1 Intro

It is funny how quiet the night can be.

The darkest nights, with a moonless sky, is my favorite.

When it is so dark you can only rely on the street lamps that light your way home.

Even the stars seem not be able to shine as bright.

The bustling cars echoing from the busy streets are even in a hushed tone.

Sitting at the highest point in the city, when the clouds are at their lowest, the city lights resemble a ship lost at sea.


The tallest building in my city reaches thousands of meters past the clouds. Its name is the "Evangelist", the perfect name considering it is the closest thing to the Heavens. There are even rumors that a normal person is unable to reach the top due to the thin air at that altitude.

Hence the word "normal" and seeing as I am the only one who can reach the top, I guess you could consider me abnormal...

That word, "normal", it's interesting.

Normal is one of the most relative words throughout the various human languages.

If you ask me, there is no such thing as "normal" anymore.

It started out by the government calling us "victims", then it turned into "criminals" and finally it is only by the most controversial terms, "villians" and "heros".

Don't get me wrong, people with amazing powers can choose to do good for their community and even the world. But that doesn't mean that they aren't just as screwed up as villains are.

The Evangelist happens to be my favorite spot, the clouds surrounding the building is the perfect coverage I need.

Sitting at the very tip top of the building is one of the most beautiful things I have ever experienced.

I still remember the first time I reached the top.

The chill in the thin air raised the hairs on my arms and the quiet was almost deafening.

It was love at first sight.

No one else in this city has the same abilities as me.

No one else looks like me either.

At first people referred to me as either an Angel or Devil, but I much prefer what they call me now.

"The Angel of Death"

It's got a nice ring to it doesn't it?

Of course that isn't my official name, but my black wings are the source of the controversial name.

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