
PROMISE together forever

Hajara861539 · Urban
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1 Chs

Chapter one

Amina was having a heated argument with her ex boyfriend who she met accidentally in the busy main market; he has always avoided her feeling guilty and not willing to meet because of his betrayal. 'Haroon how dare you waste four years of my life waiting for you and now what did you just say? said Amina while shaking her head, that you never promise to marry me, you think that I can't live without you? .Haroon felt angry as he watch Amina shouting at him, but he tried to calm down and said 'look Amina I know that I know I was wrong in this affair', Amina bite her lips to prevent herself from cursing him, 'I myself never dream that I would fall in love with your best friend, maybe it's fate, there is no way for me to leave Maria and return to you. Amina was so angry that she slapped him, he hold his face looking at her with surprise, she said at that time I was told that people saw you with Maria frequently because I trust you I never believe them, she shakes her head as her eyes become teary{Amina you can't cry for this kind of man}she raised her head and fiercely looked at him and said 'I was blind to fall in love with you and I regret ever meeting you', He felt his heart skipping a beat,{she tried her best to put on her signature smile as she looked at him in the eye} ' but now I'm done with you' She walk away leaving behind Haroon who was shocked with what she told him. He thought that she was head over heel for him or was he fooled by her, maybe what her friend said was correct that she was after his money. At least she should have wait for him to explain himself; he still wants to marry her as his second wife, Haroon felt prostrated he gritted him teeth as he curse at the onlookers.