
Pokemon: Tales of the strongest

Well First story hope you enjoy

Kibo_andAi · Anime und Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 2: Meeting God, how exciting

I have been walking in some white hallway that seems to never end and it's freaking me out. So I walk for a few more hours(with periodic breaks) Then I end up in some room.

The room has a lot of antique like furniture like if you walked in your 83 year old grammas house, and I see a desk and a computer sitting in the far back the room where there is a man sipping coffee while sitting and typing.

While I'm sitting there looking at the room confused cause I'm pretty fucking sure I was just smacked Will Smith style by a truck, the man looks up and says " Ah, your Jason Hook I presume sit, sit".

As he says this I look at him contemplating my life choices cause I specifically remember my mom saying don't ever walk into a strangers home which I obviously already did, but what freaked me out the most was that he knew my name. " Aye bucko, are some kinda stalker or something" I ask him cautiously.

He stares at me for a second and then says " Well actually I kinda am, but nevermind that child just sit". And he snaps his fingers and I suddenly appear in a wooden chair. " WHAT THE HELL" I scream as he chuckles apparently amused and cut straight to the chase. " Jason, Jason focus we need to discuss your reincarnation plans" he says.

I freeze and stare at him all crazy then start bursting out laughing " Aye you hear him, Hahahahaha I never thought I hear someone say that while keeping a straight- HAHAHAHAHAWAAHHAAAHWAAHAAH- " JASON" he yells with such force the whole building shook.

"You must not play Jason you were hit by a truck and are now deceased now do you want to be sent to another world or not".

" Your serious" I say as he nodded " So I can go into any world I want". " With 5 wishes, yes". " And that can be anything". " Yep, pretty much". he says." Alright, then can I go to the Pokemon world". "Yes" he says. " Sweet, then can I get.... mmmm, I KNOW can I get a system that can do anything". I say

" What do you mean". " Well in one of these web novels I read the mc had a system that could hack, it knew everything about Pokemon, like best diets for better growth, how to train a Pokemon for it to be strong quick, stuff like that". "Mhhhhhhm, yes that's doable, and for your other 4". 

" Oh right, I want to get a rare pokemon as a starter, like in this one fanfic he has a black Machop as his starter, yeah but not a Machop, just a special Pokemon that looks cool, and for the other 3 I want to have a exp multiplayer that helps my Pokemon get triple the exp, a change in appearance, and for the last one.... I don't know, just make that a surprise" I say. He sits there grinning " Are you gonna choose what you want to look like". " I don't know probably not, just make sure that I can get bitches". He still grinning and says " Okay bye" And in the snap of a hand my journey begins.

( Okay, Ik the wishes were pretty lame but I didn't know what to do. Also the way everything is layed out ik it is bad but REMEMBER ITS MY FIRST STORY EVER. And he chapters might not be that long each time just so I can produce more, and other than that and ideas for what to put next. Vote for the Pokemon he gets) and Im just gonna choose if nobody voted.