
Well, Fuck

After a while of driving, a wall could be seen coming into view in front of us. The wall was made out of Iron with a thickness of 1-meter and surrounded an area of a 1-km square. The wall had a dim glow to it, showing that it was enchanted. Enchantment was a branch of magic that gave items permanent or temporary effects. The reason why the wall was enchanted was because ordinary steel wouldn't offer much protection from most monsters. The team didn't waste their time observing the wall as they had seen it countless times before.

John drove the car to the entrance which was heavily guarded by a dozen or so D-Ranks and 2 C-Ranks. The C-Ranks were a bit over the top but the PA liked to take everything seriously, especially after the last incident with the Irregular. Irregular monsters are monsters that spawn from all kinds of rifts -be it big or small- and are both very powerful and intelligent. The lowest rank an irregular could be is B. The last time an Irregular spawned, it broke out of its territory and wiped a small town.

When we arrived in front of the entrance, John opened the window and took out his Player card. The guard took a quick look and said something to his comrade who pressed a few buttons. The entrance opened and we went in.

The most noticeable change from the outside would be that the inside had a very thick forest. A few vines on some trees with leaves of the trees moving occasionally from the wind. Soon the van came to a stop and everyone got out. I took my supply bag, John took his shield and his axe, Alex took his sword, and Diana and Bryan took their staffs

John: "Aight team! Let me give you a small brief on our hunt. Stone-Skinned Lizards are normally living in their caves in groups and come out to hunt only at midday. As it is too dangerous to go into its layers, we will strike when it is out hunting. According to the information given by the PA, the most commonly used hunting ground of the stone-skinned lizards is around 100-meters from here. If there aren't any questions I'll tell you the plan."

He looked at everyone for a second and then continued.

John: "Aight then... The first step is to sneak behind it while it's eating. As Stone-Skinned Lizards tend to leave their guard down while eating. We will use this to our advantage and sneak attack. When I give the signal, Alex; you attack the underside of the neck of the lizard as its skin is the softest there, I will tackle it as soon as Alex attacks it, and after that Diana; you attack from a distance and keep it from recovering. Bryan, you should buff Alex with strength and buff Diana with increased magic damage. And also, Bryan, heal those who get injured. Lastly, Adam. You should keep your guard up and warn us if any monster is coming, and be ready to give us anything if necessary."

Being a porter wasn't hard, it was just risky. While hunting a monster, a second one could stumble upon the fight and join it. A projectile coming from the monster could hit you. My job as a porter was to be the supplier, be it grenades, guns, or anything. My job was to carry it all so they wouldn't get in the way of the Player while fighting. I also had a personal pistol which I was legally allowed to carry.

John: "Aight team, let's do this!" John looked at everyone and got our spirits high so we could be at a 100%.

Team: "Hell yeah!"

Walking towards the deeper parts of the territory where the Stone-Skinned Lizards hunted, we began to hear a chewing noise. A little more walking and we saw a giant grey colored lizard, it had smooth grey skin, the skin on its belly was whiter, it had big red slitted eyes. The lizard was 3-meters long and 1-meter high, with 20-cm long sharp teeth. There was no mistake, this was a Stone-Skinned Lizard. It was munching on a 2-meters long wolf with its back facing us.

John: "There it is, our prey. Once again I'll tell everyone the plan in more detail. Alex; you strike from the right side, I will come from your back to tackle it without hitting you. Diana; after I tackle it, hit it with all you got. If it's still not dead, I will take the front, Alex; you keep attacking its vitals, Diana; you attack its limb to limit its mobility, lastly Bryan; you know what to do."

Alex and John separated from the three of us and went towards the side of the lizard. I was gonna stick to Diana and Bryan as this was the backline. Both of them equipped their staffs which increased the efficiency of their mana use and the power of the said spell. Bryan casted a buff to Diana who glowed for a second then stopped glowing.

John and Alex were on a tree about 6 meters to the right of the lizard. John made a thumbs up towards us which Diana responded with another. Now, it was time to bring it down.

Alex jumped off the tree he was on and started to run towards the lizard at high speed while his swords and body started to glow a little. Before the lizard could respond it got a cut on its neck. The lizard roared as it wiggled around in agony from the slash, but it was far from over. John, who had been running behind Alex did a shield bash to the lizard knocking it down. With the lizard on the ground, Diana started to bombard it with exploding fireballs. They didn't do much but seemed to keep the beast from recovering. The beast was wounded severely, all we had to do was to bleed it out or deliver the finishing blow. Going with the second option John ran to the beast and bashed him with his now glowing shield again stunning it. With this done, Alex started to attack. Alex jumped 4-meters high, as he descended, he raised his sword as it gained a blue glow and it looked as if the glow took the shape of a bigger sword.

