
Leman Russ 2

A week passed. Sirzechs Lucifer, off his daily duty, walked alongside his queen towards the training facility situated deep inside the training facility; generally used by his sister and her peerage during their stay in Gremory Manor.

"You still don't like his presence?" asked Sirzechs stopping to look at his wife cold face.

With her expression unchanged, Grayfia replied: "My lord, he is an utter brute, who has caused massive expensive damage to family properties, precious artefacts, almost destroyed the manor six times with his new everyday fights with Surter and his what he calls 'experiment', also the manor has run out of liquor seven times in his seven days of residence here; every night he drinks every bottle he finds in the manor and passes out on his bed. This has increased the servant's workload immensely."

Sirzechs gave a wry smile as his left eye twitched: "He isn't that bad, and cost of the caused damage is still low. Also, about the strange requests; he made for his experiment? I haven't been properly able to keep an eye on all his activities. What's he doing again?"

"He had ordered blood sample of someone who is a multi-linguist. I reason that he shares an ability with vampires of reading memories by drinking blood," explained Grayfia coldly. One of the few things they find out about this strange 'human.'

"This may be a part of his strange not even closely human biology. But he still calls himself human, strange I say." Sirzechs commented before waiting for his wife's reaction.

"Precisely, my lord, none of the information given makes any sense. Why are we trusting someone who refuses to give any details other than 'I am the Primearch of the Vlka Fenryka; Wolf King of Fenris and the Emperor's Executioner. Leman Russ', regarding his origin?" asked Grayfia, remarking her husband's decision. Lots of words he spoke seemed to be resembling that of Norse Pantheon, but as he didn't tell them his origin, they didn't tell him about the gods. All he knew that this world is an amalgamation of different realms, filled with sorcery and power different from that of the Warp.

"Anyways..." said Sirzechs avoiding his wife's gaze: "We are here."

They stooped as entered through the large doorframe. The white floor of the facility spanned as far as the manor above it did, the ceiling-high allowing the combatant to fly more freely, with all this being reinforced with magic.

At one end of the platform, Leman stood still in his great white armour, his legs spread apart, his fists hanging near the hips. In his stillness, he spewed the same kinetic heat aura he spewed in his display of strength a week ago, but this time it was more refined and concentrated. The King and Queen halted their steps as sensed the power the Wolf King exhumed and the meditative state he was in.

A strange silence of power enveloped the area, with the Primearch being its centre. Then there was a sudden jolt of the movement, the concentrated energy expanded into an explosion. Sirzechs raised his hand before his eyes and squinted. Something stirred within Leman, a warmth he has known before, a warm of calming light. His father's light.

'Unite them.'

Awareness poured back into the Wolf King, Grayfia distant looked frightened and surprised.

'What is is he doing?'

Leman thrust his left hand to the side, plunging it between realms, grabbing hold of the very fabric of space, the world mortals, the realm of immortals, he thrust his right hand in the other side, touching something vast, something that wasn't a place, but primordial. He had seen it before, when he stepped into this supernatural realm, today he held it in his hand.

The tiles below his feet broke away, Grayfia summoned a magical barrier but that wasn't enough, she stumbled few steps back before regaining balance. Sirzrechs remained in his place, just staring at the spectacle.

Leman ignored everything, his eyes closed, in his mind, he saw him, a giant great white wolf with cold blue eyes. His voice so familiar to Leman: "Unite them."

Leman opened his eyes, chaotic energy swirling around him: "Unite them." He slammed both his hands together, uniting both realms into one. The area then exploded with chaotic energy, the wind blasted the floor away, yet Leman felt nothing, as a wide gap in the fabric of reality appeared, a void of nothingness. Then he moved forward with a smirk.

The King and Queen dispersed their protective barrier and brought their hands down. The chaotic energy dissipated into nothingness, leaving the trail and scars of destruction upon the facility as proof of its existence. Sirzechs' gaze moved from the place Leman earlier stood as he appeared to be no longer there. His sight then moved, spotting the Primearch at the other end of the platform.

