

She woke up exhausted, her white pillow was soaked in tears and had little marks on it now. Outside the window, the sun was still playing a little hide and seek with the clouds. It was going to rain tonight, she thought. She did like rain, but from a distance , not when she was physically in the rain. She laughed in disgust to herself thinking, "Ofcourse you don't like the rain on your head! Because you're a princess! Ha!"

God, did she hate herself.

She got up to go to have some supper as she was feeling a bit hungry from all the crying. At the supper table, everyone was dressed up and already eating with their fancy forks and knives. She threw a look of disgust at them and sat down at the table pulling the chair back with a loud screech herself even when the maid offered to do it for her.

"Evening." She said looking carelessly at the table not able to decide what to eat. She wasn't in a mood to hear any long lecture from her parents so she simply "sort of" greeted everyone.

All the other people at the table were used to this attitude and didn't bat an eye at her carelessness. There he was at the far end of the table, in his majestic chair, King Willard, Willard Carter, to be more accurate, she thought. He was no king to her. He was just a ruthless tyrant ready to do anything to save his power and do anything to make his people obey him. She didn't like him, but oh well, she didn't like any of them. Not herself either, because she was sitting at the same table, enjoying everything they were enjoying but with a hint of guilt. "What good is guilt when you don't do something about it?" She thought to herself. "You're no better than them." Her thoughts were a cruel place to live in. She tried to dismiss them and dug into a bowl of cottage cheese.

Her eldest brother, Jonathan looked at her from across the table, seeing her munching on her cheese, he couldn't help but frown at her mannerless sister. He didn't like her at all. She was always a nuisance and caused hurdles in important matters despite being so little. And most importantly, she didn't even know she had so much influence. Her sisters, Hanna and Jonna, Hanna being the eldest were concentrating on their food. They didn't have time for Helena's stupidity and they were rushing with their food so that they can go upstairs and choose their jewellery for the upcoming major event, the Royal Dance. Her other brother, William, was staring at his plate, just as confused and headstrong as Helena. He was a year older than her, but he was very respectful towards his parents. He was facing the same dilemma as Helena maybe, but he was too kind to say so.

Helena gulped down her grape juice and with a huge thud, rushed out of the room and into the garden once again.