

I am Kalem, I had a common dream, a dream to become a Pokemon master, a dream to travel and adventure out through different regions. But that dream was crushed and destroyed... After hearing the news about the death of my parents, I started to lose interest on becoming a Pokemon Master. I was adopted by an orphanage, there I met two persons who would soon become my best friend. Them, together with the headmaster helped restored my dream to become a Pokemon Master, and that was when I knew that my Parents were alive. So me, together with my two friends travelled across the land finding clues and mysteries about my parents. As I travelled to seek for my parents, me and my friends saw something we would never forget... A prophecy, a prophecy that was about to be full filled, that prophecy had something to do with my parents.

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EPISODE 94: The Hunt For The Fairy Flower!

On the rocky peaks of route twenty-five lies a blossom with glamorous petals. Rumors say, this flower has a sweet fragrance with a different array of colors. Now this little blossom, attracts a small elegant Pokemon. It has beady eyes, a pink blush mark on each cheek, long, notched ears, and a small, pointed nose. On top of its head are several spheres of pollen that form a crown. It has stubby arms and a tail, but no visible legs.

This is Flabebe, a Pokemon who sleeps at the stigma of the Fairy Flower. The flower has three stamens and rounded petals that can be red, yellow, orange, blue, or white. It also has a short green stem with three small leaves. Its crown is made from the flower's pollen, which has healing properties. Flabébé can control and draw power out of the flower, but is unsafe without it. However, it will continue searching until it finds a flower that it likes. According to researchers, Flabebe is rare, and can only be found in route twenty-five of this region.

We now arrive at route twenty-five, Camellia was eager to find a Flabebe for her research papers.

"This is the perfect opportunity for me to capture a picture of the fairy flower along-side Flabebe!" Camellia beamed with determination as she holds her camera up to the sky.

"Then what are we waiting for? The hunt for the fairy flower begins now!" I beamed with determination and excitement.

"Where in this route will we find a fairy flower? Can't you just go to the Kalos region to see one?" Camellia queried and suggested.

"No thanks Zhery, why go to another region of the Pokemon can be found here! I don't want to just picture the Pokemon, but I also want to capture it!" Camellia uttered with sparkles on her eyes as she beamed with excitement.

"You're going to capture to the Pokemon!?" Glade uttered with shock.

"Yes! I want Flabebe to be in my Pokemon team! She can help me with my research papers!" Camellia retorted with a big and hasty smile.

Across the jagged terrain, lies numerous dangers, especially Pokemons which can use earthquake or magnitude. Camellia searched every rock and boulder for Flabebe and the fairy flower, but the Pokemon never appeared. Camellia wants to become a Pokemon professor, so she won't be giving up yet! One skill of a Pokemon Professor is to manage different devices and equipments! The use of technology is important to Camellia.

"I present to you, the PokeFinder!" Camellia got an orange device with a black screen from her bag, it only had one button and purpose, and that is to find rare Pokemons.

"So, how does that device work?" Glade queried while looking at Camellia turning on the PokeFinder.

"Simple and easy, all you have to do is to press this red button then it would detect nearby Pokemons up to 10km! Once it scans the area, three-dot categories appear. If there are green dots, it means the Pokemon in that area is common, orange dots are the uncommon Pokemons while the red dots are the rarest of the rare! Flabebe is one of them!" Camellia explained.

"Cool! I can't wait to see what kind of Pokemons live in this route!" I beamed with determination. Camellia turned the device on, and the device scanned the whole route. It took the device three minutes to scan the whole area, and finally the results came out.

"Hmm, the area we are in is filled with green dots, meaning the Pokemons here are very common, such as Geodude and Sandshrew!" Camellia reported.

"Are there any orange or red dots in this route?" Zhery questioned.

"There are orange dots, but they're two kilometers away from here. Ah! There's also one red dot, three kilometers to the east!" Camellia beamed with determination.

