
Power is Everything || ASOIAF X HxH fic

Daemon Rivers lives a simple life with his uncle in their cabin outside of Riverrun, he doesn't involve himself with the outside world. However all that changes when he awakens his aura. While everyone has Aura it is rare to see someone outside the knights and nobility with sufficient training with it, though a peasant who can control his aura once it’s unlocked will have an easy road straight to a knighthood. In this world power means everything and if you have enough of it, even a bastard can rise high. Based a few years before Roberts Rebellion. This is mostly gonna be set in the song of ice and fire world. I don't think I'll be adding characters from HxH, the only thing I'm adding is Nen. But if you guys actually want to see characters from hxh (Idk why?) lemme know on my supporters page. Patreon.com/Captainalfie78Works I do not own a song of ice and fire or Hunter x Hunter

TheManUnderTheBed · Bücher und Literatur
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29 Chs

Grand Melee



Daemon and Lyanna's fists clashed together as they fought each other in the woods outside of Harrenhal, Lysa sat nearby on a blanket with a picnic basket next to her as she watched them spar with a smile on her face. The last few days as the royal procession got settled Lyanna had dragged Daemon out to train just like they did in the old days, Lysa was happy to sit and watch them as she followed a meditation technique that Daemon had given her.

Lyanna ducked below one of Daemon's swings before pushing aura into her legs and tackling him to the ground, they rolled around in the grass until Daemon pinned her arms to each side. He looked down at her with a smirk since he could see her face start to heat up "You've gotten strong over the years, you should be proud of yourself you could probably fight and win against a Kingsguard" he said to her making her face heat up more profusely.

Daemon leaned in closer "I've missed you Lyanna" he whispered to her as he leant down and pressed his lips against hers, she moaned she leant up into his kiss closing her eyes and letting his tongue enter her mouth, this was the person she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. But as she had those thoughts flashes of an annoying, loud stag flashed into her mind and she detached her lips from his own "Is something wrong Lyanna?" Daemon asked as he sat next to her, she sighed and sat up as well leaning into his shoulder "I have been betrothed..." she simply stated and it was as if the entire forest went silent, Lyanna felt her heart start to quicken as she waited for Daemon to respond.

She felt relieved when she felt Daemon lean down and kiss her forehead "This seems to have plagued your mind for a long time, while let it plague you no longer, I will beat them in a duel and you will become mine once more" he reassured

Lyanna looked up at Daemon with a smirk "But I haven't told you who it is, mayhaps he is strong" she said with a raised eyebrow. Daemon looked at her and smiled making her heart skip a beat "It doesn't matter who they are... I'm the strongest" he simply said and Lyanna couldn't help but be comforted by how confident Daemon was. She wrapped her arms around him and pushed him down to the floor making him chuckle, she placed her head on his chest and they just lay there, a few moments later a head of auburn hair flashed in their vision and Lysa lay next to them as well "I hope you didn't forget about me Daemon" she said with amusement in her voice.

Daemon wrapped his arm around Lysa just like he did Lyanna "Of course not, how could I forget my beautiful betrothed" he said as he pulled her close.

"So when are we going to meet the other women in your life" Lysa asked teasingly, making Daemon groan and Lyanna giggle "Hopefully not too soon, I shudder to think what might happen to me once you all meet" he replied, both girls laughed as they hugged Daemon closer "Daemon..." Lyanna said quietly.

"Yes?" He replied softly

"How is this all going to end..." she asked though Daemon wasn't entirely sure by what she meant "What do you mean?" He asked with confusion evident in his voice.

Lyanna pushed herself up from his chest and looked at him "I just don't know how we can all live together happily without others trying to get in the way" she said with concern

Daemon ran his hand through her hair "Don't worry about such things Lya everything is going according to plan, and if it doesn't then I'll just have to kill anyone who gets in our way" he said with a small grin.

Lyanna raised an eyebrow at him "Anyone? You're saying you could even kill the King or Arthur Dayne" she asked disbelievingly.

Daemon just smiled and winked at her before dragging her back down to lie on his chest, they would be expected to come back soon so he wanted to enjoy his time with them as much as possible.