Leman in a half-squat position looked at his hands, the chaotic power they held moments ago, dissipating into nothingness, just like rest that he brought through his stunt. He filled his lungs with air as his hunched body slowly straightened and his eyes faced the cracked ceiling. Then he released it all in a loud howl of joy.


The howl ended but not the joy, Leman brought his head back to usual position, the smile appeared didn't leave his face, still exposing his sharp canines. He didn't speak but laughed gleefully as he gazed at the King and Queen.

"Did ye see that ye milksop?!" Leman said laughing with his arms widened: "I performed a warp jump without the wolfin warp."

Sirzechs with an expression with a mix of awkward and confused, he levitated glided with his wife towards the jolly Wolf King.

Sirzechs: "Did you just... used the Dimensional Gap for short-distance teleportation?"

Leman: "What else do ye think I did, Red King?"

The Dimensional Gap is also known as the void world that exists between the three worlds. The birthplace of Ophis, the Infinite Dragon God, and Great Red, the True Dragon.

The void used by many beings of great power for travelling, as none could survive within the Dimensional Gap without the supernatural protection. Anyone without such protection dies within a matter of seconds after being exposed to the "nothingness" within the Gap. It is also considered highly impractical to use the Gap for such small distance travel considering how much power it consumes.

"Since, I can't use yer Xenos sorcery to travel, I decided by to make my own way," explained Leman.

"Why? Just why? Why would not just ask for teleportation artefacts from us?" asked Grayfia with clear anger trying to break her cold exterior.

"Cause, this is the way," replied Leman.

Grayfia clenched her fist tightly, her nails started digging into her skin as the tried to keep herself calm. Sirzech lips contorted into a wry smile, his eyes twitched at this.

"Now, its time," said Leman. He gleeful smile gaze a message to Sirzechs that something was wrong.

Sirzechs: "Time for what?"

Leman: "Have you no wolves?"

Sirzechs remained silent for a moment as confusion poured into him: "What?!"

Leman: "Have you no wolves? Cause, wild wolves like the freedom to run in the cold lands."

Sirzechs: "Apologies... I don't follow."

Leman: *Sigh* "I wish to enter the human world which ye by the description matches ancient terra."

"NO!" Grayfia hearing this broke her silence: "Absolutely! Positively! Sensibly! No!"

Sirzechs knew he'll find himself in a mental tug of war now.

Grayfia: "My lord, we cannot allow him to step into the human realm. If he causes any major damage, it'll put our peace talk with gods at risk."

Leman: "Bollocks... I'll just Warp jump if there's any danger."

Grayfia: "Your 'Warp jump' produces a shockwave that can destroy an entire section of a human town."

Leman: "Listen.... I am no Vulkan, but I know when to not harm normalities."

Grayfia: "Who is this Vulkan now?!"

Sirzechs felt it. The damn headaches, both literally and figuratively.



The Gremory peerage was stood outside a dark-looking building which gave off a foreboding feeling. However, they had just received a request to deal with a weak stray devil that had taken up residence in the town.

"Is everyone ready?" asked Rias one last time. They all nodded in confirmation, except Kiba who had a distant look in his eyes. "Alright, let's go over the plan one more time," stated the crimson-haired devil. "Issei, Koneko and Yuuto, the three of you will go inside and engage the stray. Then, I want you to lure it out here so that me and Akeno can finish it. Asia, you will stay here with me, since you aren't suited for combat."

"Alright Buchou, I understand perfectly," replied Issei. He summoned his Boosted Gear in advance.

"I understand," agreed Asia.

"Good, now let's begin!" ordered their king.

"Oi, Kiba, come on!" the brown-haired teen called to his fellow Gremory.

"Huh? Oh, right," replied Kiba, causing the pawn to get slightly concerned at his initial unresponsiveness.

Issei, Koneko and Kiba proceeded to enter the dark building. Inside, the space was gloomy and provided little visibility, but due to their supernatural vision, the trio of devils were able to still see clearly. They began steeling themselves for the confrontation with the stray.

