
Part 2: I Was Assigned to be a Cleaner of the Towers/Domains

[The trial has finished.] What do you mean? You've never seen what's inside the towers and domains after the people got out? In every story, there are towers, domains, and portals that you've known. Adventurers come and go and leave everybody who was sacrificed or became the victim of these scenarios. SP is one of the people who reset the domains; she knows how it started and knows how it will end. Apologies for grammatical errors.. English isn't my native language

DiosNPCKim · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

20th Century Boy

"Director, the stage has been set," I muttered as I bowed to the man in front of me.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing? He's still Vis." A friend of mine nudged my side with the tip of his sword as if it couldn't hurt me. Truth be told, it can't affect me; that's why he's too confident. I raised my head and flicked a finger as it made contact with his forehead his body fell backward to the wall, just a few inches enough for him to stop himself with his hand laughing as he walked back. 

"Carra, Vis is still our director; respect him at least," I said, emphasizing the word director.

"Jeez. This is why I don't want to do a friend role with you. You can't hold back." He swiped off some rubble that flew to him when the force hit the wall. 

I shrugged, not bothered by his comment. "Sorry, I guess I just got carried away. But seriously, you need to tone down your hatred for me. You have the same ability, no?"

The director eyed us a little through the mirror, still meticulously trimming his overgrown goatee on his chin and the sideburns he had grown from being busy for the past few weeks. As soon as he was done, he paced towards his chair as he brought the script with him and orbs scanned the "setting", and as he blinked, the scenery inside the domain turned to a canopy-piercing light, just like the humans called the sun outside of this domain. The role of this scenario is to create a vast canopy in the middle of the desert, which is surrounded by tall dunes and almost as if a vast ocean. The mirror above the domain also turned into one. 

"You're inspired by that human manhwa you mentioned. Are you sure they will not sue you?" he teased, raising an eyebrow. 

"With their brains and the ability to have the freedom to choose what they want, humans have created the most beautiful stories that I've read." I can see that he loves reminiscing about his favorite webtoons and web novels and can't put those down no matter how painful. "I desire to hone that kind of skill for myself." He recently read some kind of protagonist who repeatedly sacrifices himself and then comes back like four or five chapters continuously, which he found both fascinating and frustrating. Despite the repetitive nature of the story, Vis admired the protagonist's unwavering determination and resilience. It made him appreciate the power of the human imagination and its ability to create captivating narratives in these domains. I saw Vis inside his room on the bed when I asked him to assist me in writing some script, his eyes dripping with tears.

"Why are you crying?" I asked, concerned about his emotional state. Vis looked up at me, his voice wavering.

"Huh?" He brushed it off with his finger and let out a deep sigh. Did I cry with that one?" laughing it off. 

"Yes, I think. Unless you have broken up with your girlfriend, it'll be a broken tear duct." 

"That's so silly of you. I don't have any."

"You do have a girlfriend. That phone." Vis chuckled and shook his head. 

"You suck at making jokes."

"I believe you already love your works, tho," I said, slightly praising him for the plays he did in the domain. "Especially the one that they all survived. That's my favorite one."

"I like their works too, but when they suddenly believe in the other god with a different philosophy, they get a different timeline, and they could experience these events." Vis has a vast knowledge of this complex stuff; I think it is because he's more connected to the universe. "There are also tons of levels up with the "skills" and the superpowers they don't have when they are focused on the timeline the gods they believe give them. If they suddenly believe in the other god with a different philosophy, they get a different timeline, and they could experience these different scenarios. That's just how this universe works. Ideas and energies are almost the same. The world has changed a lot since then because of their existence, and there are lots of things about their world they still haven't figured out yet." Vis slightly scrunched the folder that helped the script. "A freedom of thoughts... what a curse."


An old knight in a battle suit moved forward towards us as he stopped and saluted Vis. "Director, I'm reporting in, Avante Guarde sir. My troops are in." He always plays a different role in this domain; this time he's a knight that has been stuck in the sands that a group of people will encounter as a deja vu or repeatedly, and that he was killed more than twice. In every narrative, he has roles that will make anyone cry. Such a lead-actor thing. Despite having different roles, he kept the name Avant Guarde because of that one character he played, whom he thought of as the most righteous character he ever played. I know little about it, but that was what other people told me. Dictating a narrative like that can add to or lessen the original thing that happened before me. I don't know the full narrative, but I'll ask him someday if I have the opportunity.

