
Power and responsibility.

Issei Hyoudou is a young high school student living in New York with his parents and having an ordinary life with no relevance, being literally a nobody, but all that changes after an excursion in the Oscorp laboratory, where a genetically modified spider bites him. and it completely changes your life.

Daoist2C1elK · Anime und Comics
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42 Chs


Issei on:

Everything was going well so far, me, Asia and Mrs.Argento were laughing and she and Asia were happy to meet again, however everything changed when she asked a question, a simple question that made me and Asia blush.

Mrs. Argento: You and my daughter..... Do you have something more?

Hearing that question I felt my heart stop, my face get hot and red like chili peppers and Asia felt it too because we both remained silent. What should I say? Yes ?! No ?! What do I say?! While I think about what to say, I feel a shiver, but this one was different, this shiver... is my spider sense beeping like that time at dinner with Rias' parents, but there is no danger nearby and soon it stops, leaving me with more questions than answers and with Mrs. Argento staring at us with a little smile on her face. Forget this Spider sense and think of an answer, Issei and fast!

Mrs. Argento: Hum.....from your reactions I think I already have an answer. -She crosses her arms and smiles confidently.

Asia: MOM! -Asia shouts in embarrassment.

She laughs and it looks like I'm going to faint from embarrassment, but before that happens the door to the room opens and a nurse enters.

Nurse: Visiting hours are over, it's time for you to leave. -Commented the nurse.

Mrs. Argento: Already? My, how quickly time passes. -She said a little sad. Mrs. Argento: Take care my daughter, soon we will be together again. -She said holding Asia's face and kissing her forehead.

Asia: I love you mom. -Asia hugged her mother.

She hugged her daughter and then her gaze turned to me and I strangely felt a shiver run down my spine and a chill in my stomach.

Mrs. Argento: Issei....

-Yes ?!

Mrs. Argento: Take good care of my daughter. -She said with a gentle face.

Asia and I blushed and I stammered my answer.

-Of course.....no problem. -I said to her before leaving the room with Asia.

After that we went downstairs and left the hospital, standing on the sidewalk in front of the entrance door and staring at the road and still avoiding eye contact, but I can't take it anymore, I need to talk to her.

-Asia...can we talk? -I ask turning to her.

She turns to me and we look each other in the eye again.

Asia: C-Clear. -She stutters, blushing.

We are both embarrassed and shaking, but I have to get up the courage and do it.

-Asia: -I need to talk to you about the kiss. -She blushes when I comment on it. -"It's about time we got this story out in the open and stopped avoiding each other. Asia..... do you love me?

She looks away and then replies with her head down.

Asia: Yes....I love you Issei, I really love you. -She replies, raising her face and looking at me.

-"I like you too Asia... -She blushes at hearing that. -"But I can't see being good enough for you, I'm not...I don't know if I'm good enough for you.

The look on Asia's face saddens a little.

Asia: Why? Is there something wrong with me? -She asks a little desperately.

-"No, there's nothing wrong with you, it's me, I'm not good enough for you.

Asia: I don't understand.

-You're beautiful, kind, smart, practically a perfect angel and I'm just an idiot, dumb and perverted.....even though I like you I can't be with someone as perfect as you.... sorry. -I blurt out turning my face away, but Asia puts her hand straight out and turns it towards her again.

Asia now has a serious and focused face, while I just look at her confused.

Asia: Issei, all my life I kept hearing what I could and couldn't do, who to talk to and who not to talk to, you got me out of this prison, you cared about me and you were always kind to me, you are exactly the kind of man I like and for the first time in my life I am choosing something and I am choosing to love you. Issei, I really love you and for me you are the idea type of man.

Hearing that statement my heart speeds up and for a moment everything around me becomes irrelevant. Our faces begin to approach each other, but the sound of several police sirens passing us at full speed, makes us stop and wonder what happened.

-"How many cars... what's going on?" I ask. -I ask.

Asia: I don't know..... -Said Asia as confused as me.

I then pick up my cell phone and go to the news area and there I see a report that made my eyes widen.

-My God.

Asia: What is it?

I show the report to Asia and she does too.

