
Power and responsibility.

Issei Hyoudou is a young high school student living in New York with his parents and having an ordinary life with no relevance, being literally a nobody, but all that changes after an excursion in the Oscorp laboratory, where a genetically modified spider bites him. and it completely changes your life.

Daoist2C1elK · Anime und Comics
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42 Chs

I know who you are.

Issei on:

Who is this Vali guy? Where did he come from?! How does he know my secret ?!! It doesn't matter, I need to control my emotions and try not to arouse suspicion.

-What ?! Spiderman? Hahaha, that was good, too bad I can't be Spider-Man. -I say trying to divert the subject.

He laughs and stares at me, then my spider sense starts beeping and I dodge a punch from him.

-HEY! What's your problem?! Why did you do that?! -I ask angrily.

Vali: Answer me, if you can't be Spider-Man, how did you manage to dodge that punch? Saying it was just reflex will not help. -He says walking into the house.

-Look..... I don't know who you are, but if you don't leave now, I'm calling the police! -I threaten, grabbing my cell phone.

He laughs and then sits down at the table.

Vali: Go ahead, you can call, I wanted to talk about the Moon Knight but never mind.

Moon Knight ? Does he know that crazy guy? I then put my cell phone away and go to the table and sit down.


Vali: Well well, did you give up calling the police? -He says confidently.

-If you keep rolling like this, I'll change my mind. -I say losing patience.

He laughs and smiles.

Vali: Well, my name is Vali Lucifer and I work with the Moon Knight.

-Yeah, I already know that, I want to know how you know I'm Spider-Man, how did you find me and what do you want after all? -I ask.

Vali: about your first question, the simple answer, Konshu told me your secret identity. -Said Vali answering my first question.

Konshu ? This god I've never heard of again? Does it mean that to be friends with the Moon Knight you have to be crazy too? Better not make friends with him then.

-Sorry to be rude, but who is this Konshu ? -I ask.

Vali: Konshu is the moon god and protector of night travelers, in what is now known as "Egyptian mythology." He observed you and found out your true identity and where you live and that answers your second question as well. -Explains Vali.

Why did he speak of Egyptian mythology as if it were real? Who is this God Konshu that I've never heard of and how the hell did this guy find out where I live, did he follow me ? No, my spider sense would have detected it, in that case was it a tracker ?!! Oh my god..... I need to see this later.

Vali: Now on to the last question, I came here because I wanted to talk to you about the Moon Knight's mission and also see if you would be a good ally.

-What mission? What do you mean, ally?

Vali: The Moon Knight has come to New York in order to eliminate evil from the city, punishing criminals as they deserve, but he is also after the real evil of the city, he is after a man called the "King of Crime."

-King of crime? What a strange little name.

Vali: He's in charge of the drug and weapons trade in the city, he basically runs the city under the table, but he's also hard to track down, no one knows his real name or what he looks like. -Explains Vali.

King of Crime.... The one responsible for running the city's crime, do I believe him?

Vali: Be that as it may, I, the Knight of the Moon and some of our allies, believe that you can be an ally in this crusade against the King of Crime. -He says standing up.

-Wait, allies? Are there other people on your side? -I asked.

Vali: There are, but unfortunately I can't tell you who they are, but I can give you this. -He throws me a pendrive with a strange symbol of an Eagle.

-What is this? -I ask.

Vali goes to the exit and opens the door.

Vali: Do you really believe you're the only superhero in the world? Haha..... have a look at this pendrive, it has some useful information for you, to make you more open-minded, but just a word of advice, don't put it on a device connected to the internet, seriously. No, put it in!

What the hell else is this crazy guy talking about? I ask a question and he says something else nonsensical.

-So there! Why should I be allied with that lunatic? Why did you mention the fact that I think I'm the only superhero in the world?! Why did you give me this pendrive and why did you tell me not to connect it to the internet ?!!! -I ask without patience.

He stands with his back to me and gives a little laugh, which only makes me even more confused about his true intentions.

Vali: If you want to join the fight against the crime king, go to the same alley where you met the Moon Knight tomorrow night. -He explains and then leaves, closing the door soon after.

For a moment I thought of going after him and getting more answers, but the curiosity about this pendrive caught my attention and I could not resist finding out what was inside it. I then went to my room and first looked for some tracker on my outfit, but I found nothing and started to wonder if he had told the truth that an Egyptian God followed me home. No...that's not possible, there's no way Gods from mythologies exist.....isn't it ? Well, let's have a look at this USB stick. I go to my laptop, turn off the internet and put the flash drive in and then open the file that came on it.

-I just hope it's not a virus. -I say after opening the file.

