

I was awoken by a hissing sound, opening my eyes with a start like I was programmed to do so. Immediately, I saw a buff teenage boy in a black snuff t-shirt that show cases his toned muscles, a black cargo pants and black boots. His deep blue eyes were staring at me with concern, a concern that weirdly annoyed me. My eyes snapped to a familiar symbol engraved on his t-shirt's chest, a symbol that as a DC fan I was familiar with while it was weirdly making me want to beat this boy to a pulp, which would be bad because I had all the conditioning Toji Fushiguro had to his death.

"Hi," the boy greeted me, cautiously. "You might be wondering where you are. That 's okay, you're safe." I just kept of glaring at him while my mind wondered.

I immediately knew where I was and how rucked I truly was. This was Cadmus in the Young Justice show while I was Match, a Cadmus attempt at cloning Superman with only his DNA. Which was idiotic because of many reasons and among them this was alien biology, volatile and could not be researched with logic of human biology. Due to the nature of Kryptonian's, it makes it hard for Earth's scientists to fully map all the genomes and replicate them without complications. That's why Lex opted for the easier option, use human DNA as a stabilizer and it succeeded. He was looking at the product in front of him, the first successful product of two males having a kid! Which is marvelous in its own right!

"Are you okay?" Superboy asked me, trying to help me out of the pod but I swatted his hand away. I could feel the deep sated urgent of just beating him to death and knew it was the programming Match was made for showing up. He was made to kill Superman and replace him so everytime he sees the house of El symbol he would go beserk on the wearer due to his limited intelligence. That's why Superboy was attacked the first time. But, I had with me the ironclad will of Toji Fushiguro, Prime Rick and mine, so I was holding on, for now.

But, I was a walking time bomb and it had to change. Any time, my DNA would start to destabilize and I would revert to just a Bizarro Superboy which was not ideal. I needed to fix this and good thing I was in a world sofisticated laboratory for that. But first, I needed fresh DNA. I then looked at Superboy who had a frown on his face.

'Sorry kid, looks like I am beating you up after all,' I deeply sighed in pity.


Superboy looked at Match with a frown, wondering where the aggressiveness came from. Then, he remembered how he himself was and grunted in irritation. Robin, Aqualad and Kid Flash had come to help him yet he had attacked and captured them. It appeared this was a recurring event whenever a clone was being freed. Seeing how Match was looking at him, he immediately got ready for a fight.

But, he never expected for what came next. It started with Match's eyes glowing red, stunning him silly. Before he could even comprehend what was happening, Match shot lasers right into his eyes, causing him to roar in pain and stumble backwards, blinded. Match did not hesitate, blitzing over and sent ten straight punched to his chest, making him lose breath while he was sent flying backwards, coughing violently.

Match flew after him, clutching his head in a vice grip and slamming him onto the ceiling violently, causing the entire floor to shake. Letting go, he slammed a kick into Superboy's stomach, sending him through the ceiling and into the floor above.

"Superboy!" he heard someone scream in alarm as he flew through the hole, making him turn to the speaker. Dubblex, a geomorph unlike the others, a superior kind, was glaring at him, right hand stretched towards him as his horns started glowing. But, Match was not going to let him succeed, blitzing to him and sending him flying with a disrespectful backhand.

"Noo!"Superboy screamt when he saw this before he took out a small black box with the Superman symbol on the lid.

Match knew what they were. Because Superboy could not use the full powers of a Kryptonian, the contents in that box would help him be complete. But, he was not about to let that happen for this would mean Superboy would be more durable and thus but more time. That was not optimal, so using his superior speed, arrived in front of Superboy, clutching the hand the box was holding by the wrist and exerting more strength, crushing it. Superboy groaned in pain, dropped the box, while his other hand went to punch him but Match blocked it easily and stomped on his chest. Superboy groaned before Match started blitzing in punches that sent him on the tetters of consciousness.

Just then, March heard a growl from behind him, making him remember that Superboy had adopted a mutated wolf that followed him here. Due to his speed, the wolf had not reacted fast enough but now that they were stationary, it had jumped in trying to save Superboy. But, March turned, sending it flying away with a kick and with the momentum and a show of graceful agility, proceeded to give Superboy a back breaking punch that sent them through the floor and into the floor they started the fight in. Superboy coughed out blood, making Match stop his barrage. He tore off a piece of Superboy's shirt, dubbed the blood on it before flying away through one of the holes in the floor. Dubblex was gaining consciousness but another backhand sent him unconscious once again.

Match did not know where the laboratories were but that did not deter him. Using his speed, he blitzed all round the floor before finding it, a huge ass laboratory, just what he was looking for.

First, he smeared the sample of blood on a petri dish, added a culture to it and started studying it using an electron microscope. With the knowledge Rick Prime had left in his mind, he knew what he was looking for. Next, he bit his own finger, hard, and let the blood pour onto another petri dish.

Studying it, he immediately knew what Lex Luthor and the others had missed, a genome that would let him stabalize his DNA while letting him keep all his Kryptonian powers. He sighed in relief for it meant he could be saved, moreso his intelligence. Having Rick Prime's intelligence was like waking up and realizing all your life you have been living in a haze!

"This will do," he sighed, taking a book of papers and using his super speed proceeded to write down everything he needed for the entire procedure to be completed. After finishing it all, he used the computer to hack the whole of Cadmus before shutting down Lex Luther's cameras that he was using to spy on him. He picked the papers and flew over to Superboy who was talking to Dubblex. Wolf immediately became alert and ready to attack while Superboy and Dubblex were glaring at him.

"Sorry about that, I had something to do that was too important and too long to explain. I'll like to speak to the Justice League now if you don't mind," Match said, raising his hands in a show of surrender.

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