Reporter: It's been half an hour since a giant man in a rhino armor is attacking the bridge on the high road and even the man nothing has been able to stop him, not even with the help of all NYPD is being able to inflict damage to the being that calls himself "Rhino".

Rhino: SPIDER-MAN ! SHOW UP AND FIGHT! OR I WILL TURN THIS CITY INTO CRUMBS. -He shouted being filmed by a person with his cell phone and throwing a car.

This is not good, people are in danger and if I don't go there he will continue to cause destruction, but I can't leave Asia just like that, I need to think of something. I think and think until an idea comes to mind, a risky one, but it might work.

-Asia, it's better to go home. -I say, stopping a cab for her.

Asia: What? Why ?! -She questions.

-Because if that crazy guy dressed as a spider doesn't show up for the crazy guy dressed as a rhinoceros, there's nothing stopping him from coming here, so go home and stay there. She calls Rias.

Asia: But what about you?

-I'm going to the bridge to try to get some photos or footage to sell to Clarin.

Asia: But it's too dangerous!

She tries to stop me by holding my arm.

Asia: Come with me, don't risk it, please. -She begs.

She won't let me go until she's sure I'm coming back, she's afraid something will happen to me, I need to calm her down and I know how. I take her arm, pull her close to me and kiss her lips. She is initially frightened by my attitude but soon calms down and kisses me back.

-I'll be back, I promise. -I say, breaking away from Asia's lips and running in the same direction as the police cars, managing to hear only one last word from Asia before pulling away.

Asia: Be careful.

I run until I'm as far away from Asia as possible and after making sure no one is looking at me, I turn left and enter an alley, then I jump up the wall and climb up to the roof jumping between the walls of the buildings until I reach the top. There I quickly change clothes and put on my uniform and my web launchers, then put my clothes together with my cell phone in my backpack and put them on my back. This guy is strong, much stronger than everyone I've ever faced and something in me tells me that he is a partner of that Green vulture, probably he also got this equipment at Oscorp and must be working for someone, I need to win and interrogate him, find out who he is working for and what he wants, so I can stop him and prevent more people from getting hurt, but....am I able to face a guy that size? No ! I can't think about it, people are in danger and I need to help. I put on my mask but before I put it on completely I remember what I said to Asia. "I'll be back, I promise." Will I really come back? Will I win again? Suddenly I catch myself thinking about the possibility of dying, but even with fear I manage to gather the courage to put on that mask completely and get up.

-Of course I'm coming back, I always win. -I say finishing wearing the mask and with great confidence.

I then run and jump off the top of the building, then firing a strand of web at the building to my right and swinging me all the way to the bridge. That's right, I'm going back to Asia, I'm going back to the girl I love!

Issei off:

Author on:

Motivated and with courage, Issei swung himself between the buildings at high speed following the police cars. He was certain about his victory, not out of arrogance but out of motivation to see Asia again, whose he had accepted his feelings for her.


On the bridge, Rhino was wreaking havoc worthy of a monster movie. His footsteps destroyed the asphalt, the police bullets didn't even scratch. People ran in fear and Rhino just walked with slow steps and taking cars out of the way by picking them up with his hands and throwing them away.

Rhino: Ah! Where are you Spider-Man?! -he shouted angrily.

Rhino then got into a racing position and took off at high speed, launching several cars into the air and knocking several cops out of the way but some getting injured.

Rhino: Don't tell me you're scared hahaha ! -he mocked.

From high up in a helicopter, Barakiel watched everything without knowing what to do, nothing they had hurt that being and many were too injured to continue. It seemed that all was lost, but a familiar sound made Barakiel regain hope a little.

Barakiel: Will... attention all units, move away from the Rhino, I repeat, move away from the Rhino. -Barakiel ordered.

The policemen then moved away as quickly as possible and seeing this, Rhino found their behavior strange, that's when he looked back and saw a car being thrown at him. He then couldn't do much but hold the car, but at that same moment a voice called him.

Issei/Spider-Man: Hey!!! It's not because your girlfriend cuckolded you, that you need to take out your anger on people. -Issei jumped towards Rhino and hit the car he was holding with a powerful punch that went through the vehicle and hit Rhino's face, throwing him backwards and making him fall to the ground and with the car on top of him.