"Great! Then let's keep on moving, we won't be able to see the fairy flower if we stay here!" I beamed with excitement and wore my backpack. Rocky terrains were hurdles for us, they are hard to climb and hard to pass! The sun was at its peak while we were trying to climb an abrupt mountain. Sweat fell off our face as we clung on each rock.

"Kalem, be careful! I might fall!" Riolu shivered in fear while clinging to my shoulder.

"Don't worry Riolu, I won't let you fall! Just hang in there, we're almost at the top!" I comforted and uttered with encouragement. Riolu closed his eyes, he was afraid of heights! He was always like that since the day he hatched from an egg.

Camellia was the first one who made it on top, well what can you expect? She's an expert in hiking! She extended her hand to lift Glade to the top, then next was Zhery, then me. As I tried to reach for Camellia's hand, the rock my feet was stepping on suddenly slumped down to the ground.

"Ahh!" My body slipped through but I was able to cling on a small shard of rock. The rope attached to my waist was about to deteriorate as a group of Raticates munched the rope.

"Kalem! Give me your hand!" Camellia uttered with worry as she extended her hand even further. Glade and Zhery clung unto Camellia as she tried to pull my body up.

"Hurry Camellia, I can't hold anymore!" Zhery uttered with uncomfort while trying to pull Camellia who was pulling me.

"I can't reach you!" I uttered with discomfort as the shard that I was clinging to began to break loose

"Come on Kalem, just extend your hand, it's so close!" Camellia uttered as sweat fell off her face while trying to grab my hand. The Raticates gobbled the rope with their hyper fang, the rock I was clinging to was about to collapse, while Riolu's body continued to shiver.

"Riolu! Stop shivering, you're tickling me!" I uttered with discomfort.

"I can't! I'm scared of heights!" Riolu shouted with fear.

"Kalem! Extend your hands, hurry!" Camellia shouted while trying to extend her hands.

"The rope!" I shouted as the rope deteriorated and the Raticates ate the rope they slashed. The rope was still attached to my waist, but if I fall... I can't cling to the rope only to another rock.

"Hurry Kalem!" Camellia uttered.

"I can't reach it!" I uttered while trying to push my limits.

"Oh Arceus! Mercy me!" Riolu uttered dramatically.

"Stop talking gobbledygook Riolu! We're gonna make it!" I shouted while extending my hands.

"Almost there Kalem!" Camellia uttered as our hands almost touched each other, but the rock I was clinging to, fell to the ground alongside with me and Riolu.

"Kalem!" Camellia shouted as I fell stumbled down the mountain. Riolu began to cry just like an immature Pokemon, while I tried to stay calm while looking for a rock to cling on.

"Zhery, Glade! Kalem fell off the mountain!" Camellia uttered with worry.

"What!? We have to go down the mountain and find Kalem quick!" Glade uttered and became worried. Camellia quickly rushed towards her bag to find another rope to descend back to the feet of the mountains.

While falling, I was holding Riolu's hand tightly, while looking for a rock to cling on.

"Hang in there Riolu!" I uttered calmly.

"What do you mean hang in there!? We're about to die! Die!" Riolu uttered with fear.

I saw a small cliff that leads to a deep cave, but I had no choice but to cling on the cliff.

"Ah!"I shouted with happiness while gasping for air as I clung to the cliff.

I pulled myself up with Riolu in my left hand, I had to use all my strength in order for me and Riolu to survive.

"We've made it Riolu!" I beamed and laid down in the rocky surface of the cliff which leads to a deep cave. I gasped for air as my heart pounded harder than usual. I was hugging my shivering Riolu while trying to comfort him.

"It's ok Riolu, we made it. We're safe now!" I beamed with pleasure and relief.

"Kalem! Don't ever climb mountains again!" Riolu begged as he opened his eyes slowly.

Above the mountain was Glade, Zhery, and Camellia, trying to descend back to the ground. I called them in the Xtransciever so they could realize, I was not in the ground but was in a cliff which leads to a deep cave.


Kalem: Camellia!

Camellia: Kalem! Where are you? Are you safe?

