
Portals & worlds

It was a sunny day Kitso [a 14 year old with black skin blond hair green eyes and is 5,2 a male who goes by the pronouns they' them]was walking back from school when they saw a red light admitting from an ally. they went into the ally to investigate they saw it was coming underneath a piece of cardboard they moved it to see a orb of light they picked it up there was a flash of light and they found themself in the middle of a forest they heard the roar of a horn then a group of guards rushed up and grabbed them they began to say " hold on there must be a misunderstanding please let me go" as they dragged them to a dungeon and locked them in they looked around and they saw it was a damp room with a bed and a small 3 by 3 window with bars in it they sat on the bed brething quickly and heavily they calmed thare breathing and began to question where they wer. they eventuley went to sleep the next morning they woke up and saw a tray wit food next to the door it had on it a cup of orange juice 2 pancakes and a apple later they herd a deep voice saying "stay away form the door" it then opend a hand removed th tray and placed a new one with soup and a griled cheese the soup tasted like metel thay then went back to sleep later thare was a nocking on the door he woke up agen to see a smal steak and mashed potatos this proceded for two days then two gards came in and took him to a throen room ware a price sat he looked anxious a gard called out "the prisoner lord Shadow" [Shadow blue eyes pale skin dark hair blue eyes male he him 5'6 ] the gards preseded to put kitso into hancufs and leav so it was onley shadow and kitso shadow preceded to walk twords kitso akwerdley kitso asked "who are you? whare am i? whates hapining?" shadow then anserd im king shadow do you not know whare you are? and i must "feed" on you kitso responded i dont know whare i am i was walking then i saw a red light so i went to investegate and saw a orb so i grabed it and next thing i kno im hear and whate do you meen "feed" shadow replide you are in nightshade and mi kind is whate you wold call vampiers.

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i have a idea pls go to mi tic tok acount @gamecat067

elliot_joslincreators' thoughts
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