
Leman Russ 1

-Highschool DxD

"I crash-landed on the cold planet of Fenris as an infant. There I was founded by a giant she-wolf who became my mother, her children my brother and sister. It was nice and jolly.

But one day, a group of hunters murdered my mothers and siblings. Oh, I took the revenge. I ripped every one of the hunter's tribe into shreds. I did all that when I was only three years old. A three-year-old."

Millicas Gremory listened to Leman's story with fascination on the dinner table. Every plate was already empty because of Leman's unquenchable hunger. Millicas sat opposite to Leman hearing his story while Sirzechs and his wife looked at them from afar.

"My lord, you are sure it was a good idea to bring a stranger in here," whispered Grayfia.

A few hours ago Beelzebub detected a strange surge of energy in House Phenex's territory. Few lower class devils were sent to investigate but they soon lost contact. It itched Sirzechs' curiosity and he decided to take a look himself with a group of elite guards. When he got there he saw a gravely injured white-haired young boy slaughtering his way through hordes of strange twisted creatures. The boy injuries worsened as he defeated the last one of them. An exchange of conversation before the boy fell unconscious made the Devil King bring Leman to Gremory manor. To his surprise, Leman was all healed up by the time they reached the manor.

"The places he describes doesn't even exist," said Grayfia. "There is no such organisation called the Imperium of Man. Both in the world of mortal and supernatural."

"I know..." Sirzechs sighed and mutter to his maid who is also his wife and queen. "The creature he fought weren't normal rogue yokai or of any other known origin. Their strength also reached ultimate class and that's quite a worrying issue."

"My apologies, but that's make bringing him here more of a stupid decision, " Grayfia remarked.

Sirzechs knitted his brow. "I know, but I need your help with something."

"In what?" asked Grayfia. She had a bad feeling about what her King was planning to do.

"I want to test his strength," said Sirzechs, "for that I have called my entire peerage."

"You wanted to challenge him in a one versus all combat?" Grayfia asked but she already knew the answer.

"Yes." Sirzechs spat the words she had expected. He did not wish to harm the boy, just test him.

Unbeknownst to them, the Great Wolf was listening in to their conversation. Leman appeared calm, years of constant battle in the immaterium did calm his appetite didn't crave war for the time being but a nice actual meal with some peaceful time. Done he was drinking liquefied chaos as sustenance. Now it was time for good old material food. Again, he took an army of daemons alone just hours ago. He didn't knew how the size of him and his War Gear changed, he didn't knew how he got here, but he knew these human-like xenos weren't responsible for his current condition. He would know if anyone tries to trick him and if any one does, it would their neck and his axe.

His breaths remain calm, his face smiling at the Xenos child, but not his mind. He was ready for what waited for him in this strangeness. This place was real but unreal at the same time. No race in the known galaxy would treat him like this or look like this. Devils? Sounded like daemons but they didn't seem to use warp energy. Werewolf? That's what Sirzechs Lucifer thought Leman to be in the first place, but he isn't. He is human. That surprised him. The human isn't a Sacred Gear user, a veteran combatant like those the Holy Church has, or a Champion of some god. Just a someone who calls himself human and is hiding secrets.

Needless to say, Leman was surprised to find that humans also exist in this world. No in here but in a different plane, but devils still haven't subjugated the currently weaker species. Why? Kindness? Mercy? No, that couldn't be the answer. He needed to find out more about this place. But of course, not in an extreme way from the start, with the generosity the Xenos had shown him. He would do it if he needed to, but the current situation didn't seem to be that of violence. They wanted to test him if he heard correctly. Well then, he was going giving them exactly what they want.

"Boy, we'll continue the stories later. Seems like yer father wants something."

His voice echoed in the room reaching Sirzechs and Grayfia.

"Yea, I hear ye. Bring yer peerage."

Leman rose off his seat, spewing a strange kind of kinetic energy in a heated nature. Sirzechs nodded in acknowledgement: "Please, follow me."

Sirzechs awkwardly thought in his mind: 'That was easy.'

