
Pokemon: Rifts Descend

Greetings and Salutations My Dear Readers! I will be your host for this great and grand new adventure! My Name! If care to remember it, Is Professor DaoistWriterSan! I give my thanks for joining my dictatorship.. I mean narratorship of this novel and the following mental intercourse of its reading! ( tissues provided to the side. ) And so lets get into it! Death is never the most fun thing in this life to experience. But for Eric Stone it was just the beginning. This story follows the life of Eric Stone as he sufferers a tragic fate only to be reborn once more on the day the gods took his father away from him. But wait. Why is the technology so behind? And what is this count down timer in the corner of my vision? 14 years 3 mouths 12 day 11 hours 10 minutes and 9 seconds. [This world is set in a alternate universe but still on earth however the planet is 3 times larger and the technology is behind at around the year 2000 even though it's 2021] Disclaimer: I do not own pokemon or any of its franchises yada yada yada you know the drill people this fanfic is for fun and thats it.

DaoistWriterSan · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: Reincarnation and the Timer.

A/N: Hello and welcome to our second installment of captain Save-a-day!!! When your lunch makes a run for it! haha! ok so jokes aside even if they are really bad and no one gets them but me (which im totally cool with mind you) i just wanna announce that this chapter is a bit more on the happier side of things!... so yeah... enjoy it! by the way im sorry for the late upload its harder to write then i thought with the wife and kids screaming and carrying on just to spite me and give me writers block. Its bloody bonkers i tell ya!


" Ahhhh!!!!" Shouted Eric as he woke up panicked and covered in sweat, his body started to tremble as tears fell down his face ' I've lost everyone now.' Eric thought to himself as his arms folded around his knees bring them to his chest as he began to sob and fall into his own world, trying to cut out the pain he was feeling.

The sound of quick moving foot steps could be heard rushing towards the place he currently was.

The door to Erics room was hurriedly opened as Amelia rushed in. When she saw her son curled up in a ball crying, Her heart clenched she was alittle confused at the same time as Eric had never had this kind of reaction but she quickly realized that he had a nightmare and went to comfort him " Its ok Eric it was just a bad dream sweetie, Its ok mommy's here, There there its ok its ok mommy's here." Amelia said as she held Eric gently in her arms and rocked him back and forth, blowing kisses all over his face and telling him it was ok.

Eric who was startled by the sudden embrace heard his mothers voice and stiffened slightly but quickly relaxed, Then he realized 'Nightmare?' He questioned himself, 'No it couldn't be a nightmare.' All the images and memories of his life past through his mind and another thought came to him ' Weren't we in a car accident? how can mother still be alive when the truck hit the driver's side of the car? Am i going crazy? I shouldn't even be able to move after that right?⁰ little lone ball myself up? And how is mother able to pick me up like i weigh nothing to her? Just what is going on!'

Seeing Eric had calmed down alittle now, not knowing his was court up in the realization that something strange and unusual had happened to him. Amelia checked her watch for the time which was already ten past six in the morning, She then spoke to her son " Well then sweetie its already past six AM so we might as well get a move on, its your big days after all, And you only turn two years old once in a lifetime, We have lots to prepare for today!" she smiled and picked Eric up to change his nappy and bath him.

Eric fussed non stop, He wanted to tell his mother that he didn't need her to bath him, He was still trying to come to grips with the fact the he was two years old again. He had to think about what words he could use and his control of his body was negligible to say the least, Eric managed to feed himself breakfast which was scrambled eggs and toast cut up into little squares. after eating. Eric tried to formulate a sentence to ask his mother " Mommy! where's daddy?"

Amelia hearing her sons question looked him with a doting expression answered " Don't worry baby daddy's just gone to work for afew hours to help with a project. He will be home in time for your birthday party i promise." however she didn't expect Erics response to be silence with a hint of nervousness.

He tried to explain to his mother about his past life in the form of a nightmare and made his mother call his father in front of him. he told his father in big serious words to be careful and drive extra safe on the way home, And to watch out for trucks and stay away from them, only hanging up after his father promised him he would drive safely, even after telling him he would come back via a different route to assure his son worries was Eric relieved a little.

The rest of the day proceeded much like it had during his past life with some friends of his daycare and their parents coming over at lunch time, Birthday gifts were opened and the cake was destroyed by the children.

*Honk honk* came the sound of a car horn. Eric who had now gotten more accustomed to his stubby little legs race towards door as his mother watched on with a blissful smile. The story of her sons nightmare had frightened her alittle as she couldn't imagine how such vivid things could be produced by a dream.

Eric stopped in front of the door and waited for his father, he was excited to to meet the man he had only ever seen i photographs, Thinking about all the things he had wanted to do, had wanted say, he had wanted to experience the life of a loving family and now he knew things would be different for himself then last time. No more would he have to suffer from the beatings and the neglect, No more would he have to witness the abuse of his mother and watch her suffering in silence! his father was here! and he was here to stay.

Aadens Pov

Aaden left work half an hour later then he had originally planned, He was in deep thought after the suprise phone call from his wife and son that he had gotten in the morning which set him back around half an hour, his sons nightmare had sounded so real and an unknown anger flaired within him, And his mind wasn't in his work for the rest of the day. When Aaden got to his car he set a different route home just like he had promised Eric he would, even If he was to be a little late it was better than worrying his wife and son about him.

