
prince goblin

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What is prince goblin

Lesen Sie den Roman prince goblin des Autors Stanley_Masese, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel....


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Amber Stanford had always been afraid of the dark. As a child growing up in the countryside, she had heard all sorts of stories about the creatures that lurked in the shadows, waiting to pounce on unsuspecting victims. But now, as she moved to the big city of LA, her fear of the dark - or nyctophobia, as it was known - had become almost unbearable. On her first day of school, Amber felt completely out of place. She was a country girl at heart, used to wide open spaces and the quiet of the countryside. But now she was surrounded by the noise and chaos of the city, with its towering skyscrapers and endless traffic. To make matters worse, she quickly became the target of the school bully - a troublemaker named Noah Griffin. Noah was the kind of guy who seemed to take pleasure in making other people miserable, and Amber was an easy target. She was a nerd at school, with no sense of fashion or style, and she was also the poorest girl in her class. Noah made sure to remind her of all these things every chance he got, teasing her relentlessly and making her feel even more isolated than she already was. But despite his unpleasant treatment, Amber refused to let him get the best of her. She had a heart of gold, and she was determined to rise above it all. As the weeks went by, Amber found herself growing more and more frustrated with Noah's constant bullying. But then something strange started to happen. Despite all his meanness, she found herself strangely drawn to him. There was something about his devil-may-care attitude and his rugged good looks that she couldn't resist. And then, one day, something shifted between them. It was like a switch had been flipped, and suddenly they were no longer enemies - they were something else entirely. They had fallen for each other, despite everything. It wasn't easy - there were still plenty of bumps along the way. But in the end, Amber and Noah found that they were stronger together than they ever could have been apart.

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It's been hundreds of years since the technology started to rise in the Luminous Star Earth. The already powerful clans becomes more powerful, while the weak becomes weaker. It is inevitable as it is the rule of the world, the powerful are the nobles and the weakest are the commoners. But there are certain people that maintain the balance of both side, they are the STAR sect. The most powerful sect, they are the symbol fairness and justice. The Star sect is divided into two palace: Star Justice and Star Peace. The Star Justice palace requires youths that believes in justice, they shall seek for true evidence and rely their judgements purely on the evidence. They need to be strong in order to face brutal enemies, smart to find out the enemies scheme and courageous to face each unknown obstacles. The Star peace palace maintains the order of the world, they seek for equality and equity. Fairness is what maintains the peace, balancing the power is what prevents war. The members must be fair, someone who is not biased to anyone and remains neutral no matter what ciscumstances can happens. Skilled The members of the palace can only be recruited by passing a trial under the age of 25 but at least 15 years old. The already member of the sect can nominate their children. One member, one child if both of the parents are members they can only nominate 2 children at most. There is a mystery happening every year on the trial. The youths with more potential or the one considered black horses, disappears on the thin air with no clues at all. It was first believed that they were murdered by the other participants due to jealousy, but it was soon changed when the disappearance happens every year on the same date and time. Every 10 years, the Star sect organized an event in order to recruit from the nobles and commoners in the sect. It is a survival show aired whole over the world. Only people below 25 years old can participate. They need to pass certain trials in which will determine if they are qualified to enter the sect and be a member of it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Follow me on my social media for sneak peaks and updates. Twitter: @Phoenixen_book

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