Kalem: Yeah, yeah, me and Riolu are in a nearby cave. I'll send my coordinates so you would know my location.

Camellia: Right!


Kalem: Alright did you receive it?

Camellia: Wait, let me check.

Kalem: You know how to read maps?

Camellia: A little, oh! I received the coordinates.

Kalem: Really? What does it say?

Camellia: It says, 122 degrees north, 56 degrees west. Where in the world is that?

Kalem: If you use a regional map, those coordinates will point at this route, if you use a route map, then those coordinates will lead you to me.

Camellia: Ok, the truth is, I don't know how to read a map except for the regions and cities listed there.

Kalem: All you have to do is to find 122 degrees north and 56 degrees we-bzzbzbzbzz

Camellia: What!? Kalem! I'm losing you!

Kalem: The coo-bzzbzbzb go-bzzzz

Camellia: I can't understand you.

Kalem: bbzbzbzbzz SIGNAL LOST

<Xtransciever ended>

"The signal here is weak!" I outraged while leaning on a piece of rock near the cave.

"Come on Riolu, let's go inside the cave!" I stood up slowly.

"You want to go to that spooky cave! Why don't we wait for Camellia here!?" Riolu suggested.

"Let's just leave a mark so they can find us. I want to do some exploring! I'm curious about this cave." I beamed with excitement.

"Curiosity killed Meowth! Don't do this Kalem! Please!" Riolu begged and pulled my leg.

"Come on buddy! Don't be scared! It's time to explore this cave! Maybe we can even catch Flabebe for Camellia!" I grabbed Riolu's scared body and hugged him tight.

"I deserve four bowls of Pokefood afterward!" Riolu demanded.

"Ok, I'll give you four bowls later, but for now? Let's do some exploring!" I beamed with excitement and exuberance while walking inwards.

"Glade, where in the world is 122 degrees north and fifty-six degrees west!?" Camellia uttered with worry.

"I don't know how to read coordinates... Sorry!" Glade uttered with embarrassment.

"Coordinates? I know I've heard that before, but I forgot how to use them." Zhery tried to recall.

"We have to find Kalem! You know how excited he gets when he sees something interesting." Zhery warned.

Inside the deep and dark cave lies nothing but Geodudes and more Geodudes and Geodudes with bigger hands, and a whole lot more of the same species. Actually, the Geodudes with bigger arms is called Graveler. They seem friendly by the way, except for the uncommon Pokemon we met.

"Hey Riolu, these boulders look strange, right?" I queried while looking at the boulders with the same size, shape, and color.

"I don't think that's a boulder Kalem..." Riolu shivered slightly as he saw to large eyes open.

"Yup! It's a Pokemon, time to run!" I beamed and rushed quickly. The uncommon Pokemon began to squirm and chase us.

<Onix! On!>The Pokemon raged with anger as it tried to chase us.

"There's a rock snake trying to chase us Kalem!" Riolu closed his eye and tried to cling to my shoulder.

"I'm very aware of that Riolu! Just run!" I instructed.

<ONNNNIIIXXX!!>The Pokemon used rock tomb! I tried to dodge the falling rocks, until Onix screeched at us.

"My ears!" I covered my ears with my hands while trying to dodge the rock tomb attack! The screech distracted me and I was hit by one of the rocks. I and Riolu were able to run inside a small hole wherein Onix couldn't fit. Onix gave up and ran away.

"Ouch!" I uttered with pain as I leaned against the rock.

"Kalem! There's a shard stuck on your leg, should I remove it?" Riolu queried.

"No! Don't even touch it!" I instructed while squeezing my leg even tighter.

"Don't squeeze your leg Kalem! You'll run out of blood!" Riolu teased.

"Run out of blood!? You should've told me earlier before I even started to squeeze my leg!" I uttered frustration.

"I was just joking Kalem! You won't run out of blood! If you listened to Camellia, you wouldn't panic!" Riolu sighed.

"Yeah, yeah! I know everything about blood!"

"No, you don't!"