Lyanna walked back to the Stark camp with Lysa by her side, they had stayed together ever since they reunited and found that even though they were so different they truly were good friends "What do you think he has planned" Lyanna asked curiously as she walked slowly through the field of tents, Lysa shrugged her shoulders "I couldn't say but I know Daemon has never been one to brag"

Lyanna nodded in agreement "I suppose so..." she said thoughtfully as she walked with her head in the clouds. Though she was quickly snapped out of her daze when she heard loud obnoxious laughing coming from the centre of their camp, Lyanna couldn't help but growl as his aura started to leak out of her. Lysa grabbed her arm "Lya stay calm, Daemon said it wouldn't be happening remember?" she said trying to calm her friend down. Lyanna nodded and her aura went back into her body, as they walked past another set of tents she saw the cause of her anger.

Robert Baratheon stood in the middle of camp with her brothers Ned and Brandon, they were all drinking while Robert and Brandon joked and laughed, Ned was content to stand there quietly and watch the others with a small smile on his face. Though she was mad at her brother for suggesting the betrothal in the first place she was glad to see him again 'They must've just arrived' she thought to herself.

Ned looked over and saw Lyanna and smiled, he set his cup done on the ground before standing up and walking over to her "Sister!" He said as he embraced her in a tight hug "It's good to see you" Lyanna reciprocated and wrapped her arms around him, the reassurance Daemon gave her allowed her anger at her brother to cool down "I'm glad to see you too Ned, it's been too long" she said before detaching herself from the hug.

"This is my close friend Lysa Tully, she's the sister of Catelyn" Lyanna said as she introduced her. Ned nodded though he made no move to do anything else "It's good to meet you my Lady" Ned said with a hint of nervousness in his voice.

Lysa smiled at him "Please call me Lysa, our houses shall soon be joined making us family" she said which Ned nodded.

"AHHHH THERE SHE IS!!!" Robert boomed out behind them as he tossed his cup behind him and stomped over towards them, Lyanna had to try hard to cover the scowl that threatened to appear on her face, she could already smell the alcohol on his breath even though he was a dozen passes away. She very much wanted to leave and ignore the man but she knew her father would put up a fuss about it "Lord Baratheon, I see that you are well" That was the nicest thing she could bring herself to say and even that was said through gritted teeth.

"HAHHAHA, Of course, I am well!!!! Look at these!!!" He said as he lifted his large tree trunk of an arm and flexed, the man was well muscled Lyanna would admit but she had no taste for the overly muscular men. Daemon was tall and muscular but it seemed much more compact and tight, rather than the huge amount of muscle Robert appeared to have. Lyanna gave Robert a polite smile as he flexed for her "It is good to see my betrothed is well! Brandon here was telling me how you were fawning over all the wedding dresses that were presented to you, but worry not winter rose I shall like them all!!!" He boomed out with a wide smile on his face, behind him Lyanna could Brandon could be seen laughing and almost toppling over making her silently curse at him "I just came to ask whether you'd all be taking part in the tournament" she asked.

Ned shook his head "You know his father is, he doesn't want us showing off in some stupid tournament, says that keeping your abilities close to hand can mean the difference between life and death" he explained though Lyanna could tell he wasn't pleased about it "It's completely unfair, I've been training for years and could best all these pompous southern knights" Brandon chimed in as he walked towards them stumbling slightly.

Lyanna rolled her eyes "I'm not even allowed to sign up for the Melee, so save your whining for someone else" she said as she crossed her arms, Robert boomed out a laugh at her words while Brandon sulked "Is Daemon at least competing, he never fails to impress" Brandon asked.

Robert turned to Brandon with a dumbfounded look "Daemon? Who's this Daemon?" He asked out with a rumbling voice. Brandon chuckled "Mayhaps you know him by the name of Lord Silver" he replied which gave Robert a look of realisation "AHAH That pompous Lord is joining the Grand Melee, he'll get crushed by the opponents there" Robert boomed out making Lyanna clench her fists easy to sock the stag lord right in his face.

Brandon however shook his head "I wouldn't discount him so easily Robert when I first met him he was an absolute monster, he'd only been using Aura for a few months and he defeated a fully-fledged Knight" Brandon said in defence of Daemon, Robert raised his eyebrow at Brandon unsure of whether to believe such words "Indeed, my betrothed plans to join the Grand Melee, mayhaps you might cross blades with him Lord Baratheon" Lysa stated with a cordial smile.

Robert looked excited for a moment but then scowled "Old Jon has told me it wouldn't be proper for a Lord Paramount to engage in the Grand Melee, seeing as I don't have an heir of my own it could be dangerous... absolute horse shit I say!!!" He booms out as he kicks a chair across the grass. Ned just smiles helplessly as he pats his friend on the back "I have to admit I'm interested in how strong Lord Silver will be" Ned said.

