
Chapter 6 : A Unsteady Coalition

Eli walked out, with Teddiursa attempting to stand in front of Eli in the sense of pride to convey that it was more important.

However, when it saw several Spinarak approaching Eli, it immediately jumped behind him with a sense of fear.

Eli only sighed, seeing this, before muttering coldly.

"Play around my energy. It will kill them if it makes contact with them, but they have an easy time dodging it. If they dodge them, strike them in the direction they move. Your species is far more powerful than them, but don't get cocky. I have no antidote for their poison if you get caught."

Teddiursa patted its chest in pride after hearing that it was more substantial than these arachnids as Eli shot out red strings, which one of the Spinaraks immediately dodged. Teddiursa could jump a lot further than Eli with its strength, as it met the Spinarak in the air before swiping down with Stretch, causing the fragile Spinarak to explode.

"Behind you!" Eli hissed as Teddiursa turned around to see a Spinarak attempting to use poison bite, only for a red thread to pierce its silk sac and suck its body dry of nutrients.

Teddiursa sighed in relief, seeing the scene, as it immediately followed Eli's next red string and repeated what it had done previously.

In just a matter of minutes and the overwhelming strength of Teddiursa, the corpses and the body parts of the Spinaraks caused both of them to sigh in relief.

Using the red string and sucking all of Spinarak's body dry, Eli had an idea.

Instead of absorbing the nutrients into his body, what about making Teddiursa drink them instead? Would it strengthen him?

"Teddiursa, come here," Eli muttered as Teddiursa clicked his tongue in defiance of the order. Eli's brow lowered in response to this as he muttered coldly. "That is, you don't want to get stronger. Fine by me."

Hearing the word strength, the teddy-bear-looking pokemon waddled to Eli as the latter stretched out a red string towards Teddiursa.

Teddiursa flinched after recalling what the red strings had done to the Spinarak and released a low growl.

"It won't kill you. If I were to kill you, it would already be done, fool." Eli hissed as Teddiursa nodded his head in agreement.

Touching the paw with the red string, Eli could feel the energy of the Red String, and even some of his vitality was sapped away in an instant.

Some of the scratches and wound's that Teddiursa suffered through the fight with the Spinarak and Zubat were healed as Eli's world started to spin around him.

Groaning, Eli put his fist to the ground to try to combat the sense of Vertigo, but in the end, his consciousness faded.

Waking up, Eli felt a vibration on his wrist as he eagerly looked down at it.

Looking around and still seeing Teddiursa, Eli's expression was filled with relief as it was sleeping beside him.

The Teddiursa had grown quite a bit, and its claws had more luster than before, showing that the red strings had a profound effect on Teddiursa.

"Welcome, Recruits. Today is the 3rd day of your 30-day stay on this wonderful island." The same man with the scar from before had a poisonous hint of sarcasm in his tone as he continued. "50 people have died, resulting in 200 people being left on the island. To tone up the difficulty of the challenge, two more care packages have been added to the island. Instead of two being in an erratic location, one corresponds to the corners of the island, north, east, south, and west. Then, of course, there will be the main care package in the middle, with the best pokemon and equipment to survive. We plan on making your lives harder in the future, so look forward to it." The man smirked as the 3d transmission was immediately cut.

Teddiursa woke up from the vibration as well, as Eli's eyes stared down at the care package that again was a few miles away.

However, since he wasn't aching and tired this time, he was confident he could make it there.

Sprinting down the hill to the care package, Eli noticed that he was on a coastal area that looked like a beach.

Since the rest of the sprint down to the lowering care package was downhill, Eli decided not to throw away his advantageous position and instead observed from afar what was happening.

Eli clicked his tongue in annoyance once he saw that corpses littered the sandy beach, with a group of 4 protecting the landing zone of the care package drop, one of them possessing an Ekans that slithered around what seemed to be their leader, a boy with spiky red hair and amber eyes.

It seemed that groups had started to form around the island, most notably in places where the Care-package drops were.

It didn't seem like they were up for negotiation, as the dead bodies littered the beech told no tales.

"Hm." Eli watched as Teddiursa eagerly pounded its two clawed hands together in the act of war, with a smug face that looked ready to fight.

"Stop it." Eli hissed, causing Teddiursa to look up at him in confusion. "Not only is that Ekans highly toxic, incomparable to those Spinarak, but it also seems stronger than you. Not to mention they have four humans. Do not underestimate them; we need to stay back and give this one up. We have food; we need to find a water source. And since you decided to bury your dead kin in the lake of the cave, that has become unusable. Do you know any water streams around here?"

Teddiursa looked confused at its rant of Eli, but he quickly nodded his head as it wandered off into the forest.

After a simple 5-minute walk, Eli came across an open, clean stream of water that was safe to drink.

Unfortunately, he did not have anything to store the water in, so he decided to set camp up here and sleep in the trees.

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