
Power and responsibility.

Issei Hyoudou is a young high school student living in New York with his parents and having an ordinary life with no relevance, being literally a nobody, but all that changes after an excursion in the Oscorp laboratory, where a genetically modified spider bites him. and it completely changes your life.

Daoist2C1elK · Anime und Comics
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42 Chs

I'm nobody.

Issei on:

New York.

Who am I? I'm nobody important, just a 17-year-old teenager who moved to the United States as a baby and lives with his parents, my name is Issei Hyoudou and I'm running to the bus in desperation.

-STOP THAT BUS! EI ! STOP THE BUS ! -I shout, trying to keep up with the school bus.

The driver doesn't listen to me, instead he keeps going straight ahead and ignoring me completely. It seems like he does it on purpose. I keep running after the bus for another 2 minutes and as I run desperately after it, most of the students see me and start filming and taking pictures, making this moment that much more humiliating and embarrassing.

-HERE ! STOP THIS BUS, PLEASE ! EI ! -continued shouting at the driver who finally slows down, stops the bus and opens the doors.

By this time I am all sweaty and completely out of breath, while the driver just looks at me with a smile on his face.

Driver: Sorry kid, my hearing is not very good and I didn't hear you right. -Said the driver clearly lying.

-Tá... thank you.....-I say breathlessly getting on the bus.

I knew he was lying, he had only done it to make fun of me, as he always does, but what could I do? The driver drives the bus again and I go looking for a nearby seat, but since almost all of them are full, I have no option but to go to the last seat, which is literally at the bottom of the bus and also where the dirtiest area of gum and dust is, which always makes my nose stuffy.

Boy: Hey japa, next time why don't you come flying in your Megazord? Or better yet, why don't you come skidding in your car? Hahahahah -says one of the boys making fun of my oriental origins.

Everyone on the bus starts laughing, but I'm used to it, after all I've been facing this kind of people for 17 years and even though I hate it all, I still don't have the courage to fight back, and even if I did, what would it change? I am a skinny, otaku, and dumb, if only I was smart, I could have a victory in my life, but unfortunately things are not that easy, at least not for me. When we arrived at the school, more specifically at Kuoh Academy, everyone jumped out of the bus with extreme speed and as usual I was last, being the most forgotten in this school.

???: There Issei !

???: Finally you arrived!

Luckily I had two friends who also knew what was going on, they were Matsuda and Motohama and just like me, they were also Japanese who moved to the United States at a very young age and just like me, they were both otakus and stupid, not that this was a quality to highlight, but the important thing is that we always suffered discrimination from other people for being Japanese, but the amazing thing is that we weren't the only Japanese in this school, but we were the most attacked by the others.


-Hey, Matsuda and Motohama, sorry for the delay, I couldn't catch the bus earlier today.

Matsuda: Overslept again? Did you play any of those erotic games during the night?

-Hehehehe.....you know me, what do you think?

The three of us laughed and then went to the classroom and on the way we met the "prince" of the school, his name is Yuuto Kiba. Wow, how we three hate this guy! Practically all the girls run after him and we are always jealous because of this and also because of this jealousy, we have a huge hate for him, especially when he makes that silly little smile of his and waves to the girls.

Murayama: Hey kiba-kun, what do you think about going out with me after class ? -said Murayama, a girl who hates us but is in love with kiba.

Katase: How about with me ? I'm also free this afternoon. -Said Murayama's friend Katase, who just like her friend, hates and loves kiba.

Kiba: Sorry girls, but I'm going to have to decline the invitation. -I'm sorry girls, but I'm going to have to decline the invitation," Kiba said with grace and elegance, then walked away.

But this "prince" is such a stuck-up guy, always bringing the girls closer to him.

Matsuda and Motohama: Yeah ! We agree with that !

???: Look who's here, if it isn't the perverted trio declaring death to the school prince again.

The one in question who appeared out of nowhere is Aika Kiryu, a perverted girl who is always on our tail.

Matsuda: What do you want, four-eyed pervert ?

Aika: At the moment? Nothing, I just came to tell you that our pass to the Oscorp lab has been moved up to today, so we'd better all get on the bus.

-What? Wasn't the tour tomorrow?

Aika: It was, but due to some problems, the pass has been brought forward to today, so I suggest you come to the bus. -Said Aika, and then I got out of our way.

-The pass at Oscorp has been moved up? What the hell ! That's the last place I'd like to go today, I hate science.

Matsuda: Hate it or not, we need our grade to think about our year, this trip is worth a third of our grade, so we can't miss it.

Motohama: Unfortunately....

-Let's go then, the sooner we get this over with, the better off we both are.

Really, I hated science and the last thing I would want and go on this tour, but what I didn't know is that this tour would change my life forever !

Issei off:

Author on:

Oscorp Lab.

While Issei and the rest of her class were preparing to go on a school trip to Oscorp, inside the Oscorp laboratory, a man with red hair and wearing a suit was talking to someone on the phone and that someone was her sister and that man was the supervisor of Oscorp's genetic modification experiments, his name was Sirzechs Gremory.

Sirzechs: Rias, I already told you that you don't need to come here, I always visit you, mom and dad on weekends and holidays. -Sirzechs said into the phone

Rias: Brother, you know that this is my decision! I'm going to New York because I want to and because my childhood friend, Sona, is also there. -Sirzechs' sister said into the phone.

Sirzechs: I know, I know..... but you know you don't have to.

Rias: Brother, if I didn't know you well, I'd say you were afraid I'd find out something, wouldn't you ?

Sirzechs: What ?! No ! I'm not hiding anything ! I swear.

Rias: I know..... whatever, I'll be back tomorrow, see you. -said Rias hanging up the call.

Sirzechs then put away his cell phone after the call ended, took a deep breath and then went to a group of scientists who were studying modified spiders.

Sirzechs: How are the specimens? -Sirzechs asked, referring to the spiders in glass cages.

Scientist 1: They are well and showing high results.

Scientist 2: Their new venom formula is giving excellent results but .....

Sirzechs: But...

Scientist 1: Most of the guinea pigs we have injected with the poison, have had terrible results from mutations to.....death.

Sirzechs upon hearing the scientists' report lowered his head and stood thoughtfully for a few moments.

Sirzechs: Stop the tests on humans and use them on animals again until everything is stable. -Sirzechs ordered Sirzechs. Sirzechs: We cannot continue testing this poison on inmates condemned to death until further notice.

Scientists: Understood !

Sirzechs: Great ! Now I have to guide a group of students through the laboratory, put these spiders in the truck and take them away. -Sirzechs said, turning and going to meet the students.

Meanwhile, the spiders were placed inside sealed boxes and taken to the truck. However, without anyone noticing, a spider managed to escape from the box and found itself loose in the laboratory and without anyone knowing, it snuck up among the scientists and climbed up to where the excursion was taking place and without her even knowing, thanks to this little spider, Issei's life would change forever.