"Well yeah!? Ask me anything you want about blood!"

"Not now, for now, it's time to remove that shard."

"Don't remove it Riolu, it looks deep to me," I uttered with pain and squeezed my leg as blood flowed out of my leg. The shard pierced my leg, I couldn't bear the pain anymore!

"Kalem what do you want me to do? Let you die here!?"

"Shards don't kill anyone Riolu!"

"Not unless it's deep, if we don't remove the shard right away, your blood won't flow since the shard pierced through your veins!"

"What's a vein?"

"Ahh! Listen to Camellia for once in your life!" Riolu sighed. I continued to squeeze my leg while trying to bear my pain. The wound and the surrounding skin started to turn violet.

"Kalem, if I were you, you would let me remove that shard! Don't be a coward!" Riolu teased.

"Why is it turning purple Riolu? Half my leg is turning purple!"

"It's because you're lacking blood and oxygen! That's it, I'm going to remove the shard and you can't stop me!" Riolu uttered as he was about to touch the shard.

"Please Riolu don't touch it! If I die, don't you cry-"

"Stop acting like a dying soldier or something! I'm going to remove it." Riolu interrupted and touched my wound.

"Ouch! Why did you touch my wound!? Touch the shard!"

"Oops, sorry!" Riolu teased.

"Don't do that anymore! I'll wait for Camellia to arrive!" I begged.

"Did you put a mark?"

"I... I kinda forgot too. heh heh!"

"Hmph! I'm going to remove the shard!" Riolu uttered and touched the shard stuck in my leg.

"Ahh! It hurts! Don't do this Riolu!"

"When you saved Camellia, did she scream?"

"That's different! Camellia's shard was shallow!" I uttered.

"Ok then, I'm going to pull the shard cause your my trainer and I love my trainer."

"That's sweet of you, but no! Just find a Pokemon which has healing powers." I suggested.

"You want me to find an Audino in a cave? A random Audino, in the cave!?" Riolu uttered sarcastically.

"Yup! Or find any Pokemon which can heal any wound, I only have a few hours to survive, and you must hurry! Riolu, your mission, should you choose to accept?"

"Of course I do! I have no choice anyway. Stay here, stay alive, I'll find a Geodude with healing powers!" Riolu teased.

"I'll be waiting for you!" I uttered as Riolu left the small hole. Tears fell down my eyes as I started to panic about my leg. I couldn't bear the pain anymore, when all of a sudden... my Xtransciever rang.

"Huh!? There's signal here?" I wondered and looked at my Xtransciever. My leg was starting to become purple, and if you thought I was literally dying? No, I ain't dying. My leg is the one who's dying, Riolu loves to over exaggerate things!


Camellia: Kalem, we found the cave, where are you?

Kalem: In the cave,

Zhery: We know you're in the cave! Where in the cave are you?

Kalem: I don't know, just look for me somewhere in a small hole wherein an Onix can't fit

Glade: Onix!? And why is your hand filled with blood?

Kalem: I had no choice but slaughter Riolu, I was starving.

Glade: You killed Riolu!? What kind of trainer are you!?

Kalem: Relax, I didn't kill Riolu, I was joking.

Zhery: That joke isn't nice! Killing Pokemon for food?

Kalem: It was a joke!

Camellia: Then why does your hand have blood? What happened Kalem?

Kalem: There... an Onix nearly killed my leg, actually, my leg is dying so I asked Riolu to find a Pokemon with healing powers. (Shows leg)

Camellia: What!? Where are you now? We have to treat that shard quickly! *Panics*

Kalem: I don't know where I am, just please find me. My leg is starting to feel numb.

Camellia: Hang in there Kalem! We'll find you!"

<Xtransciever ended>

"Riolu, please hurry!" I begged while bearing the pain in my leg.

"Where am I supposed to find a healer Pokemon in this cave!?" Riolu complained while walking around until he saw an ultra ball.

"Huh? Free stuff, is the best stuff!" Riolu smiled and grabbed the Ultra ball and continued his walk.

