
Primordial: Reincarnate into Barbaric tribe with Farming System

In an Unknown world with various Beast a soul got reincarnated. With his knowledge and power he will conquered it all. Let alone some unknown obstacle even the Heavens will fear his footsteps. In the journey of fate only the mysterious system will be the only companion. 4 chapters in a week.

Masfiq · Fantasie
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10 Chs

Plans and Preparations

Southern border of the tribe, also known as Nala town, is bustling with people. It is the only place that connects the tribe with the wilderness. Here, people from other tribes are allowed to live, even if they are just visiting.

The tribe's leader, Maki, also spends most of his time here. That's why Maki is often not at home, and Mikio mostly lives in the treehouse alone. Even the war slaves are kept in this border area.

As the tribe is not favorable towards outsiders, even slaves within their domain, having a town that serves as both a hub for other tribes and a hunting ground for the tribe is considered advantageous. This is the main reason Nala Town has become the most developed area within the tribe.

However, this development comes at a price. The harsh winters make life difficult in this area. that's why in this time of the year because of less monsters Hunters moved to their family,

Hence, the town is primarily populated by helpers and low-level hunters who serve as guards during the harsh winter months.

Due to the limited development and lack of scientific advancements during this era, slaves and unfortunate helpers often die because of the harsh winter in this town.

Although those who live in houses can somewhat alleviate the freezing temperatures by using firewood, slaves residing in slums and helpers, often living in cheap rented houses, don't have this luxury. Additionally, woods are cooking essential, this also the reason they do not burn these for their minute of comfort. 

Unlike the tribe, whose settlement is small in length and can sustain itself with the seeds of dragon trees, enabling them to live somewhat like a united village, the situation at the southern border is much worse. Here, hunters and merchants from other tribes, whether small or large, come to do business.

Dragon trees are sacred trees of goddess so they wouldn't use it for the outsider. Instead, they construct wooden houses from trees in the wilderness. This careful planning has transformed the area into a small town and the best business hub in this area. which not only promotes business using shikle, but also obtains goods for the tribe from other tribes without sending additional hunters to find them.

But still, the wilderness is full of danger, and these merchant caravans need powerful guards to protect their goods from scavenger tribes, hunters, and attacks of the wild beasts and monsters.

This is also the reason why a systematic and beneficial relationship has been established by nature. The rich and those who can earn more money, in addition to successful hunting, can live a luxurious life in the southern border. However, those who earn less and can only join others on hunts must simply send food back to the village and hope for the betterment of their families.

Living in the southern border could be risky as it lacks the protection of the shaman. However, during Mani's rule, the tribe never faced an attack that breached the barrier of the southern border, apart from the Heirokken.

Now, during winter, it is the most peaceful time for them, as there are no attacks from other tribes or hungry predatory beasts. However, migration of several herbivorous animals could still be considered random.

While animals such as woolly buffalo and woolly mammoth usually follow their usual routes for travel, groups that stray from or deviate from their paths often end up in the southern border of the tribe. That's why tribesmen are often required to hunt and protect the city during winter until the snowstorms and harsh winter conditions worsen


The entire city is blanketed in snow, with slaves and helpers like Axel visible cleaning the streets and the large roofs of houses using spells like the wind. Some are also doing laboring jobs. even doing odd jobs.

Axel, on the other hand, is resting in a chair within a dilapidated house. Sitting opposite him is his uncle Mani, also in a chair. This was Axel's father's house, where Mikio and his family lived until his parents died.

His uncle Mikio led him to this house after the shaman and other guardians escorted them from the village. Unlike the others, the shaman didn't stop here and immediately returned to the village. Shamans were like hidden cards for the tribe. In times of danger, the shaman's unexpected appearance could prove quite useful.

It seems you're quite enjoying the shaman's teachings!" Mani remarked to Axel in a playful tone, though a deep sadness lurked in his expression.

Please forgive your uncle for not teaching you properly in the ways of hunting," he added with a tinge of sadness.

By following my father's teachings and your guidance, I've come far enough, uncle. It's just that..." Axel paused, then continued, "The tribe's guardians didn't find me fascinating.

"Fascinating, huh?" his uncle smirked, casting a glance at the tattoo on Axel's forehead before tentatively reaching out to touch it, only to retract his hand moments later.

"Things sure are going south, nephew. After introducing the new rules and opportunities, loyalty has become nonexistent. Human nature is greedy, nephew, even within the tribe."

"Didn't Shaman tell you these tattoos of yours are permanent?" Maki's expression betrayed a sense of loss.

"Your father always told me, 'If you take care and think of family, you could rule others and lead a happy life. But if you start to use your brain for anything other than your family, everything you hold dear will become a thing of the past. You won't even be able to protect it.'"

With a rueful chuckle, he regarded Axel with a sense of helplessness. "My own efforts to improve the tribe have backfired on me. And the very thing I feared most has come to pass — it's now affecting you, Mikio. Believing in the tribe has proven to be the greatest sin I've committed."

"And this sin of mine can only be ended with an even greater sin," Maki thought, a subtle hint of killing intent emanating from his eyes.

