

What will you do when you wake up in the middle of the night and find a man, dressed in a black suit, black shoes, and black leather gloves looking at you with a professional smile? Scream? You can try. Call Police? Many tried before, but none survived. Pray to your God? He will pray with you for your survival before gouging out that pink tongue and gulping it down in one swift move. This is the story of a man with a twisted personality, who is searching for the meaning of his life. He lives for the thrill and goes to any lengths to get some excitement. In his fury, he impulsively kills a girl whose death was never reported in the news. Is she still alive and if yes, why didn't she report him to the police? What will he do when a mysterious part of his past is uncovered due to this event? What happened to him that he became a monster? What will happen to him in the future? P.S. He never loses his professional smile during working hours.

SilentMan · Fantasie
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19 Chs

A Veil, A Smile, A Disguise?

I'll think about how to deal with this new receptionist, that was a replacement for my beloved Theo, whose smile I made Immortal.

I went back to my cubicle where I attend to clients. Time passed by and soon, it was already my on-field duty where I went from one place to another, installing devices or checking up on their maintenance.

My mind kept having thoughts about those winged creatures, even when I was doing my job with a big smile. That faint image didn't leave my consciousness throughout the whole day.

Why does it feel so familiar...?

When my shift was over, I trotted toward my apartment absentmindedly as my hands slipped inside the pockets of my pants. I suddenly felt some paper-like substance, as I pulled it out,

It was Lixia's address.

I had too many things to think about that I forgot about this.

I should visit her first.

I changed my direction, moving toward a more affluent area of Quedence, where mostly rich lives.

I have no idea how she got so much money to afford a house in such an area as the only advertisement she has featured in was Paradise's and the fact that she was living in an apartment a while ago. Also, it is said that she is an orphan, so she doesn't have any inheritance.

If she had so much money, why didn't she live here from the very beginning?

Maybe she has signed some contracts, recently, and has yet to work on them but advance payments have already been made. Yeah, something like that.

Soon I was walking on roads that were almost empty, sidewalks devoid of people, and only the street lights accompanied my journey. The tall buildings of the bustling city were nowhere to be found and the sky, instead of rectangular, finally could be seen stretching as far as the eyes could see.

This area of Quedence only had mansions, villas, and bungalows.

Once in a while, a few luxurious cars could be seen arriving or departing from the terrace of such mansions.

I have visited many such villas during my working hours, so I know that they have a parking system on top of their houses. This is also the reason why streets are deserted because in these areas all the people can afford flying cars.

Soon, I reached a duplex, that looked rather splendid.

A thin metal barricade, about the same as my height, surrounded the entire house, but I knew the thin wall was nothing but a facade and didn't do anything. Actually, the entire house must have security measures and the walls were decorations.

About time, I make use of my skills.

I am not here to meet her.

I am here to eat her.

[WickedSpectra], I disable the CCTVs in the area, I took my Phantom form, invading the security of the house like a meteor passing through thin wet paper.


I searched through the entire house for the traces of Lixia, but I couldn't find her.

It was as empty as the underpants of a eunuch.

Who did this house belong to if nobody lives here?

Uhhh... Maybe she went outside...

Anyways, instead of going back, I decided to do my research.

This is not an invasion of privacy. No

In the professional business, virtuosos like us, are supposed to learn about everything that our client does.

I noticed Lixia has not installed any CCTVs inside her house. Is she really not scared of someone attacking her like I did last time? I even gave her a threat...

Man, she is quite something. How daring...

For a second, I felt like she could be my partner in crime, where we both play with Death.

We could play those roulette games with a gun and only a single bullet.

How amusing that would be.

The house was quite well built and had an aura of luxury. I kept checking around the house for a few minutes till I found the room which had Lixia's scent lingering inside.

I am not a pervert...Please No. Don't blame me for remembering the scent of clients, after all, I believe in perfection, and as a professional, I have to pursue everything, literally, every knowledge related to my victi-, I mean, clients.

I entered the room and saw a comfortable bed, a laptop sitting on it like it owned the place, and...

What is that?

My Goodness.

On the opposite side of the bed, there lay a huge mirror...

No. Not a mirror but a wall made up entirely of a mirror. A mirror wall? Is that even a thing?

I stepped forward and saw my reflection... I tapped on it as a soft sound resounded back. Hmm, I don't think there are any hidden doors behind.

I had to check it because, in TV dramas, such weird things usually have hidden rooms behind them.

Ok. Time to get to business.

Picking up the laptop, I switched it on. Surprisingly, there was no password.

This woman is really something...

Since there was no password, I directly logged in, and right at that instant, my eyes narrowed into slits.

The background image was pitch black as a message was written over it in white text.

"Please use the front door when you visit me next time."

I wonder who this message is directed at...?

Okay. Guess, I'll have to use the front door when I get time to visit her again.

I respect my client's requests. It is my duty.

Apart from that the laptop was empty as a shell.

I got up, and just before leaving the room, my gaze went back to the mirror wall.

I could see a man, in a black suit, a red tie, along with a matching pair of shoes and gloves. He was handsome, with black hair, a well-trimmed beard, and a nice mustache to go along with it.

My eyes were dark... black peerless orbs, hiding something behind the professional smile.

The name, 'Mavros', Lixia said before, entered my thoughts, shaking my existence...

I remember Lixia saying something, along the lines, that she didn't expect to have such filth in the NightAxis. She said this about the people who drugged her... I remember it, as it is my job as a perfectionist to note everything.

Does she not belong to the NightAxis? Is she from BrightAxis?

But on the IntraNet, there is no such information regarding her origins except the fact that she is an orphan.

The word, 'Monster', Charlotte said before, further riveted my thoughts.

I remembered the faint shadow of the winged creature on the news that attacked Meterol, that felt eerily familiar.

I turn around and left for my apartment.

I am Axiom and I am a professional. Other things matter not.

I will come for you Lixia, and maybe we could play a Death Game together...