
Promise you will love me

Chantel has always being a bright girl. Her parents are well to do but she never let that get into her head. Right after her junior high school, she attained a full scholarship to study in one of the best senior high schools. There, she met Kevin, who promised her heaven and earth. But things did not turn out the way she expected it to be and she had to leave school. She hated Kevin for ruining her life, and vowed never to love again. Years later, she met Kevin again. But she could not forgive him. Kevin made his quest to get Chantel to love him again, like she used to. Will he be able to get Chantel to love him? Will Chantel give Kevin another chance to prove himself? Find out more from this intriguing story.

Maame_Efua_Quainua · Urban
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59 Chs


Chantel slowly made her way to her bedroom while her bag hang loosely around her. She tiredly walked into her bedroom after she had opened the door to her room. After walking towards her bed, she threw herself on it without any care. She had expected her date with Presley to go well. But, she had not expected him to tell her how he felt about her. Her conversation with Presley had been playing in her head ever since she left the hotel. 

She sighed deeply into her bed and tried to keep herself from screaming all her frustrations out. Why did Presley have to confess his love for her? Everything was going so well between them and seeing him again made her heart happy. But this declaration of love, was going to change everything for them. It might even affect their friendship now. 

She was so deep in thoughts that she did not even hear her mother come into her room until she felt a side of her bed going down, indicating that someone was sitting beside her. She turned and faced the person who had entered her room, only to come face to face with her mother. 

"Chantel. What's wrong with you? I saw you entering your room with a straight face. Is everything okay?"

Chantel sighed again. She had wanted this night to go well and for Presley to feel welcomed home. But now, everything seemed to have gone down the drain. She slowly lifted herself off her bed and sat up. Forgetting to pick her bag that lay aimlessly on the carpet floor. 

"What real happened, Chantel? You were very excited to go on this date. What happened?" her mother was worried now. 

After another minute of silence, Chantel finally spoke up. "Presley proposed to me."

"What? Really? That is good news. Or, did that bother you when he said that?"

"Yes, mother. It bothered me. I like Presley, a lot. But, I was expecting him to tell me he loves me. I mean, I am still not over Kevin and all that nonsense he put me through. I don't think I am ready for a relationship now. And I don't think I can do that to Presley. He deserves better. He deserves someone better," Chantel answered. 

"Chantel, Chantel. Baby girl. For how long are you going to continue holding on to the past? You and Kevin have grown past that. And you even told me how he begged you to forgive him for what he did. Why don't you just forgive and let things go? At least, give yourself another chance to love again."

"That is what I cannot do, mother. I came back here with one purpose. And that is to bring down all those who hurt me in the past. I want to see them suffer like I did. Presley's declaration is only making everything worse."

"So, should I take it that you already are in love with Presley, that is why you are behaving like this? Because if you didn't, I don't see why this should affect you like this," her mother said. 

"No, mother. Come on. Presley has been my friend for so many years. We have come really far. So it's natural for me to feel some sort of affection for him. It's just that I don't feel the same as he does. And I am afraid that might hurt our friendship. I don't want that to happen." Chantel looks like she was about to cry. She wanted to love Presley with everything within her but she still could not get Kevin out of her mind. Even though she hated the guy with passion. 

Her mother hugged her and comforted her. She knew her daughter and knew that her daughter needed her right now. 

"Calm down, baby girl. I don't think Presley is going to end his friendship with you just because you refused his proposal. From what you have told me about him, I am guessing he is a good guy. So I am sure he would rather want to stay by you than to stay away from you."

"Are you sure, mother?"

"Positive. I know he will never want to end his friendship with you. So, just calm yourself and think straight."

Chantel just giggled lightly and leaned into her mother's embrace. She smiled softly as she held her mother.

"Thank you, mother." 

Months later. 

Travis and Mr Asare were on their way to the kings high school to get the list Travis will need for his class. Mr Asare had already spoken to the headmaster and he had arranged that day for them to meet. On getting there, Mr Asare and Travis got down from the car and walked towards the large administrative building. The building looked old, yet it was still strong. It seems it was still being maintained to keep it in a good condition. 

Travis was excited to be there. The school was exactly what he had thought it would be and that made him more happy inside. He happily walked with his grandfather when they were shown to the headmaster's office. The knocked on his door, once, twice, then finally heard a voice. Actually, they heard another voice in the room and deduced that there was a visitor in with the headmaster as well. 

The headmaster finally answered, and the Duo went inside. They were met with a young man seated infront of the headmaster, his back facing them. He was smiling and laughing about something. 

"Sorry, to disturb you today, sir. We actually came here to get the list for my grandson. I will like him to start school as soon as possible."

The headmaster asked the older man to seat while Travis stood beside him. The young man in the room took that as his cue to leave. 

"Well, sir. I think I should go now. Thank you so much for having me here today even with your busy schedule." The young man stood up and shook hands with the headmaster. He turned to leave when his eyes was suddenly glued to Travis who stood there smiling at him. 

He was shocked for a moment and could not even find his voice. When he could finally talk, he smiled at the teen in front of him. 

"Forgive my manners. Its just that you remind me so much of someone. Are you a student here?"

"No. Actually, I will be. Hopefully," Travis answered quickly. 

The young man smiled again. "I hope so. Well, I should get going now. Enjoy your day." With that, the young man left the room. 

Mr Asare, who was watching the exchange between his grandson and the young man, funny asked the headmaster. 

"Sorry to ask. But, who is the young man?"

"Oh him. That's Kevin. He was one of our best students some years back. He normally comes here to visit when he has time," the headmaster answered proudly.