
Pokemon The Strongest Pokemon Winner in History

Follow this reincarnated boy on his adventure across the Pokemon World. WARNING Thew are tons mistakes that are not fixed. Original Writer is God of Water I don't own anything and this.

xyzsaber · Anime und Comics
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143 Chs

Chapter 112 : Zapdosvs Giovanni's Beedrill!

Chapter 112 Zapdos VS Giovanni's Beedrill!

"Wu You are you ready? I won't be merciful." Giovanni looked serious.

"Come on! I don't want Giovanni Leader to show mercy either." Wu You has a smile on his face.

Although there is a smile on his face, Wu You attaches great importance to it in his heart. Although Aerodactyl is strong, it does not have an advantage in attributes when facing Golem.

Of course, Aerodactyl has the advantage of flying, as well as the advantage of speed.

"Aerodactyl, use Rain Dance!"

A dark cloud floated in the sky, and then it began to rain lightly.

The rain drops on Aerodactyl's body, making Aerodactyl a little uncomfortable, but Golem is the most uncomfortable.

"Golem, use Rock Blast towards Aerodactyl in the sky!"

Golem let out a low growl, and several large rocks appeared in front of him, striking at the "Five Zero Three" Aerodactyl in the sky.

"Aerodactyl, use Agility to avoid it, then use Hyper Beam!"

The big rock released by Golem couldn't hit Aerodactyl at all, and this extremely fast speed made Giovanni a headache.

If Aerodactyl can't fly, Giovanni won't have that headache, but Aerodactyl can fly, and it can fly fast.

"Golem, use Defense Curl, then roll out."

Although Golem does not move fast, the speed at which it rolls up is unusual.

Golem relied on the Rollout to let Aerodactyl's attack Smack Down in the empty space, and the powerful Hyper Beam lifted the ground.

"The Aerodactyl's attack power is really strong, it seems that it can't be hit." Giovanni said secretly.

Although Golem's defense is good, it is a strong physical defense. Hyper Beam is a special attack, and Golem's special defense is not very good.

"As expected of Giovanni Leader, he can avoid Aerodactyl's Hyper Beam so much." Wu You said while looking at Giovanni.

If it is an ordinary person, facing such a quick attack by Aerodactyl, he will definitely not come up with countermeasures so quickly.

"Golem, use Sunny Day!"

Golem stopped the Rollout forcibly, and then used Sunny Day to disperse the dark clouds in the sky.

This is reality, not a game, so it is normal for Rollout that cannot be stopped in the game to stop, and Wu You was not surprised.

"Aerodactyl, continue to use Hyper Beam attacks."

Aerodactyl's strength, coupled with specialized exercises, can naturally be immune to the side effects of Hyper Beam.

At least as long as the Hyper Beam is not continuously released, there should be no problem.

"Golem, use Defense Curl and Rollout again!"

"Although I am not a Saint Seiya, but the same move will have no effect on me again." Wu You said with a chuckle.

"Aerodactyl, dive down, use Hyper Beam when you get close to Golem."


Golem was blown out, and several trees in the distance were broken.

"Aerodactyl, use Earthquake!"

Taking advantage of Golem being beaten up now, Wu You naturally has to take advantage of the victory and pursue it. If this kind of opportunity is not seized, the loss is deserved.

Aerodactyl stomped on the ground, the ground shook, and Golem took a lot of damage.

"Big character explosion attack!"

Aerodactyl once again released a large font-shaped flame, hitting Golem's body.

Golem was completely stunned, and Giovanni was gone, because Golem had been stunned by successive attacks.

In the end Golem fell under Aerodactyl's continuous attacks.

"Facing you, the fast-flying Aerodactyl, it seems that I can only play my trump card." Giovanni said.

If you want to quickly solve Wu You's Aerodactyl, it is his Beedrill.

"Go! Beedrill!"

Wu You was stunned, this should be Giovanni's hole card! He showed his trump card so quickly, I don't know if Giovanni will let Mewtwo appear.

At this time, Mewtwo has definitely been manufactured, but with the Kanto Elite, Lorelei, Giovanni may not be revealed.

"This is Beedrill who grew up with me, don't underestimate it."

"Of course, I wouldn't underestimate it, the junior level of the third-level god, I don't dare to underestimate it!" Wu You took Aerodactyl back.

With Aerodactyl's strength, it is estimated that even Beedrill's move cannot be blocked. Wu You does not want Aerodactyl to be abused.

"Come out, Zapdos!"

After seeing Zapdos, Giovanni was stunned for a moment. He should have conquered this in the Kanto Region, right? He subdued Zapdos without saying a word.

"Come on, I want to see the difference between my Beedrill and the orthodox beast." Giovanni's eyes became serious.

"I can train Beedrill into a beast. Giovanni is really amazing." Cynthia admired Giovanni a little bit.

One can imagine the difficulty of raising Beedrill to the level of mythical beasts, but Giovanni did it....

"Beedrill, use a double needle attack."

Giovanni is ready to preemptively. After all, he is facing the legendary Pokémon, Giovanni still has no idea.

Although he trusts his Beedrill very much, Beedrill has never fought these legendary beasts.

No, I can't say no, Beedrill has fought Mewtwo, but unfortunately he was killed by Mewtwo with a single move.

Beedrill disappeared instantly, leaving an afterimage on the spot, and instantly appeared behind Zapdos, and the two drills hit Zapdos.

The drill bit left a trail of shadows in the air, and I don't know how many attacks Beedrill swung at this moment.

"Zapdos, use Drill Peck!" Wu You's expression is relaxed, Zapdos hit Beedrill, even if this Beedrill is against the sky, victory is safe.

Even if he became a beast, he couldn't change the weakness of Beedrill's physical weakness.

The two sacred beasts collided, and a violent wind swelled in the sky. Wu You created an invisible shield in front of him to block the violent wind.


Beedrill smashed to the ground, his body still constricted with electricity, and his body couldn't help convulsing.

"Zapdos, use Zap Cannon to solve it!"

"Beedrill, get up quickly." Giovanni used his rejuvenation roar at Beedrill.

But it is a pity that Giovanni's rejuvenation roar is not as powerful as Ash, and Beedrill is simply powerless.

An ultra-strong electric current hit the ground, and a pit that was several tens of meters deep was punched on the ground. Beedrill lost his combat effectiveness and lay in the pit.


"The magical beast's moves are really powerful, but Beedrill is really weak, and the two moves are flattened." Sundae couldn't help but complain that Beedrill was weak.

Originally heard that this Beedrill is also a beast, Sundae was shocked, and wanted to see what the Beedrill of the beast-class performed! The result was solved by two tricks.

"That Beedrill is not weak, but Zapdos is too strong," Cynthia said.

Even at the speed of Beedrill just now, Cynthia can't guarantee that his Garchomp can win Giovanni's Beedrill.

"Sure enough, there is still a gap in my Beedrill!" Giovanni's face was bitter. Although he thought he would be defeated, he lost too fast.

"Come back, Beedrill!"

Giovanni ran over, took Beedrill back, and gave Beedrill's Poké Ball to Persian to take it with him for treatment. After all, Beedrill was seriously injured and Giovanni was also very distressed.