Leman nodded back. So far, the devils were friendly to him. They didn't try to kill him when they had the chance, they gave him food that far better than the liquid daemon livers he was eating for millenniums, regular food; uncorrupted by poison or warp sorcery. But, If this was trick on the devil's behalf, he'll use his Golden Spear.


Sirzechs brought Leman to separate space inside Gremory Manor. An area in which battles won't cause the rest of the manor to be damaged. Leman observed the strange use of sorcery, it wasn't the power of the Warp but something else of similar nature.

Five more gathered beneath the dome of the battleground. Okita Sōji the Knight, MacGregor Mathers the Bishop, Surtr Second the Rook, Beowulf the Pawn, last one didn't even have a humanoid appearance but a mix of deer with red scale for fur; Enku the other Pawn. This was the peerage of the Devil King, along with himself and his Queen.

"This is yer peerage?" asked Leman raising his white brows.

"This is it," answered Sirzechs, "don't understand estimate them, they are among the best of the Underworld."

Leman stayed still while the King and Queen moved towards the rest of the peerage. He snickered in excitement like wolf's growls. Millennium? Not even millions of years could quench the battle thirst of the Wolf King.

Okita looked at the Leman spewing the strange kinetic energy. "My Lord, this is one that killed those ultimate class creatures?" he asked, being already made aware of the incident by a fellow servant of Sirzechs who witnessed the event.

"Yes, " Sirzechs glanced back at Leman. "This is him."

"I am ready when you all are," said Beowulf, as always ready to prove herself.

"Don't be so impatient. The energy he is spewing seems to be directly attacking magical energy in the area," remarked MacGregor, the cheeky bishop, taking his position.

"Y'all called me here to battle or increase my boredom. Are we going to fight or not?" asked Leman getting impatient, he was tired of fighting daemons and warp entities for millenniums. He looked forward to facing something new.

Sirzechs smirked and ordered, "Okita front, Beowulf and Enku support Okita, Grayfia interfere if our side weakens."

"You sure this human is capable take all of us?" asked Grayfia still doubting her King's decision.

"Don't underestimate this boy, " remarked MacGregor observing Leman. "His biology doesn't seem to be of a normal human."

"He has three lungs and two hearts," Okita remarked back. His immense battle experience came in use now, allowing him to scan his opponent with only his eyes.

"Haste up, ye milksops." Leman grew more impatient.

Sirzechs sighed and said, "Well, then according to plan. Don't hold back."

Okita raised his katana, stared at the snickering wolf in the eye. "As you wish, my lord."

He charged swiftly. God-like speed impossible for eyes to see. Leman stood still in an attacking stance, battle axe in hand.

For the swift Devil Knight, the opposition was slow, incredibly slow. He was getting closer, with Leman not making any movements. In the time taken by eyes to blink, Okita was in the melee range, his katana launching a decapitating strike onto Leman's hand. Then with a jolt of shock Leman moved.


The sound of metal clashing with metal filled the area. Okita never closed his eyes during the clash. He saw as Leman growled and blocked the strike in less than a second, surpassing the Devil Knight's in terms of swiftness and ferocity.

"Ye're swift, Xenos," said Leman, "but not as much as my brothers."

Okita stepped back, making sure to block if Leman sikes, Leman didn't. Beowulf's eyes widened. He held his sword high and rushed in to aid Okita along with Enku.

Okita struck out again as Beowulf went for Leman's knees. No sooner the strikes came, they were dodged and blocked. Leman avoided, bringing the two swordsmen in a narrow attack path. Enku took his position from the side, a lighting orb formed between its antlers.

"Strange sorcery again." Leman scoffed crouching, gathering strength in his core. To the swordsmen in heat of the battle, it looked like the Great Wolf was getting tired. Then... accompanied by a loud howl the air exploded outwards, shoving the devils back with power, their feet dug on the ground trying to slow down. Enku initiated the lighting orb at Leman before being pushed back by the kinetic blast.

