
Pokemon : My Journey

Reincarnated in Pokemon. Living his life to the fullest and enjoying every moment in it. Making his way towards fulfilment. Going on a journey to see his childhood favorite characters. Pokemon is the best. Release schedule: Every Monday and Thursday. I Do not own pokemon The fan art is not mine.

Sumanth_693 · Anime und Comics
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My name is Brendan Birch. Son of the famous Professor Birch of Hoenn Region.I am currently ten years old. All ready to start my Pokemon journey.My mom Mary was right beside nagging me about what I should do.

"Alright honey sleep well. Tomorrow is your big day.You need all the energy you can get".Mom was going on with her nagging. But I felt quite happy and warm. She was the best mother one could ask for. Dad was always, well not always but most of the time holed up in his research lab or outside in the forests.

Honestly I was quite intrigued how she married such a person. And I asked her when I was five about it she said about how she was also a resarcher and how she met my pops.They both fell in love during the time they spent together doing research. My old man straightforwarldly proposed to her. To which she replied on the spot as they both grew quite close to each other.

Then I was born. She stopped her research and took care of me until I was five. l honestly felt blessed having her as my mom. After hearing what happened I asked her whether she would continue to do her research or not. To which she smiled warmly, likely seeing through my intentions and said that she preferred this type of life more than her research one. And she loved taking care of me and occasionally helping out dad.

Two years ago we welcomed a cute little baby girl into our family. We named her Celia. Celia is just too cute. As a responsible older brother I spoil her as much as I can.

Bredan was thinking about his life till now sleeping on his bed. From a baby to ten year old. You ask me how I know about my baby life well you can already guess it from the title right I am a reincarnated person. You ask me about my previous life well there's nothing much to it other than that I was a successful person and lead a happy life.

When I knew it I was already in this world.At first I was quite intrigued whether I was in the game world or in the anime world. After a lot of snooping around my old man's place I found out that I was in the anime world. I accidentally saw little Ash and Gary fighting in the background when my pops was talking about some research with Professor Oak. Now Ash can take care of all those evil gangs.I can just enjoy living freely without a need to worry about them.

When I first arrived here and was able to move I started checking out all the Pokemon I can on the internet. It was pretty much how it was in the anime. Nothing seemed to have changed. Mega evolution and Galar region weren't discovered yet. Fairy type was not discovered.

I could pretty much reach the top with my knowledge. But I didn't know what I should do about it. I was as lazy as people could get. Other occasional training to keep my self fit I didn't anything else other than playing with the Pokemon in Father's Laboratory.

As I was reincarnated as Brendan a protagonist for 3rd gen Pokemon games. I knew how I would look. And I didn't like it. So I did my best to take care of myself. Now my skin was healthy white and my hair was black likely my mother's influence. I could easily become a top model. But I reluctantly gave up on that to become a Pokemon Trainer.

I met May when I was Seven year old. I already saw uncle Norman coming to see my Old man at least twice a year. So, I knew I could meet her. When I met, boy was she adorable. She was so cute I couldn't help but pinch her cheeks. She was a five year old. Two years younger than me.After two years of constant relationship building she confessed to me that she loved me. I knew it was already coming so I directly said to her that I would likely have more women.

Although she was pissed off about it she didn't care much about it. We became a couple and it was quite fun being with her. As for touchy things we didn't go any further than kissing. I would always greet her by giving her kiss on those soft and alluring lips. The first time we did it we went for nearly an hour before our lips couldn't take it anymore. May liked kissing she would always ask for one when we were alone.

Our parents already knew about us being a couple. So, they gave us thier blessings. This world was quite lax when it came to relationships as most of the people would be exploring the world on thier journey. They would marry whenever they want Whether it was when you became a ten year old or a 50 year old man. Even if you had a few wives it wasn't an uncommon thing but there were many couples like that.

You would be considered as a grown up when you become a ten year old and start your own journey. When it came to the government it could be said that the Pokemon league was the government. There wasn't much to talk about it as most of the league's officials were elected or were previous winners and storng trainers of their respective Leagues.

I got my first Pokemon on my tenth birthday.It was a shiny Torchic. I had been pestering my dad about getting me a Torchic. So he did just that. I wanted to start my journey in Kanto. Because of how I knew the future and how easy that league looked in the anime. I told my father how I would start my journey there and asked if he could get professor oak to give me a Charmander. To which he didn't comment on and asked why. I told him about how I loved most of the fire starters and my promise with May.

I and May made a promise that we would start our Hoenn journey together. She was quite moved when I said that to her and spent even more time with me.I even told him that I would catch most of the Pokemon i see so that he could study them and that he could make a special request so that I would catch the Pokemon he wanted.

After hearing the last part he had sparkles in his eyes and immediately agreed to my request.Most of the trainers in this world didn't catch Pokemon that exceeded thier team limit by much. As they couldn't train more than six Pokemon at a time and needed thier family to take care of thier Pokemon,they would mostly stick to thier main team. As my pops had a huge laboratory and received funding from Pokemon league he can mostly take care of the Pokemon I send him and didn't need in my main team.

Now coming to Torchic, she was super cute. I received her two months ago.She looked quite happy. I saw through her training.She was quite strong and really liked being with me.I mainly focused on increasing our bond. Torchic had golden fur as she was a shiny. Shiny's were stronger than thier regular counterparts. But they were incredibly rare. I was really happy that dad got me her as I really liked her.

After a while of contemplation I decided to catch a Ralts. Ralts would be great addition to my team. After scouring through the woods for almost a day I caught one. Ralts was a female one as I wanted a Gardevoir. After putting them through some tough training they became quite strong and were only lacking real battle experience.

As I was thinking through things about the past few years, I fell asleep.


Mom woke me up and prepared me for my journey. I would be going on a Ship to Kanto which would depart in the afternoon. My parents,Celia, May, Max and thier parents all came to see me off on my journey.

" Brendan take care of yourself and don't forget to call me every time you can".Mom reminded me for the nth time.

"Take care and don't forget to catch a lot of Pokemon. We will be cheering for you".Dad and others encouraged me.

" See you later May" I said to her as she kissed me lightly on the lips and stood there blushing.

The ever oblivious little cutie Celia had tears coming down from her eyes after knowing that I would be leaving and only calmed down after a lot of effort from mom.

"Take care " Mom hugged me and said warmly.

"Don't worry Mom, I will take care of myself and bring you lots of daughter in laws, so don't worry".I replied to her. Which earned a chukle from the old ones, a pinch from May to my waist and the two little one's oblivious look as they didn't understand what I was saying.

"Bye everyone, see you later take care of yourselves".I said as the ship departed and waved my hand towards them.

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