Brandon laughed and put his arm around his younger brother "I'm sure you won't be disappointed" he said with a grin.


(2 days later)

It was the day of the Grand Melee, one of the most anticipated events of the entire tourney, while the joust is usually more popular than a regular melee it doesn't compare to seeing a field full of aura users fighting each other, and unlike normal melee rules, there are no qualms about killing your opponent if they do not surrender. Daemon was having breakfast with Elia and Rhaegar as he normally did, though ever since Rhaenys was born there had been a cold stale atmosphere between the husband and wife, one that Daemon did not feel entirely comfortable in. It didn't help that Daemon suspected that Elia was in love with him, and he had to admit that he had some feelings as well for the Dornish Princess but Rhaegar was a good friend so he could never betray him like that "Daemon I hear you'll be participating in the melee" Rhaegar said as he looked up from the book he had at the table, Rhaegar never usually ate much and only did when he had to, Daemon suspected he could put anything in front of his friend and Rhaegar wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

"I am" Daemon replied as he took a sip from his cup, he was curious as to why Rhaegar wanted to talk about this, in the entire time they'd known each other he'd never participated in a melee mostly sticking to jousts which he was good at "Arthur will be joining the Grand Melee, I believe a show for the lords is in order, while they may have lost faith in my father they can regain it through my champion and therefore me" Rhaegar explained.

Daemon put his cup down and looked at him "What are you asking of me Rhaegar?" He said bluntly.

"Arthur is better than you when it comes to most things, Swordsmanship, Aura amount, Aura ability, however, you've proven yourself quite tenacious and powerful yourself. I don't want to take any risks so make sure you don't take Arthur out of the melee help him if given the opportunity" Rhaegar replied before looking back down at his book still picking at his food.

Daemon looked at Rhaegar incredulously "Rhaegar this is a test of skill, a battle to prove supremacy and I will not cheapen it by helping Arthur win, if he has the strength to win then he will prevail himself" Daemon said with a slight hint of anger in his voice. Even Elia could not believe what her husband was saying, he'd never asked someone to do such a dishonourable thing before, at least to her knowledge.

Rhaegar looked at Daemon with an emotionless face "Daemon... Would you ple-"

"Prince Rhaegar! I'm sorry to disturb you but Daemon needs to get ready for the Grand Melee, it begins very soon" Ser Barristan said as he entered the room. Daemon nodded and stood up from his seat "Thank you Ser Barristan, Rhaegar... Elia..." he said as he nodded goodbye to them and followed Ser Barristan out of the room.

The two men walked down the corridors of the guest quarters in Harrenhal "Are you ready lad?" Barristan said as he turned to Daemon.

Daemon faced him and smirked, "Are you worried that someone so young will show you up, old man?" Barristan let out a hearty laugh and shoved him playfully "Well you'll see this old man still has a few tricks" he said as they left the castle and headed towards the field where the Grand Melee would take place.


Ashara sat beside the Princess on the upper dais as they watched the participants filter through onto the field, there were quite a lot as people of any class and skill could join. Though when her brother, Daemon and Barristan were part she wondered why people even bothered.

"Greetings you must be the Princess and Lady Ashara, is it alright if we join you" Ashara looked up and saw a beautiful girl with auburn hair and a pale blue dress, beside her was a tomboyish girl though still beautiful she was a lot more muscled and dressed in men's clothing, she had her arms crossed and was focusing on the field "Of course, who do we have the pleasure of meeting" Elia said as she turned to them with a bright smile.

The auburn-haired girl smiled "I am Lysa Tully and this is my friend Lyanna Stark" she said brightly as they took their seats next to them. Ashara's eyes widened and she couldn't help but look away as she was faced with the two women that Daemon had promised to. It was easy to attempt to seduce Daemon while his betrothed was hundreds of miles away, but now that they are actually in front of her she felt the guilt of her actions start to weigh on her.

Elia's eyes widened in recognition "Oh you are Daemon's Betrothed, he has told us a lot about you"

Lyanna turned to them and raised an eyebrow "How much did he tell you..." she asked with slight suspicion in her voice. Elia smiled and leaned in closer "I know how much he loves both of you, worry not" she said in a whisper. Lyanna relaxed slightly and leaned back in her seat, they both watched the field as participants continued to file out.

"So Lady Arryn, who do you believe to be the one who'll be victorious" Elia asked as she turned to face Lysa and Lyanna.

Lysa smiled "I can only support my betrothed otherwise what sort of wife would I be" she said with a small giggle.

