The world wants him dead. It's not like his fate is to die, he must die in order to maintain the current state of affairs. On the verge of death a mysterious man used his magic to heal him and transport to place in different dimmension. Will he be able to survive and get revenge? Or maybe will he be stuck in this another dimmension?
"It's hot.... too hot. Why... is it so cold? Too cold....
I can see everything. Why... can't I open... my eyes?
It hurts so much. Why... can't I feel... anything?
I want it to end. I... don't want... it to end.
I want to die. I... still... want to live.
Ah.... I guess.... it doesn't matter.... anymore now.
With each second.... I'm deeper and deeper.... under the water.
In the end.... my fate.... became truth.
I could give everything just to see them once more.... to change this fate.... this world."
"Then do it!"
"W-What? Who's.... there?"
"It doesn't matter now. You are going to die in few seconds. I can send you to the world of cursed one if you want. But if I do so you will never be a human again. Do you want to abandon your humanity just to survive?"
"Y-yes... please..."
"Alright then. It seems that you are prepared. Now... Open your claws and sink everything that you want. Lead this child to another world, make his wish come true. DIMENSIONAL RIFT."
In the middle of the ocean, a green crack arose. It opened and as a crevasse it swallowed this child with the water surrounding him, a child that was drowning from water, was bleeding out due to his wounds, was losing his hopes for survival, was dying while because that was his fate.
"Listen here. I gave you a chance but I can't promise you that you won't die. Try your hardest to live to your fullest. If you do so, we might meet each other in the future."