Hearing a rustling sound coming from one of the pillars, they all turned to see the head of a teenage-looking girl with light hair appear around the corner. She was observing them with a tentative expression on her face.

'Wow, she's pretty cute,' Issei thought. He then shook his head to clear the thought. 'No, she's a stray that's been killing innocent people. Plus, if she's anything like the last one, then there's going to be something really creepy about the rest of her body.' Strengthening his resolve, his first boost took place.

Almost as if on cue, the stray suddenly gained a savage snarl lined with sharp fangs before leaping out to attack them. The red dragon emperor's thoughts were proved to be true as the stray's full body came into view.

She was garbed in the tattered, blood-stained remains of what was once a white long dress. She had the body of a normal teenage girl around their age, except that there were also eight horrific spider leg-like appendages that emerged from her back which ended in sharp points.

The stray sailed through the air towards Issei, who evaded the attack by quickly rolling out of the way.

"Koneko-chan!" the brown-haired teen yelled out.

"On it…" the white-haired rook responded monotonously before rushing over to their target's side and dealing it a crushing blow that sent it sprawling onto the ground.

Issei, rapidly charged up a portion of his magical power, readying his signature move.

"Eat this!" he cried before punching the crimson orb and blasting it towards the monster. It gave a high-pitched shriek of pain when the ball of energy impacted into it. "Kiba, you're up!" he shouted to the blond knight.

However, Kiba didn't respond to Issei's signal. It was as though he didn't even hear him, his eyes vacant as he continued staring off into space. Seeing an easy victim within its sights, the stray pounced in his direction.

'Damn it!' the pawn thought in frustration as he bolted towards his friend, trying his best to reach him before he was skewered apart. "Oi, Kiba! Get out of the way moron!" he all but screamed.

"Huh? Issei-kun?" Kiba questioned as he was snapped out of his daydream.

"Get down!" Issei bellowed before tackling into him. Despite his quick thinking and desperate efforts, the brown-haired teen didn't emerge unscathed. One of the stray's deadly spider legs nicked his shoulder while it flew over his head, tearing the flesh on contact. He screamed from the unexpected agony which suddenly burst through his mind.

On touching the ground, the monster speedily pivoted around on its humanoid feet, facing the male duo of the ORC once more. It was about to dive at them again, but Koneko had other plans. Having reached its side without it noticing, the petite girl slammed her fist into it, sending it rolling away.

Issei noticed that it had conveniently arrived under a rather large hole in the roof. A flash of inspiration struck him like a lightning bolt.

"Buchou, Akeno-san!" he shouted towards the entrance. "It's under a big hole in the roof, now's your chance to finish it!"

He knew they had heard him, since a second or two later, a twin shot of Akeno's signature thunder and Rias' famed power of destruction shot down from the hole and crashed into the stray devil, instantly obliterating it. Moving his limbs slowly, Issei began getting back onto his feet. He winced in pain when his injured shoulder throbbed, causing him to reflexively grasp it with the opposite hand.

"Issei! Are you okay?" Rias asked in concern when she, Akeno and Asia entered the building.

"I'm fine Buchou," he answered. "My shoulder just hurts a bit."

Rias' eyes narrowed slightly at the sight of his ruined shoulder. "Asia, heal Issei," she ordered whilst walking towards Kiba.

"Yes, right away!" the blonde girl affirmed, making her way over to the pawn.

Within a few moments, the green glow of Asia's Twilight Healing covered his damaged flesh and began repairing it whilst making the bathed area feel pleasantly warm. After a minute or so, his shoulder was back to its previous condition.

Suddenly, this was all disturbed as a glowing magic circle appeared on the floor causing all the peerage members to back away. The light covered the room as two figures appeared in front of them, the familiar head maid, Grayfia and with her an unknown teen with white hair and blue eyes.

"Grayfia..." said Rias, surprised by the Queen's sudden witness.

"My apologies for this sudden visit, but this is 'important.' said Grayfia trying to keep herself calm and composed.

Leman looked at everyone present with noticeable disappointment: *Sigh* "I expected warriors, not namby-pamby milksop..."

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