer for support Love of Multi-Universe.

catbakecrispcreators' thoughts
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