What Riolu doesn't know, is that there was somebody trying to follow him.

"Excuse me!" The pokemon behind Riolu smiled and uttered with joy as Riolu got surprised.

"Ah! Don't hurt me!" Riolu accidentally threw the Pokeball towards the Pokemon. The ball shook once, twice, thrice, and poof! A Pokemon was accidentally caught!

"Oh no! I'm doomed if the Pokemon I accidentally caught with an ultra ball is a Rattata or Geodude!" Riolu quickly panicked and took the Ultra Ball. He forgot his mission and ran back towards me.

"Riolu! Did you find any Pokemon?" I queried.

"No! I accidently caught a Pokemon! Now I literally a Pokemon Trainer!" Riolu exaggerated.

"A new Pokemon!? Can it heal me?" I queried.

"I don't know! I randomly caught it out of nowhere! It wasn't my fault, the Pokemon surprised me!" Riolu exaggerated and gave me the Ultraball.

"It's not sending to professor Bellice's lab since it was you who caught it and not me!"

"So you're saying, I own that Pokemon!?" Riolu panicked.

"Well, basically, you do! So.. if the Pokemon you randomly caught doesn't have any healing powers, I'm going to use you as a bandage!" I teased.

"Sorry! Sorry Kalem, I asked all the Geodudes, they don't have in healing powers!" Riolu panicked.

"Come on out! Pokemon!" I tossed the Pokeball, I was also wondering what kind of Pokemon Riolu caught out of nowhere.

The Pokemon came out and glared at Riolu.

"You son of a Mankey! Why did you catch me!?" The Pokemon angered.

"Who are you!?" Riolu queried.

"Wait! Isn't that a Flabebe? But... It's color white!" I pointed.

"I randomly caught a rare Pokemon!? I'm very lucky!" Riolu leaped and jumped.

"Flabebe! Can you please help my trainer, his leg is getting numb." Riolu begged.

"Yeah! Yeah! Whatever you say, Master Riolu! I just wanted to say hello and you caught me!" Flabebe badgered and went to my leg.

"Camellia's gonna be triggered once she knows you caught a Pokemon she was trying to look for!" I teased while Flabebe scattered pollen grains at my wound. Slowly, the shard fell out quickly and Flabebe healed my wound Completely. That's when Camellia and my friends suddenly arrived.

"Kalem! We found you! Are you alright!?" Camellia quickly knelt and checked my wound.

"Flabebe healed my wound already!" I smiled and explained.

"Really!? A rare Pokemon did! Great, now I can catch it!" Camellia beamed with determination and faced the grumpy Flabebe.

"And look! The flower's white! It's one of the rarest fairy flower!" Zhery added.

"Um Camellia, I have to apologize..." I uttered with worry.

"Apologize? Apologize for what?"

"Riolu owns Flabebe. Riolu accidentally caught Flabebe with a random ultra ball at the floor." I explained. I knew Camellia's feelings were hurt, but it was an accident. Riolu didn't mean it.

"Um... It's ok, jus-"

"No Camellia, don't be sad! Riolu's planning to give the Pokemon to you in exchange for five bowls of Pokefood!"

"Really? Then I accept! Alright Riolu, I'll give you your five bowls later but you give Flabebe to me!" Camellia and Riolu shook hands as Riolu gave Camellia Flabebe's ultra ball.

"Thanks so much Riolu! You're the best!" Camellia burst with excitement and hugged Riolu.

Flabebe was willing to go with Camellia, but she hated Riolu! Every time Flabebe would see Riolu? She would shout at him, or even spray poison pollens at him.

"I just traded a Flabebe!" Camellia jumped with joy.

And that's how Camellia and Flabebe became friends, it was all because of a random ultra ball accident. Another good news is that Flabebe's fairy flower is color white! It's the rarest fairy flower in the world! Though Flabebe may be extremely angry at Riolu, but at least she and Camellia became friends quickly!

Route twenty-six here we come! Two more routes? And it's cavern time!