Axel is his only family... But could the village under his watch truly be capable of such treachery? He didn't like it one bit. No, he wanted to kill the shaman alive, burn the guardians for not choosing his nephew, but he couldn't do it now. He was a calm person, not taking anyone's schemes seriously. Perhaps this nature had made him weak, not using the rules of his younger days and gone soft for the tribe. Made them think they could do anything with him.

He could still make Axel great by continuously teaching him hunting and grooming him to be a great leader. However, the scheming happening under his nose needed to be exposed with big cut. Small players in the plot couldn't quench the thirst burning within him. The anger within him needed salvation.

Controlling his anger, he told Axel, "Don't go out tonight. You might be exhausted and need some relaxation." Taking out a gold coin, he handed it to Axel. "Take this sikhle. You can exchange it for something fancy."

A sense of understanding dawned in Axel's mind. Understanding his uncle's words, he immediately replied in affirmation.

"Your uncle must prepare for today's Hunt."

"Rest well, for tomorrow you will join me in the hunt!" With those words, he exited the house.

"Seriousness and foresight never prove wrong, even among other tribes. Ser's are bathed in the River of Time. Why, then, can they not see ours?" Maki pondered as he made his way to the warrior's hall.


Every Helper from the goddess receives their gifts, which are nothing but two spell incantations. Axel also received these spells. Each person receives different skills. However, unlike others who received cool skills, he received quite common ones like Healing and Stealth. Both required the help of mana, and without hunting enough beasts and take out their mana stones, one couldn't evolve to the next level.

Although some mana stones could be produced by nature in caves or beasts' lairs, retrieving them is quite challenging. Additionally, the main downside of being a helper is the need for a huge amount of mana to use. 

The human body cannot hold as much mana as beasts or other creatures. Using important mana stones just to replenish one's own mana, which could advance a warrior's power, isn't quite profitable for the tribes.

Furthermore, for helpers to continue upgrading their power and breaking through is quite difficult. Knowing only two spells wouldn't make them famous. These are the reasons why helpers are not as famous as magicians or wizards from novels.

However, unlike other helpers, Axel received other gifts from the tigers: Lightning and Nirvana. But he knows that using them would be equivalent to betraying the tribe, and he couldn't consider it.

"That damn shaman," Axel muttered, realizing that this shaman was now his teacher, and he couldn't disobey him. The only way to learn shamanic mana magic now is through this shaman.

Looking at the big bed crafted from wilderness wood, he jumped onto it and immediately felt sleepy. Gazing at the ceiling of his house, he pondered, "Why would the shaman send me to the tigers?" Observing his uncle's expression, it was evident he couldn't ignore it.

With a sigh, he touched the tattoo on his forehead. "This thing would be like a curse for me from now on. Huh!"

Even in all this confusion he was sure in one thing. The tigers and the goddess have a Relation or 180 degree and he felt caught in the middle of a deep scheme.

Other than that, the shaman was creating another problem for both him and his uncle in the tribe. "Is it for power?" he pondered. After all, shamans are individuals who often delve into mystics, but such endeavors always require substantial funds.

Amidst these grand schemes, what was his role? Why were they making him a pawn in their game? So many questions raced through his mind like wild thoughts.

With a mysterious system providing no clues other than the word "collector," Axel found himself in an even messier situation. It had only been two days since he had been reincarnated, yet he already felt ensnared in such a scheme. Even the most tragic transmigrator wouldn't find themselves in such messy situation.

Axel decided to set aside his thoughts for the moment and focus on the present. He knew there would be many opportunities to ponder these matters later.

Afterall Overthinking could bring chaos and lead to one own demise. At least, that's what his mother had taught him in his previous life. Although he desired to sleep, he found himself reluctant to do so.

Immediately, he arrived at the farm with a single thought: he had to prepare for tomorrow. First, he began by regrowing the sweet potatoes using their own slips. Then, he attempted to find a suitable weapon from the system.

Silver battle axe... 9000FP

Iron sharp Axe..... 8000FP

Mythril Axe.... 70,000FP

"Damn... Does the system want to rob me or something?" he muttered, looking at the exorbitant prices in the store, unable to conceal his disbelief.

Although he didn't doubt the system's quality, the prices were definitely not in his favor. Despite this, he was determined to stick to his plan of purchasing a soul puppet; it was something he would never stray from. Therefore, with his remaining 100 FP, he bought two normal rusty iron pipes and began practicing the moves that Mikio had performed all his life. After all, it's always better to be prepared than sorry

As time passed slowly on the farm, Axel found himself with ample time for rest and practice. With these potatoes, he didn't anticipate any food-related issues. However, he resolved to leave the farm as soon as he felt fully prepared.

Front slash... back slash... Axe throw... Several skills that Mikio used in his training, Axel started to practice them as much as he could. Although he had almost 1000 FP in his pocket after selling the morning potatoes and buying the pipes, he didn't want to learn any good footwork from the system for the time being.

First, he would stick to the plan he had created for himself. Buying footwork and then using it to outsmart the experienced hunters of the clan would only cause chaos — and this was something he never wanted to do.

"A man should never disregard his plan," was his motto.






Because of eid chapters wil published late.

Masfiqcreators' thoughts