As Aaden was driving home he turned on the radio to listen to the afternoon news " The tragedy has caused massive congestion along Leach highway, From what we've gathered from our team on the ground the truck driver seems to have had heart attack and lost control of the vehicle, The first responders were not able to revive him , The other victims of the accident have been rushed to the Royal Perth Hospital, No information has been given on their status as of this moment but we will be bringing you updates as soon as their situation has been made clear."

After listening to the report Aaden was shocked. If he didn't receive the call from his wife and son this morning he could have been involved in that incident! It was his normal routine to drive down Leach highway and onto Roe highway everyday as it was the fastest way home from work for him. and thats the way he would've driven, If not for that call. silently thanking god, jesus and every other deity he could think of as pulled up in the driveway of his house. Beeping the horn twice before turning off the engine. Aaden got out of the car and grabbed a package from the back seat, Closing the door to his car he made his way to the front door and opened it up to see his son staring up at him with big sparkly eyes " Daddy! " he cried ranning into Aadens legs and embracing them in a hug "'hey there buddy did you miss daddy?" Aaden laughed while kneeling " Here you go little man happy birthday." He grinned handing Eric the gift box.


'Ah wow he looks just like the photos of him ive seen.' I thought not being able to stop myself after finally seen my father i ran to hug him "Hey there buddy did you miss daddy?" he said as he kneeled down to my level. I nodded hard and very quickly which rattled my brain alittle. " Here you go little man, Happy birthday!" he cheered while handing me a box with expensive warping paper and a gold ribbon on it. Excited as i was for first present I'd ever received from my father, i took my time to carefully unwrap it and opened box. Inside lay a syringe and in the vile was red liquid that looked like blood with blue and purple mixed through it like a spiral. I was stunned what the hell is this!.

As if reading my thoughts my Father said " Happy birthday Eric this is the best quality strengthening serum my company has developed! It took me a fair amount of begging and time for me to get this for you." he smiled proudly, To which mother gave him a pointed look her expression becoming impassive.

"Not to worry son, this is a special serum that will help to strengthen your body and fight off diseases just like a vaccine would do." father explained to me as he took out the big ass needle in front of me and took the cap off the tip. "be a brave boy now." *stab* "There we go good job Eric daddys proud of you." Eric just stood there stun while his mother started cracking her knuckles while walking towards his father... 'Yep his gonna get it.'


"Ouch!" Father cried in mock pain and quickly surrendered to his mother.

The rest of Erics birthday past normally with Aaden chasing him around in a T-Rex dinosaur suit that was one of his friends parents gifts, Eric didn't want to play such a childish game but when he found out how ticklish his two year self was he had no choice but to make an escape from his father turned T-Rex.

Erics family had battered fish and chips for dinner and he declared its deliciousness to his mother, she was happy that he liked her countrys number one iconic food and Eric knew it as his mother was born in England and met his father while they were traveling through France, Eric used to ask his mother lots of questions about how she met his father and their adventures after and how they came to live back in Australia where his father grew up.

When the meal was finished Amelia bathed Eric and put him to bed, "do you want me to read you a story sweetie?" she asked before turning off the lights

"Its ok mommy, im sleepy now." Eric answered his mother.

"Ok then sweetie goodnight mommy loves you." Said Amelia as she smiled sweetly at her son.

"mmm loves mommy too." He mumbled back to his mother, body was exhausted and his eyes felt heavy the only thing he could think about was sleeping. he hoped that this wasn't just another dream. As his eyes close and fell into dreamland a mechanical voice sounded in his mind.

....Beep.. System Initialization...

... Proceeding with the installation..


System installation successful..

Host Name: Eric Stone.

Age: 2

Psychic power: Awakening phase 43.8%

Aura power: Awakening phase 0.2%

Special Aura serum detected in hosts body..

..Activating Serum.... Serum has been integrated with host... Hosts Aura increased... Bringing up new hosts status...

Aura power: Awakening phase 99.9%

.... Awakening could not be completed...

...Environmental Aura insufficient...

....Established time till World Aura saturation...

14 years 3 months 12 days 11 hours 10 minutes and 9 seconds...

...System deemed to be obsolete until Aura saturation... Entering sleep mode...Timer status shown for reinitialization...

Meanwhile in the lounge room Erics parents were discussing.. Ok there was no real discussion going on here it was just Aaden getting grilled by Amelia who rightfully was pissed off.

"Look darling there's no way i would do something that would hurt our son, that serum has been through many tests and trials and its totally safe!" said Aaden trying to placate his wife. but she still look unconvinced.

Aaden sighed " You know how I've told you that our world has start to evolve at a terrifying pace for at least the past three probably four years now darling!" Aaden stares into his wifes eyes as she nods seriously " I want Eric to be prepared for anything, none of our scientist can figure out what this new element is, It is seeping into our world and it seems to be extremely beneficial for it. The only thing is that none of the animals have been affected as of yet, and we hope it will be a very long time until they are but as our clinical trials have shown it also has an amazing effect on us humans aswell and thats why we have been developing the serums for so long, It will help humans to survive one day darling, getting it early can only be beneficial for him.."


A/N: Well I think we will drop it off there guys 2097 words is more then i had planned as im trying to keep the chapters around the 1400 to 1500 mark but hey i was a day late so its whatever right? Big thanks for reading and ill try to get the next chapter out tomorrow.. no promises though haha, be sure to like, comment and subscribe if you like the story and of course hit the bell icon so webnovel can let you know when we drop a chapter on your a**, Peace to east and love to west in these crazy, crazy times..


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