"Good. Have you already patched them up?"

"Yes sir."

"Great work. Until the next round. Dismiss."

Looking at him, I know within myself that it's a one-stage play with real feelings involved. In other universes, this one was being done by fluffy creatures and demons, while others were being done by gods and goddesses, signs, and even people themselves, the celestials. Some of them gained feelings in that one, and at times they awakened aggressive ones. I don't know what kind of play this is, but it seems to be a unique and intense experience for those involved. The fact that emotions can run high in these performances adds an intriguing layer to the overall production, despite its brutality.

"Attenzione!" Viz shouted as everyone in the scene looked above the left side of the terrace where we were. My co-workers stopped their tasks of moving big statues as they stood straight, facing Viz. Silence was the response from all of us. "You can stroll outside the domain for now after everyone's work! We've done a great job through each other's efforts. Take a little rest or fight them if you want." Both of his hands clasp together. "For the new ones, don't worry about the bodies; the navigators will take care of them. Let's offer a moment of silence for them." Even the scarry monsters had their reptilian mouths shut for this moment. They held their hiss down. The only difference between us is their vocal box, which constantly hisses, and their tongue, which slides off their human-like mouth at times, but aside from that, I found them likable. They respect people who have strong determination, and these journey seekers in this batch are highly determined, and the reptilian respects their hustles and their courage. 

After some moment of silence, Viz continued, "After all, this domain will start in the next 24 hours. I'll check over the other towers. Call time will be 3 hours before the domain starts. You already know that, but I swear, don't be late. You already know that, but I swear, don't be late. Or else you're going to have to deal with being "a character" later in the game aside from the characters we already have." Ah yes. That's the reason why I became a character in the last scenario. I enjoyed playing the game I found in the arcade I found in Busan, though. The one that lets you join in an open-world game thing. I don't know how they had it in the same place as those that use the gun thing that you need to snipe using the screen or the one character that eats off the blinking stuff. I can't wait to get to play that again. 

For some reason, the earth continued to live despite the introduction of the new system. Especially those computer shops and gaming arcades. Those are places where people go to practice shooting. They know how to adapt well.

"I'll go and assist in the positioning of the dead body," Carra muttered. The positioning of the dead bodies was a task that was assigned to them. These galaxies, nebulas, or even constellations that watch over them in the afterlife are crucial to ensuring that each soul is placed in the appropriate celestial realm based on their life's journey and spiritual beliefs. This meticulous process ensures a harmonious transition for the departed and upholds the balance of the universe. 

I wasn't assigned to it. 

As Carra told me, it would be too complex for me to comprehend and implement. To determine the rightful celestial realm for each soul, one must have a good understanding of mythologies, religions, and cultural traditions. She assured me that only experienced celestial navigators are trusted with this sacred task to maintain cosmic order and honor the departed souls' resting places in the afterlife.

Using colored dust, Carra brushed my hair and gave it a dark hue. This let us wander around the different realms undetected, blending in with the inhabitants.

"Thanks," I muttered. He then raised his hand, pointing his finger at the mirror above us. "I'ma go, Fr*ddy Mercury pose. Bye, SP. See you!" he laughed before he disappeared. I rolled my eyes at him. I got down on the domain's terrace and touched the back of the domain's door. As I felt a handle for the door, I stepped in and pushed the door handle, which led me to the door opposite the door I was looking for when I landed. 

Ah, yes, to be out of that domain. 

I noticed that the streets looked different. In place of the metallic look I am used to because of the kind of domain I'm in, I saw a tropical summer beach. Our domain's front has tons of empty buildings.

"Sh-t. Did we take an awakened regressor in?"

Thank you for reading. Please add it to your library if you like it.

This is an additional update regarding yesterday's update.

A weekly update will be done. 1 or 2 sundays of the month.

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