Leman spewed heated kinetic aura. His gaze moved. As orb got closer, inches away from his face, he released another loud howl disintegrating the lighting spell into nothingness. The howl echoed. Again and Again in the enclosed space like a bell.

King, Queen, Bishop and Rook stared at the Primearch. They somewhat figured out that the adversity's howl had anti-magic property as their magical defences were now neutralized by it.

'Oh, shit.' McGregor looked in shock, his eyes widened. It seemed his opponent could neutralise magic and magic is what he is all about. He looked at Sirzechs and pleaded, "My lord..."

Sirzechs understood before his bishop could finish speaking. He looked at Surtr and gave a nod. Surtr nodded back, smirking and charged at Leman.

Meanwhile, Leman was successfully dodging, blocking and neutralizing all attacks oncoming from the trio. The attacks were not stopping and the Wolf King was getting tired.

The was a sudden increase in Leman's speed, Okita was caught off guard this but continued, Leman parried the attacks with his own, in response Okita did the same, again and again, it all was a blur of motion, then there was a change as he slammed the blunt end of the axe onto the Knight's leg, the counter riposte breaking the femur in two.

Okita groaned in pain but Leman didn't stop. He slammed the back of his armoured fist onto Beowulf's head. The attack sent him flying and slammed him onto surrounding walls like an insect delivering a hard concussion.

Leman snicked like a wolf and moved his gaze back at Enku. The Pawn looked at the snickering Primearch, ready to retreat and prepare for another attack. Leman stepped forward but was stopped midst his way as a large figure stepped in blocking his path.

Surtr Second. Appearing to be in his mid-thirties and two meters tall with orange hair. His large body emitting body wild aura similar to that of Leman. His hands large enough to fit and a crush average-sized human head in their grip.

"You are not passing me," said Surtr. His wild aura every increasing.

"Ye don't carry any weapon," remarked Leman dropping his battle-axe with a loud clang, still his eyes laid the adversity unarmed in the eye. "This makes things fairer, I suppose."

"Things are never fair," said Surtr raising his tightly clenched fist, and covering it in hellfire. Leman in return took an offensive stance for an uppercut.

The flaming fist leapt up to meet the cold armoured one, long streamers of fire trailing in its wake like the ribbon. Fist clashed on Fist. The energy released by the clash shook the entire battleground. No sooner was his first slash blocked than Surtr made another, but this time Leman's elbow got in the way, and the metal chips flew from the force of the blow. Hard and fast the attacks came, from low and high, from the right and left, and each one Leman blocked. The flames swirled about his fist and left red and yellow ghosts to mark its passage. Each move Surtr made fanned them and made them burn the brighter until it seemed as though the lightning Surtr stood within a cage of fire.

Surtr attacks, filled the air with ropes of fire, driving Leman back on his heels. Leman caught one blow high on his elbow. He countered, and Surtr interposed his own elbow and launched a fiery fist.

The Wolf King parried a strike at his head, grimacing as the heat of the flames beat against his face. He grunted and cursed and reeled away.

"I am one of the Rooks of boss Sirzechs! Surtr Second! Now, fight me! Kneel before me! As if! Gahahahahaha!"

Amidst the joy of battle, Surtr caught a glace of it. It was less than a second of a moment, but he noticed it. Behind the veil of flames, Leman had a smile on his face. A sudden howl filled the area, louder than before. Loud enough that the Devil King and his Queen were forced to cover their ears. Surtr's flames faded away into nothingness, as he felt the same happening to his demonic energy.

The howl of the Wolf King continued, channelling the power of the Warp. It shattered through the magical defences of the battleground. Shattered the senses of everyone present including that of Sirzechs Lucifer and his Queen. Surtr was blown far away by its sheer force.

In-floor above every resident of the Manor felt it trembling. More and more it did, trembles to turned into an earthquake. A phenomenon is impossible in the supernatural realm that is the Underworld.

In the centre of the cacophony of destruction, Leman stood and declared who he is to the devils. He declared who he is to this new supernatural world.

"I am the Primearch of the Vlka Fenryka; Wolf King of Fenris and the Emperor's Executioner. Leman Russ."

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