After that Issei landed softly on the ground and looked at Rhino lying on the ground, smiling behind his mask and with everyone around slack-jawed. Issei as soon as he arrived at the scene was seen by Barakiel, but before attacking he put his backpack on a building, secured it with the web and put his cell phone to record the fight, then he jumped, grabbed a car and launched it towards Rhino, thus covering his vision and allowing him to hit him with a strong punch.

Issei/Spider-Man: Sorry for the delay my monochifre friend, but the traffic was a mess, not that it's a hindrance to me I just wanted to say that.

Rhino at that moment let out a laugh and started to get up with a smile on his face.

Issei/Spider-Man: You're a lot smaller in person. -Issei said, disguising his fear.

Rhino: Yeah, you're a lot smaller now. -Commented Rhino.

Side by side it was clearly visible the dimension of their sizes, while Rhino was a Titan, Issei was just a human.

Issei/Spider-Man: Sorry to be rude, but have we met before? I have a feeling I already know you.

Rhino: You don't remember me?

Issei/Spider-Man: I don't remember all the petty thieves I've faced, sorry.

At that moment Rhino was filled with rage and threw the car that had been thrown at him towards the hero, who just slid letting the vehicle pass over him.

Issei/Spider-Man: Limbo dance. -Issei said there to dodge the car and then jump on Rhino preparing another punch, but this time he was careless and was hit by a juice right in the chest.

He was thrown 10 meters away and stopped German when he hit the windshield of a nearby car. Although he hadn't broken anything yet, Issei was feeling a lot of pain and with difficulty he got off the car windshield and fell to his knees on the ground with his hand on his chest.

Issei/Spider-Man: Ouch...essa doeu.....doeu muito. -Issei groans in pain.

Rhino: Are you giving up already? -Rhino asked, approaching.

Issei even in pain leaned on the cars around him and got up.

Issei/Spider-Man: You know....this is a very common mistake and even funny, but spiders are not insects they are arachnids. -Issei corrected.

Rhino then rushed forward and began punching Issei from all directions, causing him to stagger backwards.

Rhino: E-da-i ?! I'll crush you like a bug. -he said while punching Issei nonstop.

Issei took it like never before in his life, but when an opportunity presented itself he crouched down and gave his strongest juice to Rhino's chin, making him stagger backwards and fall to his knees. Then Issei ran up to him and threw a left kick, followed by another right and finishing with a right juice. All these blows were delivered using all his strength and the most they did was make Rhino dizzy or so it seemed. Issei's spider sense went off sending him flying away, however he was slow and Rhino grabbed him by the neck and lifted him into the air while laughing.

Rhino: Hahahahaha.... made cosegas. -Mocked the villain while choking the hero who could do nothing but struggle to breathe and open the villain's hands.

Rhino then closed his free right fist and hit the hero's loose plexus hard, so much so that two of Issei's ribs were broken and blood came out of his mouth but was hidden by his mask.

Rhino: Did you decide to shut up? Good. -Said Rhino throwing another punch and another and another and another and another again and again.

Several of Issei's ribs were broken and he was in a lot of pain, but Rhino wanted more. He then threw Issei to the ground hard, stomped on his chest and did this several times interspersed with punches until he left him in a small wallet, full of broken bones and spitting blood.

Rhino: You know the good thing about wearing red and black? The blood is well hidden. -Said Rhino preparing another punch.

Issei seeing the villain's huge fist going towards him made him see his whole life in the blink of an eye and a feeling of end came to his mind. He thought about his parents, his friends, Rias and Asia and apologized for not being able to keep his promise, it was then that Rhino's fist stopped just before hitting Issei and it seemed that someone was talking to him and even arguing, but Issei was too weak to hear and his vision was almost dark, the only thing he understood was that someone ordered Rhino to leave the place and that's what he did by turning around, however even wounded and weak, Issei still had the strength to shoot a spider tracker on Rhino's back, then he finally gave in to fatigue and gradually his vision was darkening and as it happened he saw a mysterious person appearing and taking him out of the place, but at that moment his vision darkened and Issei finally passed out with 6 broken ribs and 3 fractured.