
Promise you will love me

Chantel has always being a bright girl. Her parents are well to do but she never let that get into her head. Right after her junior high school, she attained a full scholarship to study in one of the best senior high schools. There, she met Kevin, who promised her heaven and earth. But things did not turn out the way she expected it to be and she had to leave school. She hated Kevin for ruining her life, and vowed never to love again. Years later, she met Kevin again. But she could not forgive him. Kevin made his quest to get Chantel to love him again, like she used to. Will he be able to get Chantel to love him? Will Chantel give Kevin another chance to prove himself? Find out more from this intriguing story.

Maame_Efua_Quainua · Urban
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59 Chs

Girls night out

The next day, Adiepena and Cynthia visited Chantel at her home. She was in her room working on her new designs as always when they entered. They knocked at her door and waited for her to answer. When she finally did, Adiepena peeked into the room with her head first. Chantel was so engrossed with her drawing that she did not even look up to see who had opened her door. 

"Hey, stranger. Can we come in?" Adiepena smiled at her. 

Chantel raised her head up, and saw her friend smiling at her. She squealed like a little girl when she saw who it was. Adiepena giggled while she entered with Cynthia. Chantel quickly got up from her bed and hugged them both tight, forgetting she was working on her new designs. 

She had not seen her friends after they had come to drop her at her home with her son the they returned to the country. They do talk a lot on phone but they really hadn't spent quality time together. That was why she was so happy seeing them. 

They all jumped around in excitement. Their high pitched voices could be heard in every corner of the room. But they did not mind. They were happy and that is what really mattered to them. 

After jumping and squealing like little girls, they finally got the excitement out. Then, they sat back onto chantel's bed, with Chantel seated in between the two young ladies. 

"I have not seen you girls in ages. I mean I know we are all busy and all but at least we should be able to see each other frequently. We are best friends after all, aren't we?" Chantel pouted. 

"See who is talking? Between all of us here who is the most busiest? Don't start," Cynthia countered. 

"Oh come on. I am not that busy. At least I am not that busy for you," Chantel had an innocent smile on her face making Cynthia and Adiepena laugh. 

"Okay, I am the busy one. But you girls know why I am busy. I really want my business to thrive. It's not my fault," Chantel sounded defeated. 

"We know that. That is why we chose not to bother you and give you some space. But, I think we have given you way too much space. After your interview, I thought we would spend more time together but no, you would rather use that time to stay cooped up in your room." Cynthia said. 

"Sorry about that, girls. I will do my best to make enough time for you from now on," Chantel said. 

"Sure, sure. So, tell us. When are you really starting your fashion house? I think everything is ready, what is keeping you?" Adiepena asked. 

"I just want to finish with my new designs before I start. I want to start working on them as soon I finish drawing them. I wouldn't want to waste time on them."

"That's good."

"So, what about you girls? What have you been up to? Adiepena, how is school?" 

"School is going great. You know I can never stop thanking your father for helping me start my own school. It's not that old, yet I have more students than I count. And my teachers are the best. I can't wait to finish the JHS part so that my school woukd be complete," Adiepena said excitedly. 

"I know. I have to come the place one of these days. I want to see how the school really looks like. I will make enough time to come see the place very soon," Chantel assured her. 

"Before I forget. My producer was very impressed with the interview you granted them. He was very happy with the way you handled yourself on screen and even said you are very lovely woman. Coming from my producer, then I have to tell you that is the biggest compliment ever," Cynthia said. 

"Why do you say that?" Chantel frowned a little. 

"My producer is one of the hardest men to please. He is hardly pleased about anything. So, for him to praise you like that, I am very sure you really did a good job on screen. I am actually happy. I thought you might even get nervous since this is the first time you have had an interview on one of our local TV stations. I am proud of you girl,"  Cynthia said. 

"I watched that interview. And I must say, our girl here was very extraordinary. I guess Canada really did wonders to her," Adiepena added. 

"I was not that extraordinary like Adiepena is putting it but what I know is that I wanted everyone to know that I am here to show them what I have got. And that is exactly what I did. And Cynthia, thank you for giving me the opportunity to have that interview at your TV station. I know you must have gone through a lot of trouble to put that interview together for me. I really appreciate it."

"Come on, girl. You know I will so anything for you and adiepena. You girls are my vest friends after all," Cynthia replied. 

"Aw, it sounds so sweet. I would have even cried and shed a tear or two," Adiepena mocked. 

Cynthia glared at her. "Since when did you become like this?"

"Like what?"

"A talkertive. You were always the reserved one. But now, you mock me every chance you get," Cynthia complained while Adiepena laughed. 

"Well that is one of the advantages of being a teacher, I guess. You become more talkertive than you initially were," Adiepena replied. 

Chantel watched them quietly and laughed. "You know what? I think we should go out this evening and have some drinks. What do you say?"

"Like a girls night out?" Adiepena's eyes widened when she said this. 

"Yes. What do you say?"

"I think it's a great idea. To be frank, we girls have never gone out together before. So, I think now that Chantel is here, we can finally use the opportunity we have," Adiepena said. 

"I agree with you. We should really go out tonight. It will be so fun," Cynthia added. 

"Great. So, do you know what we are going to do right now?"

Adiepena and Cynthia shook their heads. 

"We are going shopping."

Adiepena and Cynthia looked at each other in surprise. Then smiled at chantel. "Since when have you loved shopping? I remember back at the hostel, you hated it when your mother brought you new clothes. Now, you are going shopping?" Cynthia said. 

"Lets say, Canada changed me. Will you girls go or not?"

"Of course we will. What are we even waiting for?"

Chantel smiled one of her brightest smiles ever. She and her friends wers going to spend time together. She was very happy about it because this way they would be able to make up to all the times they have lost. She wanted to make up for all of those times she was not in their lives.