
Power and responsibility.

Issei Hyoudou is a young high school student living in New York with his parents and having an ordinary life with no relevance, being literally a nobody, but all that changes after an excursion in the Oscorp laboratory, where a genetically modified spider bites him. and it completely changes your life.

Daoist2C1elK · Anime und Comics
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Issei on:

It's night, about 10:15 pm, the weather is cold and windy, walking on the streets a young couple walks on a date hand in hand and in the distance a suspicious guy follows them with his hands in his pockets. I don't need to be a genius to know that something bad is coming, this guy has been following them for a long time, so the possibility of him trying a robbery or something is already certain, but before I do anything I need to be absolutely sure, after all sometimes appearances are deceiving, although this does not seem to be the case.

Earlier today, I was determined to give up on everything after my parents died because of my mistake, but after saving Rias from 4 abusers and hearing that with great powers comes great responsibilities, I realized that I couldn't change what happened, but I could use my gift to help other people like I did with her earlier today, so I decided that I wouldn't let other people go through what I went through, so every time I saw some thug committing a crime from now on, I promised myself that I wouldn't ignore it anymore.

So when night came and Sirzechs and Rias went to bed, I secretly put on my coat and went out into New York.

So far I have stopped an armed robbery and a carjacking, all in less than 20 minutes and always quickly and discreetly and not to be recognized I ended up buying a new mask and new gloves, just like my previous ones. Now back to the couple, they do not suspect at all that they are being followed, but it seems that they have arrived at their apartment, so soon the man begins to pick up the keys and at that moment the hooded man speeds up the pace and pulls a knife from his pocket. Time to act.

The hooded man approaches the couple already with the knife in hand, but when he passes through an alley, I jump from the building where I was and fall right on top of him, making him enter the alley and look at me scared and confused.

-Good night! -I say hitting him in the face with a punch that makes him immediately faint.

After preventing my third crime that night, I go up the building and watch the couple safely enter the house and since it's late and I have class tomorrow, I also decided to go back to Sirzechs' house and go to sleep.

Luckily this time I already had all my clothes and other belongings in my new room, I have Sirzechs to thank for that. So I took a shower, put on my pajamas and went to sleep.

Issei off:

Author on:

Kuoh Academy.

At Kuoh academy, Azazel was checking an old project of his, basically the project he started to develop when he was still at Oscorp, the cure of Grayfia and Millicas.

Even though he left oscorp, Azazel still wanted to help his friend Sirzechs, so he always worked on his formula after class as much as he could and tonight was no different. Even though he didn't like Euclid's methods, Azazel always tried to help his old friend, so he was always very cautious when producing his formula, because as it was based on reptilian DNA, a single mistake could be fatal.

But that particular night, while looking at the new data of his formula, Azazel heard a strange noise.

Azazel: Hello ? Is anyone there? -Azazel asked, walking over to where the noise had come from.

But the moment Azazel was distracted, someone hit him in the back and made him fall to the ground unconscious and then he took Azazel's formula, put it in an injection and then turned his gaze to Azazel.

Author off:

Issei on:

It's already morning and Rias and I are going to school together in a car with Sirzechs. This was his decision after Rias told him what almost happened to her yesterday.

Sirzechs drove us to school and when we got there, everyone immediately turned their gaze to us and started whispering. My friends almost had a fit when I told them I was living with Rias and her brother and a lot of girls started thinking I was doing dirty things with Rias, which is a big lie, she and I didn't do anything like that, but that didn't stop the girls and some boys from gossiping. I just hope it doesn't get too out of hand.

Issei off:

Author on:

Issei's day was a little different from the norm, people were still talking about his fight with Riser and now they were also talking about his stay at Sirzechs house with Rias, for someone who was a nobody, today Issei was being one of the most talked about boys in the school, that's because only Rias, Matsuda and Motohama knew what had happened with his parents, otherwise everyone in the school would be all over the boy.

But luckily for Issei, only this was unusual for him, the rest was even normal and peaceful, especially since Riser did not come to school after the humiliation he took. However, Azazel strangely missed class today and said he was sick. Something that for everyone was acceptable and normal, but that was not the truth....

Sirzechs' office.

Sirzechs was in his office going about his daily business after taking his sister and Issei to school. Sirzechs knew that it was Issei who was responsible for saving Rias, but he couldn't thank the boy directly without raising suspicion, so as a form of "gratitude" and to make sure his sister would be okay, Sirzechs decided to take them both to school by car and even said that this would happen from now on, every morning he would take them both to school, rain or shine. Suddenly, Sirzechs' cell phone starts ringing and he quickly picks it up and answers.

Sirzechs: Hello ?

Azazel: Hi Sirzechs... it's been a while since we talked. -Azazel said in a tired voice.

Sirzechs: Azazel ?! Is that you?! My God, it's been a while since we've talked, especially after the fight between you and Euclid.

Azazel: Sirzechs, Sirzechs, SIRZECHS ! LISTEN TO ME! I'M NOT WELL, THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH ME..... there's something wrong with me... -Said Azazel looking worried.

At that moment Sirzechs began to notice his friend's strange behavior and became worried.

Sirzechs: Azazel, what happened to you?! Are you alright?!

Azazel: I.....I can't tell....my memory is failing and I'm not well, not well at all. I just know....that I need help.....aaaashhhhgggggggg! At school, in my classroom.....aaaaaaaahhhgggggg.....there are some notes, I need....I need..... aaaaashhhhgggggg, that you help me. -Azazel cried out in pain.

Sirzechs: Azazel ? Azazel ?! -Sirzechs shouted worriedly at his friend, but in response he only heard a roar and then the link dropped.