
Primordial Magician

A seemingly ordinary individual unexpectedly finds themselves reincarnated into the enchanting realm of Arcanus—a world of magic and wonder. In this extraordinary domain, the protagonist is bestowed with a rare and potent ability known as "Chaos," the ancient and foundational form of magic. Thus begins their extraordinary odyssey through a realm where reality is ever-shifting and full of hidden truths. Determined to carve a lasting legacy, the protagonist embarks on a captivating journey to transcend the boundaries of mortality and achieve eternal existence.

Ordinary_artist · Fantasie
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16 Chs

The Final Confluence

The atmosphere in the grand hall was thick with anticipation and excitement as the final round of the Alchemical Gauntlet approached. The remaining ten alchemists, including myself, gathered in the center of the hall, surrounded by a sea of spectators, judges, and influential figures from the alchemical community.

Judge Seraphina took the center stage, her commanding presence capturing everyone's attention. With a wave of her hand, the room fell silent, and all eyes turned towards her. She spoke with a voice that resonated with authority and wisdom.

"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed alchemists, and honored guests," Judge Seraphina began. "Today, we stand witness to the culmination of talent, skill, and ingenuity displayed by these extraordinary individuals. For this final round, we have chosen a unique approach that will truly test the prowess of our alchemists."

The crowd leaned forward, eager to learn more about the grand finale of the competition. Judge Seraphina continued, her words drawing us deeper into the suspense of the moment.

"Instead of relying solely on our individual skills, we shall engage in battles of wit, strategy, and alchemical expertise. Each alchemist will be provided with a single attack, defense, and confinement potion for the entire round. These potions will serve as the tools to unleash our power and protect ourselves against our opponents."

A wave of murmurs and whispers spread through the hall as the significance of this approach sank in. It was an unprecedented test, one that would truly push our limits and force us to think strategically about the application of our potions.

Judge Seraphina's gaze swept across the participants, her eyes lingering on each of us for a brief moment. "Remember, alchemists, this final round is not only about raw power, but also about ingenuity, adaptability, and the ability to read your opponents. Choose your potions wisely, for they will determine the outcome of these battles."

As her words settled in, a mixture of determination and apprehension filled the air. The gravity of the situation was not lost on any of us. We had come so far, overcoming challenges and proving ourselves in each round. Now, in this ultimate test of skill, we would face off against one another, relying on our potions and our strategic prowess to emerge victorious.

Alchemist Yara, the reigning champion and ranked first, exuded an air of confidence. Her reputation as a prodigy preceded her, and her prowess in alchemy was undeniable. Alchemist Donovan, ranked second, possessed a calm and collected demeanor, his piercing gaze revealing a sharp intellect. Alaric, Leona, Lucius, Linnea, Orion, and I, all ranked within the top eight, were well aware of the challenges that lay ahead.

Judge Seraphina addressed the crowd once more, her voice resounding with authority. "In this final round, each battle will be one-on-one, with the competitors facing off against one another. The battles will be intense, and the outcome will be determined by the alchemist's strategic choices, their understanding of their opponent's strengths and weaknesses, and their ability to adapt and counter."

She gestured toward the arena, where a series of intricately designed platforms had been set up. "The battles will take place on these platforms, each tailored to amplify the effects of the potions used. It is here that the true test of alchemical mastery will unfold."

The crowd erupted into applause, their excitement mounting. The battles were about to begin, and the stakes were higher than ever. The judges, Master Rorath, Lady Celestia, and Professor Octavius, assumed their positions, their watchful eyes ready to assess our every move.

The Battles will be drawn based on Lots

The moment of truth had arrived as the brackets were drawn to determine the order of battles. My heart raced with anticipation, and my mind focused on the challenge that awaited me. The brackets revealed that my first opponent in the final round would be Leona, a formidable alchemist whose reputation preceded her.

As I mentally prepared for the battle ahead, my AI chip chimed in with a timely notification, [Ding! Opponent detected: Leona. Initiating analysis.]

[Beep! Scan complete. Leona Silva.]

Current Status:

Strength: 0.72

Agility: 0.78

Vitality: 0.76

Stamina: 0.73

Mana: 0.75

Talent: Blue with shades of red

Element: Earth (High), Barrier (Intermediate)

Skills: Earthquake Strike (45%), Barrier Mastery (48%)]

The revelation of Leona's status intrigued me. With her proficiency in Barrier Magic and formidable attributes, she posed a formidable challenge. I knew I had to approach this battle with careful strategy and adaptability. As I delved deeper into the knowledge provided by my AI chip, I discovered the intricacies of Barrier Magic.

[Ding! Scan Complete]


Barrier magic is a branch of protective magic that focuses on creating barriers or shields to defend against physical and magical attacks. It involves manipulating mana to form an invisible energy barrier that acts as a shield, providing a layer of protection for the user or their allies. Barrier magic can vary in strength and complexity, ranging from simple shields that block basic attacks to intricate barriers that can repel even powerful magical spells.]

Leona, with her talent for Barrier Magic and her high affinity for the Earth element, possessed a strong defensive advantage. Her expertise in creating barriers and shields meant that I needed to devise a strategy to bypass her defenses. While her Earthquake Strike skill posed a threat, I had to be cautious of her Barrier Mastery, which indicated her exceptional control and manipulation of protective barriers.

