4 The Real Beginning

"congratulations Samantha level up twice "

"Show me Samantha stats" Lawrence said quietly

"Status page

Race: ekans(Samantha)

gender: female

Bloodline ability: intimidate,shedding

Age: 1 year old

Level 5

   Strength: 21

Agility: 20

Intelligence: 13

Endurance: 20

Attacks:bind,bite,poison sting,poison fang"     

"She learned poison fang" he thought

"Use gatcha ticket"he said

"Using gatcha"

in front of him a screen pop up 

"Just press the start for confirmation and randomly gained a reward"

He press the start in the screen in front of him without hesitation


"Congratulations you gained mystery pokemon egg check your reward in your inventory"

"Hmm I'll check it later" he thought

"The final phase will start"


1. You need to survive in the forest for 1 month- reward 5000 SP

2. Samantha should reach level 10 in one month- reward 2000 SP, bonus reward per level gained= 1000 SP

3.learned no-attribute survival skill- 2000 SP 

4.learned no-attribute attack skill- 2000 SP"

"The system will take off the barrier that prevent other pokemon from coming close, the host should not worry the system will teleport the host if you were about to die, because this is only tutorial host and the system only want you to be ready out there"

"Thank you for that i guess" he gratefully told the system

"The 1st and 2nd objective is a must, and i already thought of a no-attribute survival and attacking skill to learned, i will learned harden and strength" he thought

"Hmm...i can already sense them coming over, Samantha get ready this is going to be a long month for us" he said as he saw lot of pokemon coming close mainly consist of caterpie, weedle, pidgey and ratata

~~~1 month later~~~

In the forest near pallet town our protagonist is wearing a fashionable purple leather hooded jacket outside his white t-shirt and black pants and belts that have a pokeball with snake marking and purple leather shoes. In his front is a lot of dead beedrill and only few remain and at his side is a purple snake pokemon with a length of 2 meters and almost a foot wide it was an ekans 

"Samantha looks like you reach the size of an average adult ekans according to the biology book of professor Oak, but you were much more thicker than them and you were only a year old whereas the average adult ekans is 3 years old, looks like this isn't the limit of your growth either as everytime you shed your skin you grow bigger" Lawrence said to his partner

"Well if you didn't shed your skin i also won't have a material to make this jacket so your shedding is really helpful" he said relaxedly even though there was still opponents in his front

"But even though it was really helpful you only shed your skin if your injury is really severe, i can't even let you use potion because it will prevent you from successfully shedding your skin, well i guess thanks to that your skin becomes super hard" he thought

"Samantha finish them use poison gas" he ordered Samantha

*Ekaaaans* Samantha inhale deeply and exhale a deep purple fog that quickly hit the beedrills, as the beedrills was hit their skin become purple and they fell and died

"Congratulations Samantha level up"

"Phase cleared

Objectives complete

Objective 1- reward 5000 SP

Objective 2- reward 2000 SP+bonus 8000 SP

Objective 3- reward 2000 SP

Objective 4- reward 2000 SP

Total reward: 19 000 SP"

"System collect the bodies in the inventory" he said as the bodies vanish

"Good! Now show me Samantha stats" he said

"Status page

Race: ekans(Samantha)

gender: female

Bloodline ability: intimidate,shedding

Age: 1 year old

Level 18

Strength: 54

Agility: 58

Intelligence: 17

Endurance: 70

Attacks:bind,bite,poison sting,poison fang, poison fog, poison tail, acid, rest" 

"Didn't think that when you reach level 10 your strength will soar, looks like every 10 levels your strength will soar this states the level system is a huge advantage" he remembers his surprised when he saw how Samantha strength jumps when she reach level 10

"Now then show me my stats" he said

"Status page

Name: Lawrence Cross

Gender: male


Strength: 30

Agility: 30

Intelligence: 29

Endurance: 28

Skills: harden, strength

Pokemon: Ekans(Samantha)

SP: 21 600 SP"

"Now I have enough points to customize your pokeball" he said

"System customize the environment of the pokeball"he said

"Host pick a environment that you want

1. Poison swamp- swamp that have many poisonous plants that grows that the waters absorb it was beneficial for poisonous pokemon 15 000 SP

2. Poison forest- forest where almost all plants and trees are poisonous it was beneficial for poison and grass type 15 000 SP

3. Poisonous pokemon graveyard- graveyard of many kinds of poisonous pokemon it was rich of ghost energy and poison energy that was beneficial for pokemon with that types, have a small chance to mutate some pokemon 20 000 SP

4. Radiated wasteland- a highly deadly environment that has a high chance to kill the pokemon inside the pokeball but if survived there's a high chance to mutate the pokemon 20 000 SP"

"I choose the 3rd option" Lawrence didn't even hesitate to choose


Customizing 1%..15%..37%..68%..89%..100%

Customizing complete"

"Come on Samantha come back inside your pokeball we will going out of this forest" he said

*ekaanss* Samantha nodded and went inside her pokeball


Inside the pokeball

Samantha was surprised in the changed of her environment but she still tried to adopt in the foreign ghostly energy in the air and tried to shed her skin again


Back to our protagonist he was jumping from trees to trees in the direction where the system told him is the direction pallet town, he encounters many pokemon but they were became scared when they saw him, because in the month he was staying in the forest he hunted many pokemon to level up Samantha, he and Samantha was able to gain fame in the pokemon in the outer part of the forest, so it was smooth sailing even when he got out of the forest

"So that was the pallet town" he thought as he saw tall stone wall

"This was the real beginning of my journey" he thought as he walk in the direction of the pallet town

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