Elia smiled "Well I'm sure you won't be the only one supporting him, isn't that right Ashara" she said teasingly which snapped her handmaiden out of her thoughts as she jumped slightly.

With a pretty blush on her face she looked to Lysa and Lyanna who stared at her questioningly "Yes I'm sure Daemon will win the Grand Melee" she said quickly before staying quiet once more.

Lyanna snorted at her reaction "I would've thought that you'd be supporting your brother Lady Ashara, unless you're closer to Daemon than you are to him" she said as she leaned forward in her seat.

Ashara laughed nervously "I-I j-just believe Daemon trains a lot harder than my b-brother does" she squeaked out nervously as she looked down at her feet "Lyanna stop teasing the poor girl, she's nervous enough as is," Lysa said reprimanding her friend who just laughed. Lysa then put a hand on Ashara's arm "Please don't be so nervous, Daemon has already told us all about you" she said with a kind smile.

Ashara felt her heart leap into her mouth "Everything...?" She asked as she swallowed the saliva in her mouth. Lysa nodded and winked at her "Everything, now come and let us watch our betrothed win the Melee" she whispered.


Daemon rolled his shoulders as he walked out into the field, he was wearing a simple white tunic and some black breeches, any armour wouldn't help him against Barristan or Arthur and he suspected the rest wouldn't even touch him though he did hope to be surprised. He was scanning the field for anyone that might give him a challenge when he came across a small boy perhaps a year or two younger than he was 'Black lizard-lion on grey-green... House Reed' he thought to himself as he looked at the slender boy holding a trident look around nervously.

Daemon couldn't help but feel fascinated with him, he could tell there was something different about his aura, it was almost mystical in nature and he looked forward to seeing what the lad could do "Did Prince Rhaegar tell you what the plan was" Daemon heard Arthur say as he stepped next to him, he was still donned in his silver Kingsguard armour holding his helmet beneath his arm.

Daemon nodded "He did, but I didn't agree to it, surely you don't think yourself weak enough to need help from me" he asked as he kept his eyes on the boy from House Reed.

"Prince Rhaegar commands and I obey, my personal preference is not important" Arthur replied almost immediately.

This time Daemon did turn to Arthur "You know Arthur I've always found you to be a strange man" he said to him which prompted the Kingsguard to turn and face him "In what regard do you find me to be strange" he asked.

Daemon looked at him intensely "Ever since I met you all those years ago over the years it's like you've ceased to become a person and I sometimes wonder why that is" he said though Arthur showed no noticeable emotion at his words.

"Tell me Arthur... Do you exist?" Daemon asked

Arthur looked at him for a moment before looking away and walking across the field leaving Daemon alone once more. Daemon sighed as he crossed his arm, the announcer of the games Lord Whent started to speak but Daemon ignored him, a lot of it would be thanking the various lords and all the horseshit that comes with it. After a while, the Lord finally sits down and the horns blow signifying the start of the melee, the crowd starts to roar as hundreds of people start to fight in the massive field the Grand Melee took place in.

As the chaos of the Grand Melee engulfed the field, Daemon remained anchored, his stance unwavering, and his aura pulsating with controlled intensity. Warriors of all kinds surged toward him, their weapons glinting in the sunlight. With an almost meditative focus, Daemon swiftly intercepted the first assailant, effortlessly deflecting a blade with an aura-infused palm. He countered with a lightning-quick strike, his fist meeting the attacker's jaw with precise force, sending the combatant stumbling backwards, his opponent didn't seem to be an aura user, now that Daemon thought about it, a lot of the people on the field weren't 'Idiots' he thought to himself as he knew that most of the knights would show them no mercy.

Another adversary lunged forward, wielding a double-headed axe, its weight intended to crush him. Daemon sidestepped the sweeping arc of the weapon, as he seized the opportunity to deliver a swift kick to the assailant's knee. The resounding crack echoed through the air as the warrior buckled, momentarily incapacitated by the crippling blow 'You'll thank me for that one day' he thought to himself.

Daemon remained focused, his eyes scanning the melee for the next threat. A spear thrust aimed for his chest was met with a deft parry with his hand, the point of the weapon redirected harmlessly to the ground. Swiftly capitalizing on the momentary vulnerability of the spearman, Daemon swiftly grappled with him, using the opponent's momentum against him as he pivoted, sending the combatant crashing to the ground with a resounding thud, he then knelt and gave a quick jab to his head knocking him out.