When the file is opened, I see several folders and videos, all marked with a category, being, Gama, 1945 and Arma X. What else are these things? I go to the folder with the name "1945" and click on it, opening a video of the time and without sound, where a skinny man gets inside a strange machine, then that machine closes and starts to shine brightly and then when it opened, that same skinny man got pumped.

-Wow! And I thought the current steroids and pumps were powerful.

The video then ends and I keep wondering who that skinny guy who got pumped would be, and then I decide to investigate the file further and find out his name.

-My God.....Steve Rogers..... Captain America.

That can't be true..... Captain America was just a comic book character, there's no way he could have been real, right? I leave this file and go to the file named "Gamma" and just access it, I see a recording of what looks like a military base in the desert, but I see nothing unusual. I watch the video for some more time, until a green glow appears and then a tremor knocks the camera down and shortly after a green creature appears falling to the ground and then jumps, leaving the camera's view. The video ends and I wonder what I just saw. I then take another look at the file and see the file of a man I thought was dead, Dr. Bruce Banner and next to his name is the word "Wanted."

-Opa opa opa ! Dr. Bruce Banner died in a gamma radiation explosion months ago, it was in the newspapers and on television, there's no way it's true, there's no way he's being sought.

Suddenly I start to connect the dots and begin to suspect that somehow, that gamma radiation bomb has turned Dr. Banner into that green monster. I exit the file and go to the last file, the one labeled "Weapon X." I open the file and like the others, this one has a video too, but it's of a hairy man, full of hoses and with a strange helmet, inside a tube. Two scientists approach the tube and seem to be watching that man.

Scientist 1: How is the guinea pig's body adapting? -One of the scientists asks.

Scientist 2: Perfect, the healing factor of "weapon x" has accepted the adamantium and the results are being very positive, although the sedatives are becoming scarce and less effective. -Responded the other scientist.

They continue to watch that man in the tube for a while longer, until suddenly he starts to wake up and the scientist start to move away in fear. Suddenly metal claws come out of the hairy man's hands and when he hits the glass of the tube, the video ends. This time this file doesn't have a token with a person's name on it, but it does have the name of something quite interesting.

-Name: Wolverine. Mutant level: Beta.....This guy was a mutant ? Does that mean they exist?! -I say reading a small file at the end of the file.

After seeing all these things, I take out the pendrive, turn off the computer and stare at that pendrive while thinking about how he got something like that. This can only have been stolen from some secret military base, it is the only explanation for him to have something of this level in his hands and because he told me not to use the pendrive in something with internet, maybe it was for no one to track, which leads me to believe that many of the things I believed are not true, like me being the only superhuman in the world or the fact that I believe that multantes do not exist....o Azazel will adopt to know that, tomorrow I will show this pendrive to him and maybe I will talk to that lunatic again, I have more things to clear up.

Issei off:

Author on:

-In the meantime-

At the girls' slumber party, everyone was again having a great time watching movies. Asia was already calmer and everyone was quiet and enjoying the night, but one question from Akeno would change everything.

Akeno: Hey Asia, can I ask you a question? -Akeno said with a little smile.

Asia: Sure, what is it? -Asia answered innocently.

Akeno: Do you like Issei? -Asia asked with a mischievous smile.

Asia and Rias both blushed and looked like peppers.

Asia: WHAT ?!!!!! HOW SO ?! -Asia asked embarrassed.

Akeno: And that earlier today, you seemed very worried about Issei and when he came out of the burning school, you ran to hug him, plus you looked a little flushed when you saw him in the infirmary, which made me wonder..... do you like him ?

Asia didn't know what to answer, her face was flushed with embarrassment and that was enough for Akeno to have an answer in his head, but when he looked at Rias and saw her blushing too, she again made a mischievous smile.

Akeno: Rias...., you like him too, don't you?

Rias: C-HOW DO I LIKE WHAT IT IS ?!!!!!! -Rias stammered in embarrassment.

Akeno: When I asked you if Asia liked Issei, you and she blushed and by your reaction, I got it right, right? -Akeno asked confidently.

Rias didn't know what to answer, anything she got down could make Akeno sure she liked Issei too, but staying silent would also prove it.

Rias: We...re FRIENDS ! THAT'S IT! We're friends, just friends.

Akeno: Ara ara..... is it? In that case you won't mind if I ask him out.

Rias and Asia: What ?! Why would you do that, do you like him? -They both asked together.

Akeno: Well, no, but since you don't like him, I could invest. -Akeno joked.

At that moment Rias and Asia felt a strange feeling of jealousy and Akeno seeing that was having a lot of fun.

Akeno: But if you don't want me to ask him out, you should ask him out before me, the question is..... who will be the first ?