Alex: "Descending Sky Slash!" He yelled as his descent fastened.

The lizard looked above as if knowing this was its end. Alex swung his sword down and it pierced into the skull of the lizard, finishing the fight.

After making sure the lizard was dead, everyone regrouped and went back to the van then drove it to the corpse. Managing to fit three-fourths of the monster into the van, we started to drive back in silence. The first to break it was John.

John: "Now that was a workout wasn't it." He seemed cheerful with that shit-eating grin of his. Can't blame him really, we got really lucky. It was so common that a monster randomly stumbles upon Player teams. No one had gotten hurt and everything went according to the plan. I can't be considered a noob as I had been a porter for a few other teams, I had seen plans fail miserably because of unknown factors like the monster reacting in a different way than expected. Not to mention the Stone-Skinned Lizard was an upper D-Rank monster.

Adam: "Yes, we were really lucky. But let's not forget about your awesome plan which worked wonders." John's smile became bigger from my praise.

John: "Haha! You're embarrassing me. Everyone did their job fabulously. Let's team up again another time."

Alex: "I will look forward to it John. Let's do our be-"


Alex's sentence was cut short from the loud roar. A loud, aggressive, and mighty roar. Wondering what the hell caused this we looked out the window. I almost shit my pants at what I saw. A giant fucking ape. A fucking 15-meter monkey was hitting its chest with vigor as it stood in front of a black looking hole in space, the rift had spawned an Irregular.

John: "OHH HELL NOO!!"Turning to the opposite direction of the ape, John went full throttle. Unfortunately, the ape seemed to have noticed us as it chased us at a much higher speed.

Seeing this I thought to myself 'Well... this is how I die eh...?'.

It didn't even take 5 seconds for the ape to catch up to us. Grabbing the van off of the ground it held us up in the air with both hands, one holding the bottom, the other holding the top. The ape ripped the ceiling of the car and looked inside. Inside was Alex, John, Diana, Bryan, and me. Everyone was looking at the Irregular as if they had seen the Grim Reaper, well it wasn't far from it. The ape stared at us a little before reaching its hand inside and grabbing John. Holding John with just two fingers, it brought him up to its mouth. Opening its mouth it threw John inside. At his last moments, John hadn't even tried to fight back knowing it was futile. The ape slowly, one by one, took everyone and ate them. Watching all this happen in front of my eyes, my legs gave out and I fell. The Ape gave a look from the side, not seeing any food it shock the van a little which caused me to roll around a little. Ape who still didn't see any more prey, the ape threw the van away like garbage. (A/N: NOT THE VAN!) (E/N: NOOO, VAN-CHAN!!!)

Coming back to my senses I decided my next course of action. I -who was the porter- carried all supplies. There has to be something that can save me. Opening the bag I had carried I looked inside. Lo and behold, there was a Sticky Bomb! A Sticky Bomb is something that releases a ball of very sticky slime which was very effective at trapping monsters. This would be hard to get out of, but I had no choice. I jumped from the open top of the flying van which didn't turn much because of the way it was constructed to be upright even in the air. This had not been the first time for vans to be thrown away by monsters. I couldn't stay in the car as I would die from the momentum I carried. Looking down I tried to find an open area I could crash into. Spotting one I guided myself to it with the slight training I had gotten from the PA.

When I was close enough I threw the sticky bomb and it exploded into a very big slimeball. As I dived into it, the slime absorbed most of my shock. Trying to recover I heard a sound that sounded like someone had pressed a bell or something.

*Ding* (A/N: We all know where this is going) (E/N: Welp, well remember your sacrifice forever, Van-Chan... Oh well let's move on!)

A purple light appeared in front of me but I couldn't inspect it as the remaining momentum was still too much for a normal human to handle. The last thing I remember is passing out in the slimeball.

(A/N: I was very tempted to name the sword strike "God Slaying Heavenly Sky Hammer Slash" Also, I will make it so most abilities do not require its name to be said. Except for higher-level spells which will also need a chant.)

(E/N: Lmao, you chunni much?)

(A/N: Wuxia basics, the longer the name; the stronger the attack. It was also the first name that came to my mind.)

Phew~ almost thought I wasnt gonna be able to upload today. I guess better late than never. Gimme some constructive critisism would you.

Leo_Valdez996creators' thoughts
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