Daemon then stood up and chuckled at his luck. A succession of adversaries attempted to encircle him, their weapons poised to strike from all angles. With a series of fluid motions, Daemon weaved through the encroaching combatants, dealing each of them blows that were fast and powerful. Each blow he delivered found its mark, and followed with a thump as they fell on the floor.

As the clash continued, Daemon weaved seamlessly through the crowd, his fists finding their targets with unerring accuracy. With a swift sidestep, he evaded a lunging assailant, his elbow finding the man's temple with a sickening thud, sending him crashing to the ground. Another opponent charged at him from behind, but Daemon anticipated the attack, spinning around to meet the oncoming strike with a swift and devastating counterpunch to the chest.

Amidst the chaos, a group of adversaries encircled him, their blades glinting in the sunlight. With a surge of energy, Daemon leapt into the air, landing amidst the attackers with a flurry of punches and kicks that left a trail of broken bones and bloodied bodies in his wake. The air crackled with the intensity of the battle, the sound of impact and groans of pain reverberating through the tumultuous landscape.

One opponent managed to land a glancing blow, slicing through Daemon's clothing however his sword wasn't able to cut his skin making the man look at Daemon in horror. Undeterred, he retaliated with a ferocity that sent the attacker reeling, blood gushing from his broken nose. Another adversary lunged at him with a spear, but Daemon expertly sidestepped the attack, delivering a swift and precise strike to the man's throat, causing him to gag and choke on his own blood.

Daemon was starting to get bored he hadn't even withdrawn his sword yet as no one had been able to make him do so. Daemon was then suddenly hit from behind with something painful and heavy, it launched him into the air where he did a flip and landed on his feet skidding across the ground. He looked at the direction the projectile had come from and saw an armoured man with a smirk on his face holding a sword in one hand and his hand outstretched in the other.

Daemon smiled as he got ready to charge against the knight as he finally got to face off against a true opponent. The knight laughed as he started to shoot balls of aura at Daemon, who pushed off his legs speeding off and making his way to the Knight. He dodged each of the aura balls as they were slow and easy to see, Daemon started to find his disappointment and boredom returning as he began to think that this was all the man could offer.

As Daemon got within range the knight held his sword up and brought it down upon him, Daemon however grabbed the hilt and pivoted around the knight tripping him onto his back "I was hoping you had more to show me" Daemon said with disappointment evident in his voice as he threw the knights sword into the ground. The knight growled and raised his hand shooting fast-moving balls of aura that were smaller, Daemon jumped back avoiding them before he got a smile on his face.

"What you're doing isn't much of a technique, you should be more creative" Daemon said in an encouraging tone.

This however seemed to piss the knight off even more as he held both his hands up pooling all of his aura into a ball the size of a horse. Daemon just sighed "Here let me show you" he said as he raised his own hand and summoned his aura to the palm of his hand before making it expand to at least twice as big as the knights. The knights looked at it in fear and confusion at how someone could do such a thing "I-I-I S-S-Surrender" he muttered out as he let his aura hall dissipate.

Daemon did the same thing and smirked "Right choice" he said before turning around and leaving, he was looking for the boy he had seen before. It wasn't too long before he found him fighting against a group of non-aura users. Daemon instantly took out the closest three people to him and pilled them together before making a chair.

Howland Reed breathed heavily as he parried a sword with his trident, he then bashed the man's face with the butt of his trident and spun around took his feet out from under him "Yield" he said as he pointed his trident at the man on the ground, he scowled but nodded as he stood up and left the battlefield.

"You're quite good with that trident lad, though I wonder how you'd fare against a real opponent"

Howland turned around and saw someone he instantly recognised by the armour he wore, he was a Kingsguard and due to his age it could only be Ser Barristan as Gerold Hightower had not come to Harrenhal, Howland felt his heart beat faster and his hands began to tremble "What's your name boy" Ser Barristan said as he withdrew his sword.

"H-Howland R-Reed," he said nervously as he gripped his trident tighter. He flared his aura and drew it back in using 'Fortify' he knew as soon as Ser Barristan saw him that he had lost but he had people counting on him, he needed the gold winning the tournament would bring. In truth, he had hoped the titans of this melee would fight each other and take each other out of the match allowing him a better chance of victory but it seemed that wasn't to be. Howland steadied his hand and looked towards Barristan with a fierce look "That's the way lad" Barristan said as he unleashed his aura.

