
Collecting Bounty

Another navy also has a similar performance. He was shocked to see the Qin Song, who was calmly walking into the base, he is thinking that Qin Song is not an ordinary child.

  No matter how Qin Song killed the pirates, but Qin Song is too young and his he is just too calm for a kid to kill a pirate. This is already very abnormal, even if the idiots know that Qin Song definitely does not look so simple.

  Under the guidance of the Navy, Qin Song soon came to a registration room in the naval base, where the Navy was specially selected for those who captured the pirates in exchange for bounty.

  The person in charge of the registration room was surprise. How could child come here, but when Qin Song took Barton's head out, he was shocked like the two former navies. .

  "Yes, this is indeed this the head of pirate Barton with bounty of five-million Berry. I am going to prepare the bounty, but it may take some time. You can sit and wait!" Some were amazed, but the navy in charge of the inspection carefully examined again, and after confirming it was correct, he nodded.

  However, in the end the navy couldn't stand the curiosity in his heart and couldn't help but say: "This little brother, If you don't mind me asking, how did you get this pirate head? i mean are you really the one who killed him?"

  Qin Song nodded with a smile: "Of course, how else can I get his bounty!"

  The Navy exclaimed: "The little brother is really amazing. I haven't seen a young bounty hunter like you!"

  Qin Song shook his head and said: "Don't misunderstand, I am not a bounty hunter. Killing this pirate is just because he wants to rob the merchant ship I am riding!"

  Speaking of this, Qin Song spoke a word, and then said: "Instead, in fact this time I want to collect the bounty, but also want to see if I can join the Navy!"

  "Little brother, do you want to join our navy?!" The Navy was astonished.

  Qin Song asked: "Is it not good?, is it because I am not up to the standard?"

  The navy quickly shook his head and said: "No, no. Although our navy's conscription is mainly for adults, some will be specially handled for some special situations. For example, some excellent talents will be recruited, and Will give special treatment!"

  "Oh?! How can i get special treatment?" Qin Song is interested in the road.

  The Navy thought about it and said: "As far as I know, every year in our navy, we select excellent young kids from all over the country and send them to the Marine Ford Headquarters for selection. Once they have been selected, they can at least enter the Navy. They will be trained and the best of them is able to stay directly in the Naval Headquarters and get the best cultivation!"

  Speaking of this, the navy's face is also full of envy.

  Compared with the navy in the four seas, the navy of the headquarters is the real elite. Even if it is the same rank, the navy of the headquarters, whether it is strength or authority, is far superior to the navy of the whole sea, and can even be said to be above the branch's level.

  Hearing what the other party said, Qin Song is also somewhat hopeful. It seems that the Navy extremely valued for the new generation. The purpose of setting up such a form is naturally to cultivate better talents.

  Just as Qin Song thought about it, a young navy came in with a suitcase and sent the five million Berry bounty.

  "Little brother, do you really want to join our navy? If so, I think our sergeant would welcome you very much. I can personally introduce you to our sir!" The Navy, who is in charge of the bounty, handed a suitcase with five million berry over to Qin Song, suddenly ask with full of expectations.

  "Thanks, sorry for the trouble!" Qin Song, who had decided to use the power of the Navy to improve his strength, would naturally refuse, and nodded decisively.

  "Well, then I will take you to see our sir!" The Navy said happily, after the work was temporarily handed over to other colleagues, he led Qin Song to the tallest building in the base.

  The four-sea naval bases usually have a naval colonel or a brigadier to serve as the supreme chief.

  Soon, Qin Song was led by the navy to a bright office, and he also met the highest sergeant in the naval branch base, a naval colonel.

  Sitting opposite the clean and transparent desk, the man looks more than forty and it seems that after a long period of exercise, the body is extremely strong, the suits that he worn are bulging, and his shoulders marked a word 'justice'.

  For the coming Qin Song, the navy colonel naturally showed doubts, but when the navy explained the arrival of Qin Song, the navy colonel was surprised.

  "Report! Colonel Dave, this little brother has just submitted a pirate Barton head who has won a reward of 5 million Berry. He wants to join our navy, so I bring him here" Leading Qin Song The navy salute said loudly.

  "The pirates who killed five million Berry bounty?! Is this true, Sergeant Jean!" Colonel Dave immediately replied, and looked at the Qin song with a look of surprise.

  Although against a five-million-Berry pirate, he also has the strength to kill, but he is a navy colonel, and has undergone countless tempering to gain the strength of today.

  However, the teenager in front of me is no more than ten years old. If he possessed such a strength, it is naturally amazing.

  "Yes, Colonel Dave, The pirate head has been confirmed, it is true!" said Sergeant Jean.

  Hearing Sergeant Jean, Colonel Dave was even more surprised. After a slight nod, he looked up at Qin Song with a curious look after long time said: "You, what is your name!"

  "Qin Song Allen!" Qin Song said calmly.

  "Qin Song Allen, you want to join our navy. As a naval colonel, I welcome you very much. Similarly, our navy will also give special treatment to outstanding talents, but only if you have to proven it, i will test you myself"

  Colonel Dave slowly said, and also gazing at Qin Song, and continued: "Although Mr. Jean said that you submitted a pirate with a reward of five million Berry, this is not enough to prove you strength, so I will test you once!"

  "If you can pass, then I will not only approve you to join the Navy, but also report to the higher level, and find a way to send you to the Navy headquarters for a better training, then Allen, are you willing to accept the test!"

  "Of course, I am very happy to accept all the tests!" Qin Song slightly smiled.

  This situation did not surprise him. After all, the situation in which he killed Barton was only seen by the people who were on the merchant ship. Since the other party can become a navy colonel, then naturally there are rigorous considerations. Only when you see it with your own eyes will it become believable.

Here is the bonus chapter1/2...enjoy and show some love...

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