

"Get prepared!!" Cornelius roared.

Cornelius,son of Alpheus, was a tall and hefty man.He had a beard as thick as a thicket. He had long fawn hair,held down by his helmet. Clad in the strongest of armours the smiths could make, Cornelius waged war on the Elves. The Race Of Men had lived together with the Elves through Four Ages,living a life full of pleasures and enjoyment.

But Cornelius didn't find any pleasure in living with the Elves. His father, Alpheus was turned into something beyond their understanding. He received a Ring from Sauron,an elf,and when he put it on,he couldn't be seen.He was turned into a servant,doomed to die. With all the anger and bravery he could muster, with the help of the Ringwraiths, who were led by his father, Cornelius gathered an army and waged war on the Elves.

He knew, clearly,that the Race Of Men didn't stand a chance against the Elves,who were strong,way beyond human comparison,but he was going to try,or die trying to avenge his father's fate.

He gathered together the Race Of Men,the men,the women and the strong children, determined to wipe the Elves off the face of Ennor.

He had studied the Elves and found out they could die on the battlefield,though they were immortal.He found out one of their greatest weaknesses was iron,which would kill them,and their underestimation of their enemies. He couldn't get the Elves to underestimate him but he could get iron. He had the smiths make weapons out of iron, and their armours,too. He was much more determined to kill the Elves than they were determined to let the humans live.

"Listen!!" Cornelius called,his voice higher than the noise that the warriors he had gathered were making.

The men gathered around,ready to listen to what their Commander had to say.

"We have lost hundreds of our kindred in the hands of the Elves. We have lost brothers,fathers, mothers,sisters,wives,husband's,sons and daughters,we have lost our families to them!!We have lost the ones we loved to those who torment us day and night.We lost them all because we couldn't do anything about it.They,indeed,are stronger than us,more powerful,but they stand on their magic. They are weak.They are fearful.They are afraid of us, that's why they chose to torment us!!But we are not going to let them have fun while we cry.We are not going to let them wipe us off the face of our survival.We are not going to let them haunt us like bad dreams. This is our time.This is our chance.This is the time they have to pay for what they are doing to us.This is the time we avenge the death of our beloved.I,for one,lost my father,my mother,and my little brother,who I loved very much,who I treasured very much to those creatures. They are our enemies.They are our foes.They are the cause of our plight.They are the cause of our tears,of our sadness,of our suffering,and all the sorrow we dwell with in the bottoms of our hearts. But,I stand here,today,to assure that wherever our ancestors are right now.Wherever our beloved are now,they are starting to be happy for we are going to avenge their deaths.We are going to make those filthy blood spilling Elves pay for what they waged onto us.Our ancestors are going to rest contented because we are going to give them a peaceful rest. We are going to give them what they deserve!!We will fight till the end..."

"Fight till the end!!" the men roared.

"...we are going to make them pay...."

"Make them pay!!" they roared.

".....we will fight or die fighting for our freedom!!"

"We will fight till the grave!!!" the assistant commander called.

"We will fight till the grave!!" they roared after him.

The men roared and chanted battle cries,making the ground tremble beneath their feet,whilst they stamped their lances on the ground. They all were clad in iron armour,and bravery shaded their eyes,making this stampede seem dangerous.

They marched onto the battlefield,chanting as they went,and hurling insults at the Elves,who were gathered on the other side of the battlefield.

The weather started to change. Thick dark nimbus clouds gathered around the battlefield,as if anticipating the bloodshed that was frothing in the pot of the world below.Thunder and streaks of lightning flew around,making this haven a frightening sight. It became really dark.

The Elves gathered on the other side of the battlefield,their magic was present in the air. That magic made the hairs on Cornelius' hand stand up straight. He knew they couldn't stand a chance against the Elves but they were to die trying.

"Be brave!!No turning back!!Brace yourselves!!" Cornelius roared. His army followed his instructions, holding up their shields and unsheathing their iron blades.

Cornelius thought he saw the Elves cringe in fright.

"Protect us,O Deceased Ones!!" Cornelius prayed,more to himself.

He unsheathed his swords and ran off at full speed towards the Elves.

"ATTACK!!" he roared while charging towards the Elves.

His army followed after him, charging at full speed.

It was a bloody day. The Elves,though powerful and stronger, didn't stand a chance against the Race Of Men,much as the humans didn't stand a chance against them.Their was a great peril and bloodshed as the humans fought the elves. Their were loud cries as the elves killed the humans and the humans killed the elves. It was totally tears for the Elves,since they were weaker around iron.Tge humans beheaded them,killed them.

Just as about the battle was about to end,a torrential downpour plummeted onto the battlefield.

Soon,amidst tough rain drops, the battle was over.Only a few elves managed to flee into the forest,but Cornelius didn't go after them.He had lost a great number of his men but the Elves had been massacred.Wherever their great victory came from,the people were grateful,to the fullest.

Walking through the battlefield, Cornelius came across an elf,who was struggling between life and death. Taking off his helmet, Cornelius stooped down towards the elf,who cringed in fright.He was a little boy,about ten years old.He had long silver hair and striking silver eyes.

What caught Cornelius off balance was why this young elf was on the battlefield. Seeing the bravery in this little lad's eyes, Cornelius decided to spare him.He took out his sword and cut him across his left eye,whilst the lad screamed in pain. He did that just so this elf would never wish to revenge his kindred's death.

"We are victors!!" he heard his army start to rejoice.

"Get away from here, little one!!And do never turn back!!" he ordered the little elf,who obeyed his orders and ran off into the forest.

"Victors!!" he roared.