Howland's trident came crashing down with an ear-splitting clang as it collided with Ser Barristan's sword. The clash of their auras created a dazzling display of light, illuminating the arena with an otherworldly glow. Howland's attacks were relentless, each strike infused with the raw power of his aura, while Barristan met each blow with a deft parry or a well-timed dodge.

Their weapons rang out in a symphony of metal as they exchanged rapid blows, the intensity of their battle captivating the onlookers. Howland's trident whirled through the air, its prongs lashing out with deadly precision, only to be expertly deflected by Barristan's sword at every turn "You're doing well lad, now let's see if you can defend as well as you attack" Barristan said as he flared his aura a bit. Barristan's expression curled into a subtle smirk as he funnelled his aura into his sword, empowering the blade with a surge of energy. With a fluid and swift motion, he directed the infused sword at Howland, who managed to intercept the strike with his trident. However, the force of the blow was overwhelming, propelling Howland backwards and sending him rolling across the field. Howland grunted as he hit the ground, struggling to regain his bearings amidst the gusts of dust and earth. Meanwhile, Barristan remained composed, his aura shimmering around him like a controlled tempest, he walked towards Howland like the stranger himself.

Howland staggered to his feet, breathing heavily as he assessed the situation with intensity. The knowledge that he couldn't withstand a direct blow from Ser Barristan's powerful strikes coursed through his mind. Barristan, positioned several meters away, raised his sword high, a glimmer of aura weaving through the blade as he unleashed a sweeping slash of energy directly at Howland. Reacting swiftly, Howland leapt aside, narrowly evading the surge of aura that cleaved the air with a forceful whizz, leaving a faint trace of shimmering light in its wake. He landed roughly on the ground again before pushing himself up 'I have to use it, or I won't last' he thought to himself as he closed his eyes and focused. Barristan stopped and his eyes widened at Howland's aura as it took on a greenish tint and started moving around him like a river.

'Water Form'

Howland's Aura seemed to disappear and go into his body as if nothing had happened. Barristan, raising a quizzical eyebrow, shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, then charged forward, his aura-infused sword arcing down towards Howland. Surprisingly, Howland made no apparent effort to dodge or block the blow. Barristan's eyes widened in shock as his sword cleaved through Howland's form as if he were nought but a spectre, his sword passing through him like water. But before Barristan could regain his composure, Howland's trident, charged with a pulsing aura, struck him with unexpected force, sending him skidding back a few paces.

Howland, undeterred, launched a rapid onslaught of stabs and swings at Barristan, who skillfully blocked and evaded each strike with a grace that belied his age. However, as Barristan swung his sword once more, it inexplicably passed through Howland's body, leaving Barristan momentarily vulnerable. Seizing the opportunity, Howland lunged with his trident, yet Barristan swiftly intercepted the weapon grabbing it with his off-hand "That's quite the ability you have there lad, I've never seen anything quite like it" he said as Howland tried to push his trident into the Kingsguard.

Barristan inspected him intently "You've somehow made your body like water, truly incredible" he said but then he smirked "But even water has weaknesses" he said before pushing Howland away. Howland came rushing back at him but Barristan lifted his hand up and shot a widespread projectile of aura that managed to disburse Howland's body making him splatter on the ground.

"Shit..." Barristan said as he thought he accidentally killed the boy. But he was relieved when he saw the water pool together and take the shape of a boy. Howland started breathing heavily as his body reformed, it took nearly all the aura he had and now he could barely even stand, but he used his trident to push himself up and face Barristan once more.

As he got ready to fight once more he felt a hand on his shoulder, he turned his head and saw a tall man with silver hair who looked down at him with a smile "You've done well, now why don't you sit this one out and let me take care of it" Daemon said as he looked back towards Barristan "I hope you're ready for a real fight old man" Daemon said as he stepped forward and drew his sword out of his sheath.

Barristan grinned as he got into his sword stance "I hope you won't hold back this time" he said as he flared his aura, Daemon saw multiple people turn as he did so looking at him in awe and a bit of fear.

Daemon looked at him with excitement in his eyes as he flared his own aura matching Barristans.

"Wouldn't dream of it"

(AN: Daemon needed an apprentice or squire and Howland fits the role enough tough he's slightly younger than in canon though tbh I'm not sure of his exact age so maybe he is the right age idk. Anyway Howland is an example of someone who has both magic and aura, and he subconsciously mixed them together while creating his ability that's why he's able to do things that wouldn't usually be possible with aura. Anyway next chapter is Barristan vs Daemon and Arthur vs Daemon.)

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