Armed with the newfound knowledge about Barrier Magic, I strategized my approach to the battle with Leona. Knowing that she excelled in defensive techniques, I realized that a direct confrontation would be challenging. It was crucial for me to exploit her weaknesses while utilizing my own strengths.

The competition organizers had provided us with a selection of ingredients to create our potions. I carefully examined the available options, considering their properties and potential synergies. With only one chance to create each type of potion—attack, defense, and confinement—I had to make every choice count.

For the attack potion, I selected the essence of Solarflare Blossom, a rare flower known for its intense fire affinity. Combined with the infused energy of Thunderstrike Quartz, it would create a potent explosive concoction that could overcome Leona's barriers.

In terms of defense, I opted for the elusive Shadowleaf Vine, renowned for its ability to create illusions and confuse opponents. By infusing it with the essence of Diamond Thorn Bark, I hoped to create a defense potion that would not only protect me from Leona's attacks but also disorient her, making it harder for her to retaliate effectively.

As for the confinement potion, I delved into the depths of my alchemical knowledge, seeking the perfect combination of ingredients. I chose the ethereal Moonflower Petal and the elusive Emberroot, both possessing properties that could disrupt and hinder an opponent's movements. When combined, they would create a potent potion that could confine Leona and limit her mobility.

With my potion recipes prepared, I meticulously gathered the necessary ingredients and began the process of brewing. The AI chip played a crucial role, guiding me with precise measurements and calculations to ensure the desired potency and effectiveness of each potion.

[Ding! Potion brewing complete.]

The moment of truth arrived as I stepped into the battle arena, face to face with Leona. Her eyes gleamed with determination, mirroring the fire that burned within me. We exchanged a nod of respect, knowing that only one of us would emerge victorious.

The battle commenced, and I wasted no time. With a swift gesture, I unleashed the attack potion, releasing a torrent of fiery energy towards Leona. The explosive force caught her off guard, momentarily breaking through her barriers. However, she quickly regained her composure, erecting a formidable defense to shield herself from further harm.

As she retaliated with earth-based attacks, I swiftly consumed the defense potion, feeling its protective energy enveloping me. The illusions created by the Shadowleaf Vine worked their magic, causing Leona's strikes to miss their mark and leaving her momentarily disoriented.

Realizing that I had to seize the opportunity, I swiftly followed up with the confinement potion. The ethereal bindings of the Moonflower Petal and Emberroot wrapped around Leona, restricting her movements and limiting her ability to counterattack effectively.

The battle raged on, each of us deploying our skills and potions strategically. It was a fierce contest of wits and alchemical prowess. The judges closely observed our every move, evaluating our tactics and assessing the effectiveness of our potions.

With each exchange of spells and potions, the arena crackled with elemental energy. Leona, utilizing her expertise in Barrier Magic, erected walls of earth and energy to deflect my attacks. But I remained undeterred, combining my knowledge of fire manipulation with the explosive power of my attack potion. Fireballs erupted from my hands, engulfing the battlefield and forcing Leona to constantly adapt her defenses.

Her mastery of Barrier Magic was evident as she skillfully deflected my assaults, her barriers shimmering with resilience. But I persisted, analyzing her patterns and weaknesses, seeking an opening to exploit. I observed that her barriers were stronger against elemental attacks but relatively weaker against physical strikes. It was a crucial insight that would determine my next move.

In a daring maneuver, I temporarily suspended my magical assaults and closed the distance between us. With my fire affinity and agility, I executed a series of rapid slashes, combining my physical prowess with my elemental skills. Leona's barriers crumbled under the force of my strikes, leaving her momentarily exposed.

Seizing the opportunity, I unleashed a devastating combination: an enhanced fireball infused with the explosive power of my attack potion. The flames surged towards Leona, their intensity amplified by the potion's concoction. She erected a barrier in a desperate attempt to protect herself, but the force of the explosion shattered it, engulfing her in a maelstrom of flames.

As the smoke cleared, Leona emerged, singed and battered, but not defeated. She mustered her strength and retaliated with a barrage of earth-based attacks, launching rock formations and fissures towards me. I swiftly activated my defense potion, feeling the illusionary veil wrap around me, causing Leona's attacks to miss their mark. Her confusion and frustration grew as her carefully crafted strikes dissipated into thin air.

Recognizing the decisive moment, I swiftly deployed my confinement potion. The ethereal bindings conjured by the Moonflower Petal and Emberroot enveloped Leona, restricting her movements and limiting her ability to mount a counteroffensive. She struggled against the bindings, her desperation evident, but her efforts were in vain.

With each passing moment, my advantage grew, and Leona's stamina dwindled. I maintained the pressure, alternating between calculated strikes and well-timed defensive maneuvers. The battle had become a test of endurance and resilience.

As the final moments of the battle approached, I summoned my remaining strength and unleashed a final assault. A concentrated blast of fire infused with my elemental affinity surged towards Leona, overwhelming her defenses. The flames engulfed her, marking the end of our battle.

The arena erupted in applause and cheers as the judges acknowledged my victory. Leona, though defeated, held her head high, recognizing the skill and determination I had displayed. It was a battle fought with honor and respect, a testament to the alchemical talents we possessed.